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Everything posted by dbwarner5

  1. @Jimbo.Automates Here is the latest log after the latest restart. Kasa_12-28-2024_123554_PM.zip it seems to be looking at the wrong network. My network is 192.168.68.xx 024-12-28 12:35:08.289 Thread-9 (handler_start) udi_interface INFO Controller:discover: enter: 2024-12-28 12:35:18.291 Thread-10 (run_forever) udi_interface INFO Controller:_discover: Discover.discover( done: checking for previously known devices 2024-12-28 12:35:18.291 Thread-9 (handler_start) udi_interface INFO Controller:discover: No manual networks configured 2024-12-28 12:35:18.291 Thread-9 (handler_start) udi_interface INFO Controller:discover: exit 2024-12-28 12:35:18.291 Thread-9 (handler_start) udi_interface INFO Controller:add_manual_devices: No manual devices configured 2024-12-28 12:35:18.292 Thread-9 (handler_start) udi_interface INFO Controller:handler_start: exit Kasa Controller
  2. @Jimbo.Automates seems like the KASA plugin stopped recognizing the plugs under the parent. (EP40) The parent plug shows and I can turn it on and off, but it does nothing to the actual plugs. I first deleted the "children" and stopped / restarted the plugin.. It did not re-discover them as it did above. Tried several times. I then deleted the parent (by hitting the x in the plug in on PGX) and restarted. Now it wont find the parent either. I increased the time out to 30 seconds, still no change. The last line in each restart under the INFO log is: 2024-12-28 11:48:45.829 Thread-10 (handler_start) udi_interface ERROR Controller:handler_start: discover failed I then found the local IP address of the plug parent and added that manually in config. Restarted PI. It found the parent and the children and had the correct state for each. But I could not control the children. Then the plug in seemed to have gotten caught up in a loop and I had an error "high traffic" whenever I tried to do anything. Could not restart, quit or delete the PI. Had to reboot the EISY. Upon Eisy reboot, again it found one of the plug parents and children and reported the correct state, but no control and no reflection of changes that I make thru the kasa app etc. Restarted the plug in... it went back into a loop again. Was able to get it to stop so didnt need to reboot EISY this time. Deleted the manual IP. Restarted. Again it found one parent with correct states, but no control of parent or children. Deleted the PI. Reloaded it into the same slot. Now it isnt finding any of my KASA devices; only node is the controller. Any ideas? Thanks
  3. Is the Eisy on the latest version?
  4. There are many posts thru the years on this subject. As I interact with friends who want to "automate" their homes, I generally tend to think of a spectrum that encompasses the technologies, the controllers (or integrators), prices and the learning curves of each. For example: For many people, buying a KASA or MEROSS wifi light switch and using Alexa and/or the apps that come with the switch is about all they need for simple "home automation". It's cheap, easy to learn and reasonably trouble free. But it's simple. The other end of the spectrum would be professional installations like Lutron or Control4. Immense power, but very limited user controll w/o installer help, and expensive. In the middle, in terms of Controllers or what I like to call Integrators, you have lots of competition for this space: Alexa, Google Home, Apple HomeKit, Ring, MyQ.... all vying to provide whether with their own hardware across the user space, or acting as pure integrators --> Alexa, where lots of technology brands can talk to, and therefore with each other. Universal Devices has provided an awesome product that is on the higher end of complexity, but of which also provides the higher end of control and through its use of Plug-ins, allows for a growing capability of integration. With its native connections to Insteon / zwave / Zigbee and over 100 plugins of different technology platforms, its is an awesome product for the "advanced" home automator without breaking the bank like the professional installations. Similar to the comment above, I looked once at HA and quickly said NO>.. way too complicated to get to the use level that I have with Eisy. Combined with UDMobile, the Eisy, is an amazingly, relatively cheap product with incredible support that is really hard to beat for anyone who wants to do more than what Alexa type products can do. IMHO.....
  5. Are you using hte yolinnk plugin? Yolink devices wont show in EISY or the AC as they use their own proprietary long range signal. The plug in is the "interface". You also need a YoLink hub.. Maybe stating the obvious here, but just trying to clarify where to start with trouble shooting.
  6. There seemed to be something going on with the forum yesterday as I kept getting hte same error. Had to post my screenshots in the choose files vs copy paste to get by this error.
  7. After upgrading to 15.2 I was having problems getting connected locally to the AC. Did all the usual steps: cleared Java, updated Java, redownloaded launcher from UDI, redownloaded local Admin from Eisy. But it would not connect, even after following Mac OS's new Security process for opening downloaded java files --> After trying to open the file, Mac will ask you to move it to the trash or cancel. Instead, go to system settings, Privacy and security and scroll down. After attempting to open it, you will see the file named and the option to open it. Click here and you will again get a warning dialogue that you can click thru to open Finally went to Java control panel under system settings and under the Temporary Internet Files / View, a new box opens up. Here I double clicked on IoX Launcher and I received a new Mac dialogue box asking if I want to give permission for local access. Clicked Yes, and all is working again. FYI for anyone else struggling as this may help.
  8. My Eisy uses the serial out to an ethernet which then runs ~50 to the basement from the second floor to the PLM. Works fine.
