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Everything posted by Techman

  1. gadgefreak, how old is your PLM. If It's more than 2 years old it's possible that it's starting to fail and needs to be replaced.
  2. Certainly strange, probably best to go ahead and order another KPL so you'll have something to compare it with.
  3. Try the yellow filter it will defuse the light without adding much in the way of color
  4. The heartbeat signal is also available in the ISY log. You can also write simple program to notify you if a heartbeat signal is missed.
  5. If the keypad button leds are too bright at the lowest setting you might want to try replacing the clear plastic lens behind the button with a yellow or blue lens take a look at this link http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2401l-led-color-change-kit-for-keypadlinc-4-color.html
  6. In the future you don't have to delete a device in order t rename it, just right click and rename. This will also update any programs the device is in.
  7. With the power disconnected, try removing and replacing the memory card. If that doesn't help then I would suggest submitting a trouble ticket to UDI and let them troubleshoot it.
  8. I would try to measure the voltage at the plug end of the power adapter to make sure you that you're actually getting power to the ISY.
  9. Hi Gary, Take a look at this topic. I'm currently using the ISY network module to control some of the Grace tuner's basic functions. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/8346-upnp-help-grace-digital-media-player/ Techman
  10. Sounds like you may have gotten a unit that someone returned. It's highly unlikely that the unit was originally shipped without the card
  11. when you boot up the ISY what leds are lit on the front? Is the RED led on the front panel blinking?
  12. I had also been playing with the sensor contacts. Today I'll leave it alone and just monitor the heartbeat. Seems the heartbeat only sends an "ON" signal and the state of the contacts has no bearing. I had problem with my SD card in the ISY which may have interfered with the previous heartbeats. I cleaned the contacts on the card and reinserted it. The ISY is now functioning normally. Prior to reseating the card I had trouble accessing the ISY and I had a few programs that got corrupted. In retrospect I guess we really don't need software access to the "closed" node. That node could theoretically be removed from the ISY.
  13. I just got a heartbeat signal, 25 hours and 15 minutes after the last one. I guess we just need a way to access the Closed node via the ISY.
  14. That's good news. Let me know what you get tomorrow. Did your sensor also install as a 2421 triggerlinc? Does your "closed" node populate?
  15. I also got a heatbeat "on" signal the first time I inserted the battery. That was the last time I got one. I have good communication as the "open" node works flawlessly. UPDATE: I just got a hearbeat "ON" signal. Unfortunately I was playing with the magnet just about the same time as the heartbeat arrived so I don't know if that had a bearing on anything. Guess I have to wait another 24 hours to see what happens.
  16. I'm not getting a heartbeat signal, how about you?
  17. You should also take a look at the furnace to see what terminals the wires are connected to Is your air conditioning a single stage or two stage compressor? Does the furnace have a two stage gas valve? Do you have an external temperature sensor that was connected to the Honeywell?
  18. I'm still testing the current firmware release, so I don't have anything to report yet. . The status of the contacts on the sensor shouldn't have an effect on the heartbeat node. The heartbeat should report regardless of the state of the open/close node.
  19. What you have is a failure to communicate. I would start with the PLM and replace it was a dual band PLM. You also need to focus on something that may be creating noise on your powerline
  20. You should be able to work around that issue with a program.
  21. Also complicating the problem is that both the switches and the PLM are not dual band. Upgrading your devices will give you a much more reliable system.
  22. I now have a program that will email me each time the on heartbeat signal is sent. My log currently shows one heartbeat "ON" status. Based on LeeG's explanation the log is of no further value for trouble shooting. I also have a second program that will email me if a heartbeat signal is not received at least once every 25 hours. Once I know communication is reliable I'll disable the first program and rely on the second to monitor battery and communication status. The downside is that you could go a full 25 hours before you realize you have a problem. It's most frustrating that Smarthome does not make their release notes public. As Teken mentioned there are now three different versions of this sensor, all different. Even more frustrating is the fact that the manuals are incomplete.
  23. You may want to look into a new dual bank PLM. You may also want to try some Filterlincs on some of your equipment, as power supplies, cellphone chargers etc. can cause interference with the Insteon signal. Being that your problem is intermittent it may be a trial and error process to clean things up.
  24. it's possible you have something in the house that's creating noise on the powerline such as a UPS, TV, or a CFL with a bad ballast. Is your PLM a dual band unit? Is your PLM near a UPS, or Computer, etc.
  25. Did the switches actually fail. My guess is that you have a communications problem. These are not dual band so you don't have redundancy if there's powerline noise or a weak signal going to or from the switch. The GFI could be causing problems. Do you have any dual band devices close to the switches, if not you may want to try a range extender or replace the GFI.
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