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Everything posted by garybixler

  1. Hi Neal It is true that the bridge is a passive electronic device but you would get regeneration from the other Insteon devices on the different legs. When I had a CFL turned on that was electrically close to an Insteon device I could tell immediately that communications with that device was lacking. Usually by a slower response or missed response all together. Also I have found that the dimmable CFLs were even worse. However I do have a few CFL's that don't seem to create a problem. So all CFLs may not be created equal but, I guess I will wait for LEDs to come into their own. Although it maybe worth looking into and testing the different brands of CFLs. I plan on getting an oscilloscope at some point and then would be able to see what exactly is on the power line. Gary
  2. ncarney Might I suggest using an Insteon hardwired bridge at the main panels. These provide a positive transfer from one power leg to the other without using up an additional hop count. Access Points can always be placed where needed for the wireless devices or addition power leg bridging. Also using filters on electronics like A/V equipment, TVs, PCs and UPS's will keep the Insteon single from being absorbed at their locations. Also be careful when using the Compact Florescent Lights as they tend to add noise into the electrical system. I had to remove almost all of the ones that I installed. Haven't checked to see if all brands have this problem. Just though I would pass along my experiences. Maybe useful. Thanks Gary
  3. Rand Hi I had found 1 flaw in the garage door scenes and that is if the button is pushed to open the door and the door doesn't open I would not know that because the led would be lit from the button push. Granted there would need to be a real problem if the door didn't open but I though that I would set up a check program to turn the led off if this actually happened. I did think of a separate button scene but I though it should have been able to be done with the IOLinc's sensor scene. BTW: I installed this setup on my garage door and it works perfectly. Thanks for your help. Gary
  4. Hi Sub-Routine Not sure if this is the same bug. I have the IOLinc's sensor set up in a scene as the controller and a KPL Button as the responder. Also the same button is set up in another scene as a controller and the IOLinc's relay is the the responder. This all works fine but, when I change the sensor scene from the ISY the relay will trip. This only happens after the sensor has been on for 4 seconds or more. If I change the scene state of the sensor from the ISY to ON or OFF before the 4 seconds is up the KPL button will follow the ON or OFF and the IOLinc's relay will not trip. The momentary A is the only option checked on the IOLinc. Just thought I would pass this on. Not sure if it's a bug or normal for the IOLinc. Thanks Gary
  5. Hi Rand Excellent and I just ordered the 7455 N/C sensors thinking that is what I needed. Oh well, I guess I will just use them anyway. About the KPL button. If the button is not in non-toggle On can the button light be turned off by the push of the button rather then by the I/O link's sensor input that indicates the real state of the door? When the button is pushed to open the door in non-toggle mode the button light will come on before the sensor turns it on in a second or two. This mode to me would be a closer indication of the state of the door. Also I feel it would be better indicating an open door for a second or two before it is opening rather then indicating a closed door when it may be open for maybe another 15 seconds or more and may not actually close for some reason. Maybe missing something here. What do you think? I will do real live testing soon and see how both setups will work. I checked the I/O link page. Excellent. Thanks for the info Gary
  6. Hi wacvmd I am working on the same project and have everything working in test mode. Haven't installed it yet. Too cold. I am using an 8 button KPL and the I/O Linc. I created two scenes to do the job. In the first scene to get the status of the door the I/O link's sensor is the controller and the KPL button is the responder. In the second scene to open and close the door the KPL button is the controller and the I/O Link's relay is the responder. A normally closed sensor will be needed on the garage door connected to the I/O Link's sensor input. Smarthome's (7455B). The KPL's button will need to be set to non-toggle ON and the I/O Link relay needs to be set to momentary. So far I don't see any problems with this setup. Hope this helps. Also thanks to Rand's incite be sure to set both level sliders in the door control scene to max 100%. The scene and the KPL button. That way the relay follows the KPL's button On/OFF. Gary
  7. Hi Michel I just had the basics set for now with (LED on TX) only checked. But all set now with Rand's suggestion. Thanks Gary
  8. Rand WOW that worked perfectly. I did play around with the sliders a bit but obviously not in the right manner. Need to remember that one. Now to continue with my project. Again thanks for your help Gary
  9. Hi Michel I have tried everything I can think of just to get the relay to turn on when the KPL button is pushed on. No mater how I link it into a scene it always ends up reversed. OFF on the KPL turns the relay on and ON on the KPL turns the relay off. I haven't added momentary back in until I can get ON/OFF action to work as I would like. When I first installed the I/O Linc and was testing it I could have sworn that when the relay released after momentary timeout (2sec) that the ISY99 received an off from the relay. Then after a few minutes of use it stopped sending the off after the timeout. I must be wrong on that one. But that won't be a problem for what I am trying to do. I do have another I/O Linc coming this week so I will have another to compare with. But any suggestion on getting the relay to follow the KPL ON/OFF would be appreciated. Thanks in advance Gary
