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Everything posted by jmed999
Yeah, they made an announcement a few hours ago. All is good now.
Yeah, I look at that forum but didn't see the answer to my question. Not much traffic there either. Thanks for the help! I'm still not sure why a variable to triggering a program would be a bad thing (ie. integer variable).
I just started using variables. I have created 4 integer variables and I think I need to make them state variables so that when they change it will trigger the programs they are part of. That leads me to the question of when is an integer variable more appropriate in a program? I can't think of an example of when I would ant a variable as part of a program but not want it to trigger the program. I think some simple examples would help. Anyone know of a few simple examples of when an integer variable would be better in a program? What about folder conditions? Any examples of when an integer variable would be better when used as folder conditions? Thanks for the help!
I don't see UD providing support for our personal weather stations since we (people with back yard stations) are a small percentage of their customer base and since we all use different types of weather stations. I bet they continue to use weatherbug even though it has issues. Frankly, I don't blame them as their time is limited and they have bigger fish to fry. For something so important you could have notifications sent to your phone. I get a notification every time my sprinklers run. And on days they don't run I get a notification telling me they didn't run. For something very important like in your case you could then run them manually from your phone if you get the notification that they didn't run.
One more question on this subject please... I'm trying to get a notification sent if the iHome.Away variable is toggled. This is what I have... If $i.Home.Sick is 1 Then Send Notification to 'My text' content 'iHome.Sick Toggle' Else Send Notification to 'My text' content 'iHome.Sick Toggle' This doesn't seem to be working though. Does it need to be a state variable to work in this program? Is that the problem? Thanks for all the help!
Thanks for the explanation.
My humidity readings have always been spot on. Something changed when I replaced the batteries. The temp is not making it to my ISY for some reason. I'm not so quick to say it's communication problems. That is the easy explanation but I'm not convinced it's the problem. My stat is out on the screened in deck so it sees a wide range of temps and humidity. Maybe the outdoor environment finally affected it somehow.
The temp on mine is the lake temp behind my house so it doesn't change often. It did however just change from 70 to 71F. The change still didn't register on the ISY. The ISY only states the humidity which is incorrect compared to the local value.
That did get rid of the red exclamation but still only the humidity is showing and not the temp. What may be causing this?
Now the admin console says 96% humidity but the temp is not showing up and the red exclamation mark is still beside the name of the thermostat. Locally it says it's 69F and 43% humidity. Anyone know what could possibly be wrong or how to fix this? Thanks!
Ok great! Thanks Xathros! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Correct! The fanlinc itself cannot be reversed but I think the fan blade rotation can be reversed with a micro module and a relay. This could then be controlled via programs and it would appear as if the fanlinc is doing the reversing. I read this was possible but I'm not smart enough to figure out how to do this. Anyone else know how to do this?
I'm not sure what "manual overide is not on" means. Keep in mind my deck lights (all of them including the ones on the ceiling fans) are controlled by 1 switchlinc and the ceiling fan speed is always set to high but turned on and off via a switchlinc. So I have the following two programs now... If Module 'Climate' Temperature >= 80 °F And Control 'Deck Motion-Sensor' is switched On And Elk Area 'Home' 'Armed State' is Disarmed Then Set 'Deck Fan' Fast On Send Notification to 'My text' content 'Deck Fan' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Module 'Climate' Temperature < 80 °F Or Control 'Deck Motion-Sensor' is switched Off Then Set 'Deck Fan' Fast Off Send Notification to 'My text' content 'Deck Fan' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Since Deck Fan is a switchlinc I'm not sure it will know when it's turned on manually or via the program. If it doesn't know the difference then I'm not sure how I would disable the first program. Ie. if I manually turn the fan on but it's only 77F it may turn off prematurely (when the motion sensor turns off after the set amount of time.) Can I get around this? Thanks for your help!
I'm wanting the ceiling fans on my deck to turn on when the outdoor temp is over 80F and when occupied. The fans are controlled by a switchlinc. I'm thinking about using the Insteon motion detector but i'm not sure how to program it to do so. I thought about using this program... If Module 'Climate' Temperature >= 80 °F And Status 'Deck Motion-Sensor' is On Then Set 'Deck Fan' Fast On Else Set 'Deck Fan' Fast Off I'm just not sure how to make the program such that the fan can be turned on manually without the program turning it off. Any ideas? Any recommendations to my program are welcomed. Thanks!
As the population continues to moves from desktops/laptops to tablets how will we access the Admin Console on our tablets? I'm not just talking about an app to turn a light on and off, I'm talking about a way to enter and manipulate programs, etc. How will UD make the jump to tablets? The ISY is the only reason I still use my laptop. For everything else computing wise I use tablets. Thanks!
Assuming the power is out long enough for the ISY to power cycle, would I do this by the following program? If $i.HomeAway is 0 Then $i.HomeAway Init To 1 Else $i.HomeAway Init To 0
Does anyone know how to get a fanlinc to reverse the direction of the fan blades? I read somewhere that it could be done with a micro module and a relay. How can this be done? Thanks!
Guys, I'm now using both methods....folders controlled by variables and programs with the variable in the "if" statement. My question now is what happens if the power goes out? I'm using i.HomeAway = 0 if at home and 1 if on vacation, i.Company = 0 if we do not have visitors and = 1 if we do have visitors, i.HomeSick = 0 if we (wife and I) are at work and = 1 if for some reason we didn't go to work (ie. at home sick). But what happens if the power goes out while we have visitors or while we are on vacation? Is there a way to get the ISY to keep the current value of the variables after the power outage? BTW, my ISY is on a batt backup so does the variables even change if the power goes off then back on? Thanks!
Shoot...is still not showing up on the ISY. Any other ideas? It's linked for sure but not syncing for some reason. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Thanks Lee! You rock dude!
Thanks Lee! It worked even though there wasn't a wireless thermostat as an option in adding a new device. Once it was added the current state and humidity are blank and when I query it says it has a failure to communicate. Is this normal? I'm still running on batts and not AC btw. I tried the AC cord from Smarthome but it didn't work as the screen went crazy. So how do I get the current state to show up? Thansk for your help!
Nate is mainly talking about http://www.wxforum.net/ I'm a member. Weatherbug has a terrible rep on that site when compared to all the other web server site (ie. weather underground). If you have any questions just post on the backyard community. The guy Ross on the backyard community gets the weather info from weatherlinkIP (software that is purchased for the Davis weather stations) and posts to weatherbug. If you asked he could easily send you the apk info thus bypassing weatherbug for our HA systems. This would be an easy way around weatherbug.
My wireless thermostat was working great until the batteries went dead. Now that I have new batteries in the thermostat it works great locally (on the stat screen) but the admin console doesn't show any values and hasn't since I replaced the batteries (several days ago). I just deleted it from my list of devices and tried to relink it but the ISY doesn't want to go into linking mode. What am I doing wrong? Any ideas how how to link this thing again? Thanks!
So how does the climate module get the weather info? Doesn't is just get it from our backyard weatherbug site? If so it should be working.
Thanks for your help! I'll give this a try!