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Everything posted by stevehoyt

  1. GLarsen I believe it would go a long way to making the ISY programming easier, if a new field was added to each zone that contained the GPM. Right now, as you mentioned, I currently manually enter the GPM by zone. If you could provide that value it would save me the duplicate work of setting up 21 ISY variables, one for each zone. I have 2 HD 12's with 21 zones active between them. Then in theory, correct me if I am wrong, I could have a program for each zone which 1) Check for status change to running 2) Check flume sensor after waiting for circuit to stabilize ( in my case 3 minutes is my worst case ) 3) if flume rate >= GPM from data provided by "rain machine new variable" + fudge factor 4) take appropriate action text email whatever. Thanks PS It would even be better to have a node server which which took the necessary functions from both flume and Rainmachine node servers. and combined them. I am not sure if you and Jimbo work together. In any case, I would be willing to support this effort with some money if need be.
  2. @npavel Glad to hear that you rain machine folks are watching this thread. Hopefully the discussion you had in your meeting was a result of my input. In any case, if you have not seen it, I have my request documented in your forum titled "Ideas and product enhancements" entered Oct 5th. There is a similar request by Tim Frock dated Oct 20th. I took a look at the API ref you mentioned. It seems if each Rainmachine zone, in addition to the GPM that I define, could have a field for actual GPM it might be a start. You could get actual GPM from flume while the zone was running. I could then set a trigger for GPM "out of range". Just an outsiders thoughts. As mentioned above, see my entry in your forum. I go a bit further with my request ideas. Thanks
  3. Thanks to ALL for your replies with the good information. It is appreciated. I am going to try and put a small test together and see what happens. I have plenty of time before serious watering begins next spring. My main concern, unless I am misunderstanding how the 2 node servers work, is that they are based on polling. So in order for this to work, I will need 1 minute polling set 24 hours a day for all 3 devices. i.e 2 rain machines and the flume. The amount of network traffic, both locally to my Rainmachines and remotely to Flume that this would generate concerns me. Am I misunderstanding something. My suspicion is, somehow I must have a push alert from Rainmachine which would trigger a query to flume. At first blush not knowing much about API's and taking a quick look at the 2 companies API's, I don't think they allow push alerts. Without this, I think the project is dead in the water. We will see what my test shows. I hope to get a hold of each node server developer and get their feelings. JimboCA and JIm Larsen please contact me if you are able too. I am willing to put some money toward this project. Our penalties in the drought can easily be $10 to$20 for each day I don't catch a leak. Thanks Jimbo above with Rachio and flume. I would interested in any more details of your experiment before your water meter got changed. Thanks again all
  4. The Problem: I live in CA where we are having ongoing water issues. I have a large number of irrigation circuits, now mostly converted to drips. There are a few, however that have high usage rates ( 12- 15 gallons per minute ) for a short periods of time. I am running into many issues with the drip circuits being compromised due to dogs, wildlife etc. When this happens usage may go from a normal rate of 2 to 4 gallons a minute up to as high as 16 per minute. Drip circuits run a long time. We are now also being told to water only overnight when we are asleep. My Setup: I currently have a flume attached to my water meter. I manually look at each circuit the next day after it runs and compare its usage to what is “normal”. Setting Flume alerts does not work due to the few circuits where high usage is normal. Therefore some circuits may run a number of times, wasting a large amount of water, if I don’t get around to checking them for awhile. For over year now. I have been requesting that the 2 companies work together to add something like this. When Rain Machine turns a circuit on it notifies Flume. It would send the circuit name, run time, and expected usage in gallons per minute. All that info is stored in the RainMachine DB. The flume would monitor this and issue an alert if usage was out of some limit. There is a lot more that could be done but lets stick with this for today. I have had no success with either company. Hence this post. I recently purchased a Polisy for other reasons. I have it up and running along with the node servers for both Rain Machine and Flume. My Goal: I am trying to see if I can get any of this implemented using ISY and the node servers. I am new to this so please forgive me for any ignorance you see in my questions. Questions/Issues I see. It appears I would have to setup polling rates for both of the node servers to be every minute in order for this to work. One to see a circuit come on and two to get the right flow rate. I don’t think that is desirable for a variety of reasons. I only need this to happen for a few hours a day. Is it a reasonable request, to ask for the node servers to implement different time of day polling rates. For example, only between midnight and 4 AM when watering is happening. 2) RainMachine API side. a) is the status variable for each circuit reliable enough for this to work. b) is there any chance of getting the value in GPM for each circuit from it. c) I see that the node server can only connect to 1 controller. I have 2. I asked a question regarding this and was told that with polyglot v3 it might be possible to run 2 copies of the same node server which would fix this. Is this correct. 