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Everything posted by jmed999

  1. Since this is done on my droid there is no check box to remember the password. I have cleared everything and it still remembers my password.
  2. Guys I have my https:/my.ip.address.com saved on my droid's homepage. It works great but even with the setting on my droid to not remember passwords it still doesn't ask for a password. I can clear the cache, history, cookies, form data, location, access and passwords and restart and it will ask for my username and password. Then with "remember passwords unchecked" the next time I open the https site it does remember the password. Since this also controls my Elk M1 Gold I'm worried that losing my phone could be a breach in security. How can I get this page to not remember my password every time I access it? Thoughts? Thanks!
  3. You are correct! The scene works great and is fast!
  4. Why? Will a scene slow the powerline signals or something? Thanks!
  5. Yeah this I know how to do. I was just wondering if a scene was better or a program and I'm not sure what native means. Thanks for the response!
  6. DO I need to add a wait somewhere in there so the lights will get their signals from the ISY?
  7. I know how to make them non-toggle. What do you mean by "native"? Thanks!
  8. So I would have to do this with every zone if I want to know which zone has been violated that made the alarm go off, right?
  9. If I want remotelinc button A to turn a light on and B to turn it off I can use a scene with the remotelinc buttons and the light or I can just do it via a program...what's the difference? Thanks!
  10. I'm now using the following program... If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And ( Elk Zone 'Front Door' is Violated Or Elk Zone 'Garage Entry Dr' is Violated ) Then Set 'Insteon Bulb' Fast On Wait 2 minutes Set 'Insteon Bulb' Fast Off Else Set 'Insteon Bulb' Fast On Wait 2 minutes Set 'Insteon Bulb' Fast Off The light still comes on before sunset. Today it came on at 4PM when I opened the door. It then turned off 2 minutes later. What am I doing wrong?
  11. I can't seem to get the ISY to send me the zone violated went an alarm goes off via a text. Anyone know how to do this?? Thanks!
  12. Hey the following programs are used as a panic alarm and also to turn lots of lights on. The 2nd program is used to turn the panic off and all the lights. The problem is not all the lights turn on and off. Everytime I test this different lights come on and off...it's not the same ones every time. How do I fix this? If Status 'Remotelincs / 2-Remotelinc / 2-Remotelinc - E-F' is On Then Set Elk Keypad 'Garage Entry' Press F2 Set 'Back CFL Floods' Fast On Set 'Deck Lights' Fast On Set Scene 'Driveway CFL Floods' Fast On Set 'Foyer Chandelier' Fast On Set 'Front CFL Floods' Fast On Set 'Front Candelabras' Fast On Set 'Garage Candelabras' Fast On Set 'Garage Lights' Fast On Set 'Insteon Bulb' Fast On Set 'Landscape Lights' Fast On Set Scene 'Livingroom Lights' Fast On Set 'Road and Driveway Candelabras' Fast On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Status 'Remotelincs / 2-Remotelinc / 2-Remotelinc - E-F' is Off Then Set Elk Area 'The Home' Disarm Set 'Back CFL Floods' Fast Off Set 'Deck Lights' Fast Off Set Scene 'Driveway CFL Floods' Fast Off Set 'Foyer Chandelier' Fast Off Set 'Front CFL Floods' Fast Off Set 'Front Candelabras' Fast Off Set 'Garage Candelabras' Fast Off Set 'Garage Lights' Fast Off Set 'Insteon Bulb' Fast Off Set 'Landscape Lights' Fast Off Set Scene 'Livingroom Lights' Fast Off Set 'Road and Driveway Candelabras' Fast Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  13. Ok...I now have... If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And ( Elk Zone 'Front Door' is Violated Or Elk Zone 'Garage Entry Dr' is Violated ) Then Set 'Insteon Bulb' Fast On Wait 2 minutes Set 'Insteon Bulb' Fast Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') It seems to be working correctly except it isn't turning off after 2 minutes of turning on. I want it to come on when the doors open the turn off 2 minutes later regardless of the doors being open or closed. Any ideas? Thanks!
  14. I'm having problems with my program below. It isn't only working after sunset and before sunrise. It works 24 hours per day....what do I have wrong? Do ISY programs follow the associative property like in algebra (the order of the and & or doesn't matter)? If Elk Zone 'Front Door' is Violated Or Elk Zone 'Garage Entry Dr' is Violated And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Set 'Insteon Bulb' Fast On Wait 2 minutes Set 'Insteon Bulb' Fast Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  15. Thanks for the reply! It only took me about 5 minutes to realize I couldn't do without it! It's great!
  16. I'm thinking about purchasing the Elk module but not sure I'll use it enough to justify spending $99. Do you guys offer a trail period...meaning the customer pays for it and uses it but if the customer decides they don't need it for whatever reason you will send them a refund? If so how long is this trial period? Thanks!
  17. Yeah, I will also be installing the ELK-M1EXP
  18. -I'm wondering oce it is connected how do I get the ISY and the Elk to connect to one another? -Is it best to let the ISY control the M1 or let the M1 control the ISY? -Do they communicate via the powerline or what? Thanks for your help!
  19. jmed999

    LED Brightness

    I did the same thing...just trail and error. I wish I knew what the logic was tho.
  20. jmed999

    LED Brightness

    I'm not talking about bulb brightness. I talking about the LED light on the switchlinc itself.
  21. jmed999

    LED Brightness

    It's really weird. I got them about even as far as brightness and found that some at 150 = some at 5.
  22. jmed999

    LED Brightness

    Some are way brighter than others when they are all set at 100. The brighter ones are dual band dimmable and relay switchlincs and the dim ones are not dual band relay switchlincs. Also 100 is brighter than 150 on all types.
  23. jmed999

    LED Brightness

    That didn't help. Why is 100 brighter than 150?
  24. jmed999

    LED Brightness

    I was going to dim all of my switchlincs but when I put them at 200 some are way dimmer than others...it's kinda weird. Anyone else run into this?
  25. jmed999

    LED Brightness

    Status LED brightness
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