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Everything posted by jmed999

  1. The else part makes it such that if someone breaks into my fishing shed, the lights stay on for 10 minutes even if the door is shut.
  2. How would I add the Homeaway variable to this program? If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And ( Elk Zone 'Fishing Shed' is Violated Or Elk Zone 'Fishing Deck Box' is Violated ) And Status 'Back CFL Floods' is Off Then Set Scene 'Fishing Shed Lights' Fast On Wait 10 minutes Set Scene 'Fishing Shed Lights' Fast Off Else Wait 10 minutes Set Scene 'Fishing Shed Lights' Fast Off The problem is when I have company and we sit out back we like the back CFL floods on but this program which turns on those lights if someone opens my fishing shed (and tries to steal something), turns those lights off after 10 minutes. So when company is out back with those lights on, they turn off every 10 minutes. errrrg. I need this program to turn off when we have company. Can I do this with the homeaway variable?
  3. Thanks! I think this is the way to go. I'm not that good with variables. Why is the Occupied variable a state variable? What do you use the occupied variable for? What the purpose of the following program? If i.HomeAway =0 Then I.HomeAway=1 Else i.HomeAway=0 Thanks for your help!
  4. When I leave for vacation and when I return, I have to go through all my programs and disable some then when I return I have to enable them. Also when my wife and I have company I have to disable some then enable them when they leave. What is the best way to do this? Write a program to disable those programs or create a scene to do this? I'm thinking about using a remotelinc to do this for simplicity reasons (to make it easy for the wife) Thanks for your help!
  5. Shoot, I forgot to d/l the new admin. Thanks! It's working great now!
  6. I know Weatherbug backyard stations were down but I assume they are back up and running since my data appears here... http://data.backyard2.weatherbug.com/data/ecv.aspx?ID=p15937&NUM=27533&nbsp But for some reason my weather data in the ISY admin console shows all data as zeros. It's like the ISY isn't retrieving the info from Weatherbug. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks!
  7. When I upgrade my firmware says 4.0.2 but my UI still says 3.3.8. Is that correct? If not how do I update my UI??? Thanks!
  8. Me too!!!! I would love that!
  9. I need help with a program. My wife and I have a bad habit of forgetting to arm the alarm when we go to sleep at night. We go to bed about 10PM and turn a lamp on as we go to bed via a remotelinc2. We then arm the alarm (when we remember) via the same remotelinc2. Once we finish reading and are ready for bed, we turn the lamp off via the remotelinc2. I was thinking about how to write a program to have the lamp blink once to remind us to arm the alarm. So if after 9:30PM, and when we turn the lamp off (finished reading and ready to sleep), and if the alarm isn't armed, then have the lamp blink once (on, wait, off). I'm just not sure how a program like that would look. It's the "when we turn the lamp off" part that has me stumped. Any ideas? Thanks!
  10. I will try that...thanks!
  11. I only run the admin console on this one computer.
  12. Yes
  13. I just upgraded to 3.3.10. My Op system is Windows 7 and no firewall. Thanks for your help so far!
  14. I just upgraded to 3.3.10. It runs off battery power.
  15. Seems like about half the time I open the Admin Console the Current State for the devices doesn't show up. I'm running 3.3.8. It has been doing this for a while. Why is this? How can I fix this? Thanks for the help guys!
  16. Wow...thanks! I asked this question before ( http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=9836&hilit=+programs ) but I guess I didn't get the correct response. Thanks again!
  17. I'm running 3.3.8. So what is the issue? Thanks for your help!
  18. Something funky is going on with my wireless thermostat (2441TZH). I have it in my garage and I have a program that e-mails me the temp at sunrise everyday… If Time is sunrise And status is temp <=50 And status is temp >49 Then Send notification “temp is 50†Note: I have programs and notifications for all temps between 35 and 95 degrees. The reason for the “<=50 and >49 is due to the ISY admin control reading 49.5 degrees. The problem is this morning at sunrise I get an e-mail telling me the garage is 51 but the ISY said it was 49.5, Mobilinc said it was 49, the temp on the stat display said 50. I’m guessing Mobilinc is just taking the 1st 2 digits and the stat is rounding the true temp of 49.5 up to 50 for the display. No problem there but why are the e-mails saying 51? According to the program above I would expect it to send me an e-mail stating the temp is 50. Any ideas?
  19. jmed999

    Scene Question

    This worked! Thanks guys!
  20. jmed999

    Scene Question

    You're right, it may be easier to do it this way... This is what I would like to do. When I press the C button on the remotelinc I want the outletlinc to turn on and the stat to adjust to 68/74. When I press the D button I want the outletlinc to turn off and the stat to adjust to 56/90. What's the best way to do this? Thanks!
  21. jmed999

    Scene Question

    I'm not sure I follow this. How do I check responder link records? Thanks!
  22. jmed999

    Scene Question

    The status, as displayed in the ISY admin panel, does not change in response to button presses? This suggests to me that the ISY is not hearing the command, for some reason. How confident are you that you are within range of an access point or other dual-band device, and that you have access points on both legs of your electrical system, and that the PLM can hear all the devices? I'll have to check the status in the ISY admin panel when I get home from work. I can tell you though that the scene has 2 devices in it...an outletlinc for a lamp and a Ventar thermostat to adjust the temp. When "C-D" is pressed on the light comes on and when the "C-D" is pressed off, the light goes off. So the light part of the scenes are working but the stat part is not. Yes they both include the stat and the outletlinc. I tried it without the two Else statements but the stat still didn't when the buttons were pressed. The remotelinc is not in the scenes at all. Thanks for the help so far guys!
  23. jmed999

    Scene Question

    I have a remotelinc that has the following programs associated with it... If Status 'Remotelincs / Upstairs Remotelinc / Upstairs RemotelincC-D' is On Then Set Scene 'Upstairs On' Fast On Else Set Scene 'Upstairs On' Fast Off If Status 'Remotelincs / Upstairs Remotelinc / Upstairs RemotelincC-D' is Off Then Set Scene 'Upsatirs Off' Fast On Else Set Scene 'Upsatirs Off' Fast Off Scene "Upstairs On" turns on a lamp and sets the upstairs stat to 68/74. Scene "Upstairs Off" turns the lamp off and sets the stat to 56/90. The problem is when I press button c or d the stat never changes. What am I doing wrong? Thanks guys!
  24. Great point. I'm not always coming from the bed though. I think some type of sound on the porch would be best.
  25. It would have to be wireless I guess since it would be difficult to run the wire fromt he Elk console to the screened porch
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