3) Flume API side a) Is it possible to trigger a Flume alert from a node sever. b) Can flume send alerts to a node server. 4) ISY side….. I am not an experienced programmer have done simple ones. a) Is this too big of a task to take on given the ISY programming available. I would need to setup 21 circuits. Each would have to have a field for expected and actual water usage. The 2 would have to be compared each time a circuit went on. Alerts would need to be sent when out of range. b) Are emails the only way to send alerts still. It appears so, from what I see. Ideally I want a push notification to my mobile device. 5) Should this maybe be done as its own node server? My gut feel says yes. a) I suspect there are API variables for each product, that I don’t know about, that would make this task easier. I also suspect the needed math and arrays would be easier to work with in a node server than in ISY. This is way out of my league. I would be willing to work with a developer to make this happen. I see that with V3 it may be possible for the developer to make money. If you read through all this thanks for your patience Steve
  5. thank you for clearing up my misunderstanding. I'll try and be more precise in upcoming posts. The interconnections and module relationships are is still sinking into my head. Yes I now have 2 instances of isy running, on the Polisy and the i994. I deleted one device from the i994 and added it to the polisy version of ISY. All went well. I seem to have hit another deadend. I have 3 node servers installed. I may have some configuration issues with them yet to clear up, but they say running and connected. I have tried configuring my polyglot to connect to the version of ISY running on Polisy using its static ip address. When i run the admin console and connect to Polisy I see the node server option at the top. The node server slots are there but only 1 node server shows up. If I reconfigure the polyglot to point to the static address of the ISY copy on the i994, I do not see the node server option at the top of the admin console when I connect to the ISY. I have restarted both polyglot and the isy versions on each hardware platform Looking at my polisy dash board in each of the above cases, it appears to have made a connection. When connected to the polisy isy version it shows 5.2.0. When connected to the ISY on the i994 it shows version 5.3.2 . Any idea why I would have the node server option on the Polisy admin console and not with the i994 admin console. I have also cleared java cache and reloaded the admin software am using version 5.3.2 Thanks Steve
  6. After a few bumps in the road, I think I am almost there. I have my Polisy up and running. It sees my ISY running on a 994i and connects to it. If I bring up the ISY launcher either local or Wan I see 3 entries now. My old ISY and 2 new ones for Polisy on secure and unsecure ports . If I enter the polisy ones I see entries for polisy and openADR. Under Polisy there are no ISY nodes. I have checked Insteon support in the Polisy support and rebooted. So my question... Should I be seeing my existing nodes in the polisy list or have I missed something. Do I have to add something like the node server ISY inventory for it to work. I have included a couple pics of my status windows below. Thanks Steve
  7. I am getting my Polisy today. I noticed that Kasa devices are supported through a node server. I have had to add a number of their plugs, due to a number of issues with my sense energy monitor not working. I am wondering if anyone has integrated Kasa devices in ISY on Polisy. Perhaps this might be a road to follow short or long term until Smarthome lets us know where they are headed? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  8. I am just wrapping my head around the implications of the serialPLM disappearing along with a lot of other Insteon products. I have an Insteon only site with about 100 devices, 40 scenes and about 20 running programs. I will be stockpiling additional Insteon devices, if and when they become available, and hope to keep my site running for years into the future. It seems the only way to do this, given the demise of the serial PLM, is to migrate to ISY on Polisy. To this end, I have purchased 2 USB PLMs ( one for Backup). I will also be purchasing a POLISY Pro in the near future. At the moment, all is running fine however, I expect to start the manual migration next year. Before I go ahead and buy the POLISY, I have a couple questions. 1) From what I can tell there is no firm date on a migration tool, hence my plan to do it manually at a slow pace. Is it still true that a migration tool is not on the near horizon? 2) To do the migration manually, I think I need to keep, both my old ISY and the new ISY running on POLISY up and running at the same time. From what I can tell, there is no problem doing this. However I am a bit uncertain on what the steps are to migrate. Do I, one by one, delete a device, the scenes and programs it participates in, and then add it to the ISY on Polisy along with new scenes and programs? Are there any issues that might arise having 2 ISY's with 2 PLMs running on the same INSTEON network? 3) Currently I use moblinc X to control the house both locally and remotely. During the transition I expect to keep Mobilinc on the old ISY and run UD mobile on the POLISY. I am seriously considering moving to UD mobile and this would be a good time to compare them. Are there any issues in doing this I need to worry about. 4) If I have missed anything else please let me know. Thanks Steve PS I look forward to the new node servers and new options as I have a number of devices that are supported.
