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Everything posted by TheWabit

  1. It is a motion sensor
  2. I am having an issue with this program. Everything after the first "wait" works sporadically. Foyer goes off about half of the time - front house lights never turn off. Is there a better way to write this? Front Security - [iD 0030][Parent 0001] If From 12:00:00AM To Sunrise (same day) And Control 'Front House Security-S' is switched On Then Set Scene 'Front House Lights' On Set Scene 'Dining Room' On Set Scene 'Foyer' On Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'Dining Room' Off Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'Foyer' Off Wait 5 minutes Set 'Front House Lights' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  3. TheWabit


    So I did get it to work. But FYI - I had my phone AND my Wifes linked. I had to unlink both then relink one at a time. I didn't do it just unlinking and re-linking one of them.
  4. TheWabit


    I got it working back when it came "alive". Havent worked with it since. Tried last night after naming all divices in the Home app but it keeps saying "there was an error and I cant control your home device". Anyone run across this?
  5. I changed it to the following and it works great: Front Door Unlock Lightup - [iD 003B][Parent 0001] If From 10:45:00AM To 3:00:00AM (next day) And Control 'ZW 002 Schlage Door Lock' is switched Unlocked by Keypad And Status 'Dining Room Switchlinc' is Off Then Run Program 'Front Door Unlock Light-up 2' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Front Door Unlock Light-up 2 - [iD 003E][Parent 0001] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set Scene 'Dining Room' On Wait 15 seconds Set Scene 'Dining Room' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  6. That's what I am going to do - forgot that a wait revaluates the program. Thanks!
  7. So doing some more testing - the following program DOES work great (using Control) without the "and dining switchlinc is off". But when I put that back in, the light does NOT turn off after 15 seconds. What am I missing? Front Door Unlock Lightup - [iD 003B][Parent 0001] If From 10:45:00AM To 3:00:00AM (next day) And Control 'ZW 002 Schlage Door Lock' is switched Unlocked by Keypad And Status 'Dining Room Switchlinc' is Off Then Set Scene 'Dining Room' On Wait 15 seconds Set Scene 'Dining Room' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  8. I will try it again - mine did not last night. Status works good though. oberkc - do you have the 469?
  9. One more question - I dont want to trigger this program if the light is already switched on. Does the below look correct? Or do I need parens? Front Door Unlock Lightup - [iD 003B][Parent 0001] If From 7:45:00PM To 3:00:00AM (next day) And Status 'ZW 002 Schlage Door Lock' is Unlocked And Control 'Dining Room Switchlinc' is not switched On Then Set Scene 'Dining Room' On Wait 3 minutes Set Scene 'Dining Room' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  10. I put all programming through the ISY for the light and relock - it works great! Thanks for the help.
  11. Ahhh - great point. I always forget about the "Else" and what it can do for me. Thanks!
  12. So I have had the same experience while experimenting with "Control" vs "Status". Status works - Control doesn't. BUT I am now having trouble with it turning off after 3 minute. Do you see why this program wouldn't work? Specifically, why it wont turn off? I have the lock set internally to re-lock after 30 seconds. Do I need to have that happen through the ISY? Front Door Unlock Lightup - [iD 003B][Parent 0001] If From 7:45:00PM To 3:00:00AM (next day) And Status 'ZW 002 Schlage Door Lock' is Unlocked Then Set Scene 'Dining Room' On Wait 3 minutes Set Scene 'Dining Room' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  13. Hello - I am wanting to program a light to come on when the Schlage lock is unlocked with the keypad. I noticed the option to do that if I use "Control" in the if line. But did I remember reading (i cant find it) that you have to use "Status" with a lock only? In that case the only option is just "Unlock". So that would mean the the light would come on when I unlock it from the inside. Ideally, I would like this to happen only when using the keypad.
  14. TheWabit

    Finding ISY

    Thanks guys - I really appreciate the help. I installed 4.5.4 again, uninstalled the admin app by deleting the java cache, used the link to reinstall, and haven't had an issue for day and a half. We will see.
  15. TheWabit

    Finding ISY

    That seemed to work fine so far. But one other dumb question - I always forget how to get the Icon on my desktop...?
  16. TheWabit

    Finding ISY

    So I finally had a chance to do a proper power down/up of the PLM and ISY. This is a bit perplexing. When clicking on the admin icon, it is intermittent. The first time it found the ISY fine. Then the next time it did not. Came back about an hour later - it came right up. Can the console be "uninstalled"? then re-installed?
  17. TheWabit

    Finding ISY

    Yes - windows defender is what I was trying to think of. I will try the reset procedure. Someone had asked early about what did you (I) change. I did have to move the ISY and PLM closer to the lock. So I disconnected from the original spot. Re-connected to enroll the lock into the ISY then moved it back. It is possible the order for power up when moving it back could have been less than desirable. Hence the earlier question.
  18. TheWabit

    Finding ISY

    How about rebooting the ISY and unplugging/re-plugging the module. Isnt there a particular preferred order for that?
  19. TheWabit

    Finding ISY

    None - other than what comes with Windows
  20. TheWabit

    Finding ISY

    I just have the Windows firewall. And the last thing I added was a ZWave door lock. It worked fine before that.
  21. TheWabit

    Finding ISY

    Hello - For some reason, I am getting ISY not found in the ISY finder box that pops up after clicking on the admin panel icon. I will add it manually but the same thing happens next time. I am using 4.5.4 and I downloaded the appropriate link to keep the Admin panel in sync, Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
  22. TheWabit


    Thanks Stu!
  23. TheWabit


    So I just received the ZWave board. Is the antenna onboard or is it suppose to have an external one that I missed on the website?
  24. Michael, This is what is in my URLPrefix: /is/https://my.isy.io/isy/c7dd8a31601da604.................and a whole bunch of other numbers and letters. I suspect these are not sensible.
  25. Hi Dennis, Thanks! I have made those changes - I understand now. But I "run" ISY-Set_Car-Exit now and the error is bigger - meaning more "stuff" in the error message. here is something.When I go to my VARS, I have 4 items instead of 3. I have an additional one called %URLPrefix. I am not sure how that got there. Could that be the problem? Thanks again!
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