  9. try typing this into a web browser... http://<LAN IP>:8080/admin.jnlp this should download a local copy of admin.jnlp which will link to the AC and will give you direct access to the sign in screen. Otherwise, try adding http://<LAN IP>:8080 to the UD Finder and see if it finds it locally.
  10. I was able to get my camera feeds to work after a lot of trials.. but not Ring cameras. This is the path I finally used for local monitoring of my IP cameras, changing the last number in the hundreds digit. (201, 301, 401 etc) rtsp://<Username>:<Password>@
  11. Going back to the original question, you can set up Favorites in UDM and then LOCK edits. The favorites page you set up can be labeled however you want, with icons, colors and commands, so that a simple press, toggles a switch, program etc. Extremely powerful once you figure it out. This is what I do for my wife. Works well.
  12. I use an iPad mounted on the wall with UDM. Might be able to use a Fire tablet as well, but havent tried it.... would be much cheaper than an iPad.
  13. Hmm. Strange. I would think that if they are in your heircachy then you should be able to use its status as a trigger.
  14. Programming can always get around this. ie: zwave switch initiates a program that turns the rest of the scene on / off.
  15. Compared to all the "other" services, the charge for the portal is CHEAP and well worth it to give further support to Universal devices. Compare it to Ring, or Netflix or YoutubeTV, or Disney etc.. The functionality that it affords, if you take advantage of it, is unparalleled.
  16. This is the current list of plug in. https://polyglot.universal-devices.com When you use these plug ins, the 3rd party devices show up in your My Lighting Tree. and in all your programming options. Its game changing...
  17. I thin k Guy hit the correct issue.. These days, its not the actual device but instead the ability to "INTEGRATE and CONTROL".. The simpler your needs are for the above, the less you need an EISY, and the more Alexa meets your needs. There are many "controllers" on the market. Two ends of the spectrum: EASY-Amazon Alexa: broad integration, cheap, a lot of options for devices, simple routines, high on the pain level to manage / program more than a dozen routines or devices. COMPLEX-Control four and other professionally installed systems: expensive, very reliable, requires an installer to modify In between, you start to find other options such as (in order of above), like: -Ring systems -MyQ systems -Insteon Hub -Smarthings -Eisy -Home assistant Eisy is at the high end of the Amateur (doesn't need a pro installer) end of the spectrum. With the new PGX which allows for a semi-native environment within the EIsy for >100 various "plugins" which link 3rd party manufactures like the ones you mentioned above, augmented by Alexa for an easy "control" center and access to other 3rd party products that do not have plug-ins, the EISY is a fantastic "controller" or "integrator". And it is easy enough to learn by any one who has the interest in true Home Automation vs just remote control via voice. So as Guy and Geddie put it above, you have to question your self on what your real needs are for Home Automation. good luck..
  18. @ScottAvery Scott....sometimes you need to "re-sync" UDM to get it to see new devices. -go to Settings in bottom right corner. -scroll down to Controllers and click on it. -Choose Eisy... you will then be prompted with the choice to Synchronize, Choose yes. -After it's complete, it will ask you if you want to delete old data.. say yes. It should show up after that. In regards to the parameters, in the Admin Console, go to the switch and see if there is an "arrow" to the left that you can click on to EXPAND the elements of the z-wave device. You would find the parameters there. If there is no arrow, then right click on the z-wave device and then zwave / synchronize / update with interview as shown below. That should bring in all the parameters.
  19. If you open up PGX adn the Plug in for the elk and go to the NODES tab... for each device, the system code you need will be on the right. There is "copy" icon. If you click on that icon, it will copy the correct format you need for the plugin's zones and status. You will need to update each line in your custom notification to display the correct "address" to the new nodes. The zones/devices you are using above are part of the old / discontinued module, vs the new Plug-in nodes.
  20. Its still a good idea to regularly to the backups that were suggested, so that if your unit someday dies, you have them all ready to go.
  21. @srjacob Be sure to to open up the ELK desktop program and get all your "connection" information copied, such as ip address, passwords, and settings in the Elk MEXP module. This will be needed to populate the config files in the Elk Plug in. By the way , the elk plug in works really well. Have not had any issues with it, but it does require rewriting most of your elk programs. Some of them you can do a find / replace in. Key as mentioned above is to right click on the top of your program hierarchy and click copy folder to clipboard and then past it into a text application. This way you can easily see what the original program was meant to be. If you use Resources, it's good to also export a copy of that as well.
  22. @teverk am not sure why you are looking for a 3 way switch. Any normal Insteon switch can be wired and configured to work as a 3 way. Insteon has dimmer and on/off switches available. https://www.insteon.com/wall-switches
  23. UPDATE: @Panda88 So this time, I Stopped the PI... did the update and got this: But then when I hit START... it reverted back to 1.2.5:
  24. Having hte same issue.. Everything appears to go thru the update process: asks for slot, asks to update. Plugin restarts, etc, but version stays on 1.2.5. thanks. attached is log set to info YoLink_11-18-2024_111432_AM.zip
  25. Found it. Was able to "install" right over top of the old one so did not have to recreate names or configuration. Working. thanks!
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