  9. just a followup for anyone interested. It was a corrupt PLM. I restored it and the motion sensors are working as expected. Steve
  10. I should have been more clear. I did the upgrade Thursday. The motion sensors are detecting motion. I can also still change their configuration, if I hold the set button. It just that their status no longer shows up in the ISY admin console. Could it be a PLM problem? Should I try restoring it? Thanks
  11. Hi I just upgraded both my isy and admin software to version 4.6.2 from 4.5.4. The upgrade went fine except, now nothing shows up in the current state window for any of my motion sensors. They are the old version 2842-222 and have been and still are working fine. However since no status appears, my programs using the status field no longer work. Does anyone have an idea what might be wrong? As an aside, I also bought a new sensor, the 2844-222. I was able to add it using the device type for the old ones. It's state window also shows up blank. Thanks
  12. i used this it works great http://www.smarthome.com/72800/Elk-Heav ... 200/p.aspx
  13. that is the problem i can't tell what is doing it... In the first case the one that happened with the program....I long ago deleted the program and there is no program i can find that runs when the light turns on. in the second case it appears as though the appliancelinc has added it self to my sunset scene. Yet if i check the scene it is not part of it... Steve
  14. I have recently had issues with devices turning on and off when they should not. The first case was during christmas when i use a lamplinc that i had not used for awhile. It would turn on at 11 am each day and off at noon. I remembered, just by chance, that an old appliancelinc which was previously used to control my pool sweep had just such a program. I had deleted the program long ago but also remember having had problems deleting it. I suspect they were related to using safari as my browser. I got numerous errors deleting the progarms and folders and just forgot about them. I think somehow the isy associated the appliancelinc with the lamplinc. I now have gone back to my normal non christmas mode and suddenly an appliancelinc that is not part of my sunset scene turns on like clockwork at sunset. I suspect somewhere along the way some database has gotten corrupted but have no idea where to look. I have verified that the devices are not in the sunset scene and in the preivous case that the program is gone. Can you offer any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this? I am running 3.3.8 on an isy 99 Thanks
  15. FYI I have been doing what you want via the Pentair Screenlogic interface except for the interface from the pool to ELK and am satisfied with it... It is fun to have the pool heated when I get to the vacation home and to monitor how much the renters use it when it is rented
  16. Thanks Lee I had thought of doing a factory reset but did not as it happened in 2 lincs. I just did a reset and restore and all is back to normal.
  17. I have recently encountered a weird problem with 2 of my 6 button keypads. When I turn on a light with the on button on the keypad linc, on one of them the C and D buttons now light up even though the scenes associated with these buttons are not turned on. On another Keypad linc when I turn the light on the B and C buttons light and again the scenes associated with these buttons are not on. If I turn the light on via the admin console I don't see this behavior. I have tried restoring the keypad and it had no effect. The only thing I have changed recently is to upgrade to 3.1.2, though I cant understand how that would cause the issue. I initially thought the keypad went bad but now the behavior is occurring on 2 of them. Could the links in the PLM have gotten screwed up and cause this? Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this? I don't have any spare keypad lincs to switch to see if in fact it went bad and the fact it now occurrs on 2 of them leads me to believe it it not the keypad Thanks
  18. Thanks That is what I suspected was the case
  19. I have noticed that my heat/cool state does not reflect the status of the furnace. For example my furnace is running, but when I look in the admin console is shows it as being off. Looking in the log I see that the message was never receiived from the thermostat that it turned on. This may be related to my network or problems I am having with the dongels, that is not my question as I am working on that. My question is I then do a query on the thermostat and the status does not change. Looking in the log I see that the current state is not returned when the query is done. Is this normal? Is that not a value able to be queried or is it a bug somewhere. Thanks
  20. I have added 2 additional Venstar thermostats today one went in correctly and without an issue. The second hangs about 75% into adding the device with the green writing icon on the thermostat. I get the error Socket open failed java.io.IO Exeception An existing connection was forcibly closed by remote host. It hangs the admin console and I have to reboot the ISY to continue. Do I have a bad dongle or any ideas what to do? I have model 2441V version V.91 The thermostats both are 2491T1 T1700 with the humidity sensor not soldered out yet. I am at version 2.8.16.