  10. HI Sub-Routine I think I must be overlooking something with the I/O Linc. First I tried creating a scene with the relay on and the KPL button on. Same results. Next I removed and relinked both into the ISY with the button and relay on and created a scene. Still the same results. Off on the KLP turns the relay on. Can't get it to reverse. There must be a way?? Thanks gary
  11. Hi all I just received my first I/O Linc 2450. I set it up in a scene with a KPL button. I plan to set up garage door opening and closing with the KPL displaying the status by the led light. My first hurdle is that the I/O Linc relay is turned on with an off from the KPL instead of with an on. I have searched and have not been able to find any info on how to reverse this action. The user manual for the I/O Linc says to link it in the desired state. I tried this with the ISY-99 (2.6.15) but the results are the same. Also any info on the other parameters under the set options button would be very helpful. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Gary
  12. Michel hi According to the isy the version is v.2D. On the KLP I only found a rev number (1.66). Yes am definitely using automatic. When I click on the led brightness button the error window comes up and nothing is see on the event viewer (3) being sent from the isy. Thanks Gary
  13. Hi Michel Ok, I did what you suggested and the led brightness buton did reappear as an option on the admin console. But when I try clicking the button it just gives me the message Error Request Failed. Thanks for your help. Gary
  14. Hi I loaded version 2.6.14 and all went fine. I noticed that I2 to the EZIO4O still will not work and therefore no access to the timmers. The ISY detected the I2 engine but communications failed using I2 and reverted back to I1. Also the LED Dimmer for the 2486D Keypadlink is still not functioning. In fact if I remove and relink it the LED Brightness option disappears compleatly. The ISY now shows v.00 rather than v.2D as it did before relinking. Was just wondering if these are still outstanding issues or if I need to do something different. Thanks all Gary
  15. I was just woundering if any thought has been given to making the ISY99 an NTP server for the network? More and more devices can use NTP and it seams redundent for each of these devices to access the internet for time sync. Also some new switches can only accept an IP address. If not does anyone know of a cheap standalone NTP client/server? Thanks in advance Gary
  16. Eric I checked the ramp rate and on level. They were ok but after I did a restore the problem was fixed. Was that necessary because of an upgrade or some other reason? Thanks a lot for your help Gary
  17. Hi I created a new scene with a 2476D and found it does not turn on/off from the scene screen. The scene shows the device going on/off but the 2476D does not respond. If I go to the device screen it works fine. Just not functioning in the scene. Tried several times. Controlers can turn the scene on/off but the 2476D does not follow the scene state. The following is what is sent out (L2) when the scene is turned on. 2008/12/23 12:06:41 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.15 CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00) 2008/12/23 12:06:41 : [ E 23 60 1] ST 255 Thanks Gary
  18. Michel Thanks that did the trick. Gary
  19. Hi With the new release I found that I am not able to select Insteon devices in the then action statement of my programs. What ever is there from default is not able to be changed. Thanks in advance Gary
  20. Hi I installed 2.6.11 and found only one issue. On the query at reboot at least on device will show up as being on instead of off. A manual query will get the correct results. The deices are the (2476D and 2456D3). If I run than on the QueryAll program it is always correct. It just seems to be query at reboot. I still can't link an EZIO4O and was wondering if this is because there is still a communication problem with the EZIO... i2 or may i be doing something wrong. Maybe a bad EZIO4O? The linking always seems to stop at (Remove Device Links Failed). Tried factory reset on the EZIO.. and reboot isy but no luck. Thanks in advance Gary
  21. garybixler

    EZIO4O ...

    Hello I just received my first EZIO product (EZIO4O) and noticed that it has internal timers for turning off the relays after a set time. I don't want to add another controle system like the simplehomenet software and EZBridge to set them and was wondering if eventually the ISY will be able to set these timers. I didn't see anything mentioned in the forum about these timers. Thanks in advance Gary
  22. Michael You were right the 2 motion sensors I just received had some residual links remaining. Upon reinstalling after removing from ISY and doing a factory reset they now function perfectly. I would guess that these two may have been returns and not fresh from the factory, but no mater they work. Again thanks for you help and I look forward to all the new features of the upcomming releases. Gary
  23. I just got my Insteon motion detector and it installed fine. But after an ON is sent upon motion detection the dectector complains that it did not receive an acknowledgement by flashing the led rapidly. I assume an ACK would come from the isy 99. Even if I add it to a scene with a (2456D3) it still flashes indicating no ACK. The scene works fine. The light is turned on with motion and then turns off after no motion is detected. Don't know if this is normal operation or not. Thanks in advance. Gary Bixler
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