  21. The thermostat is in program mode.....and running currently heating In the HTML page I see Program Heat Setpoint blank Status 69 (correct as temp is 69) H/C Fan off Fan Auto Humidity 2% In the admin console I see Current State 69 Setpoint 71 Humidity 2% ( Sensor soldered out so ok) Thermostat Mode Program Heat Fan State Auto Heat/Cool State off ( even though it is running and I just did a query on it to refresh it) It is odd that status of admin console and HTML page do not match for the setpoint..... Below is the log info for the last couple hours....As I look at it quickly it seems... From the log it appears that either the status is being sent and lost due to transmission issues ( though I am not having many of these issues lately ) as it lost the heat on that happened about 8:02 when I set the setpoint up or the dongle is not responding correctly. Note the query done at 9:02. I have posted another post in the the thread about dongles hanging. I need to power off mine every week or so to get it running again I will let you look at the log and see what you think. Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Heat/Cool State Heat On Mon 2011/02/21 06:01:59 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Heat Setpoint 70░ Mon 2011/02/21 06:02:01 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 62░ Mon 2011/02/21 06:12:50 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 63░ Mon 2011/02/21 06:18:13 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 64░ Mon 2011/02/21 06:26:47 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 65░ Mon 2011/02/21 06:36:26 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 66░ Mon 2011/02/21 06:49:17 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 65░ Mon 2011/02/21 06:52:31 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 66░ Mon 2011/02/21 06:53:38 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Fan State Auto Mon 2011/02/21 07:01:51 AM Program Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 67░ Mon 2011/02/21 07:20:31 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 66░ Mon 2011/02/21 07:26:58 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 67░ Mon 2011/02/21 07:29:08 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 66░ Mon 2011/02/21 07:30:14 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 67░ Mon 2011/02/21 07:39:53 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 68░ Mon 2011/02/21 07:49:31 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 67░ Mon 2011/02/21 07:50:38 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 68░ Mon 2011/02/21 07:52:48 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 67░ Mon 2011/02/21 07:54:58 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Heat Status Off Mon 2011/02/21 08:01:58 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Heat/Cool State Off Mon 2011/02/21 08:01:58 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Heat Setpoint 65░ Mon 2011/02/21 08:02:00 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Heat Setpoint 69░ Mon 2011/02/21 08:03:23 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Heat Setpoint 71░ Mon 2011/02/21 08:03:27 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 68░ Mon 2011/02/21 08:17:39 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 69░ Mon 2011/02/21 08:53:57 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status Query░ Mon 2011/02/21 09:02:20 AM Web Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Status 69░ Mon 2011/02/21 09:02:21 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Thermostat Mode Program Heat Mon 2011/02/21 09:02:21 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Heat Setpoint 71░ Mon 2011/02/21 09:02:22 AM System Thermostats / Thermostat Family Room - Main Humidity 2% Mon 2011/02/21 09:02:22 AM System
  22. I have model 2441V version V.91 The thermostat is a 2491T1 T1700 with the humidity sensor soldered out I have noticed for a number of releases that the setpoint does not show up in the device HTML display. It does show up in the admin console. I have tried a query of the device and it does still does not appear. Also in the admin display, now and then, I do not see that the heat is on when it is running. A query on the device also does not correct the problem I upgraded to 2.8.16 and still see the problem. Has anyone any idea as to why?
  23. I have a similar issue but assumed that was the way it was supposed to work so have ignored it. I have a program that runs every time I reboot. It is not set to run at startup. It is set to run if the status of a keypadlinc is off which it always is when I reboot. If I change it to run only if the condition of the button is set off it does not run at startup. It happens to be the only program that checks the status of buttons, all other programs use timed events or condition changes.
  24. It was the system busy issue. I stopped using the url referenced in the post of March 6th when I installed 2.7.13. I assumed the fix was in it. My mistake I will go back to using the url. Thanks
  25. I was attempting to make to delete a device from a scene this morning and could not get the right mouse button to come up. After a bit of trouble shooting I found that the issue is related to how close to the end of the my lighting list the device is. When I renamed the scene so it was in the middle of the list, of all my scenes, the right button brought the menu up. The problem then shifted to other names at the end of my list. It appears that it occurs on items that are in the last 2 to 4 in my lighting list.
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