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Everything posted by smokegrub

  1. Run Then works as it should. Yes, I tried different temperature set points; none worked. Something appears to be incorrect with the Condition.
  2. That same instean device is also controlled by a by a kpl button. Could that be the problem?
  3. I created this program with the stat reading 76 degrees and the fan did not turn on. I checked the fan independent of the program and it works. I have done something wrong with the program. Stat Fan Control On - [iD 000F][Parent 0001] If Status 'Thermostat / Thermostat (Main)' >= 70° (Temperature) Then Set 'Fans / Stove Fan' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  4. Larry: I must be using a version of the software that does not have these features. I am using 4.3.26 and my thermostat displays in the Control step as Themostat (Main), Themostat (Cool Ctl) and Themostat (Heat Ctl). Selecting any of these three does not display the options you indicated. What version are you using?
  5. Larry: Please pardon my lack of familiarity with this type of programming but I don't know how to incorporate >= or <= followed by a number into a program. I looked at the Wiki and it made no sense to me.
  6. I use this stat in a vacation home solely to monitor temperature. Heating is provided with a propane-fired stove ignited with a pilot light. I would like to use the stat in the summer to turn on Insteon controlled window fans using a program which turns the fans on when the stat temperature is 80 degrees or greater and off when the stat temperature is 75 degrees or less. Is that possible?
  7. smokegrub

    Damaged KPL

    Update. Received the repair kit and completed the repair. My only problem was the extremely tiny screws. My thanks to everyone.
  8. smokegrub

    Damaged KPL

    Thanks, J_Barrett. I thought I was using the correct procedure but eyesight is not very good. I have done this before and I have always considered the procedure risky. I have already ordered a couple replacements each in 6-button and 8-button formats.
  9. smokegrub

    Damaged KPL

    Done. Thanks, all.
  10. smokegrub

    Damaged KPL

    Thanks, Brian. Will do.
  11. smokegrub

    Damaged KPL

    Thanks for the feedback. Here are the photos. I think. When adding the Fan High button I heard a snapping sound and found the small piece of clear plastic on the floor. Note, the button does not seat correctly. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to help me sort this out.
  12. smokegrub

    Damaged KPL

    The procedure for posting images has changed since I last used it. I have the photos just don't know how to add them tp a post.
  13. smokegrub

    Damaged KPL

    I think I may not have been clear as to what happened. The button is not broken, The frame into which the button steps had one side break. The piece that broke off is clear. It looks to me like there is a frame into which the buttons snap.
  14. smokegrub

    Damaged KPL

    I was installing custom buttons on a KPL and while popping off the old buttons I damaged one of frame that the button snaps onto. Bummer! The button works but one corner is not snapped down. Is that repairable w/o having to get a new KPL?
  15. If you are referring to remote access by MobiLinc, for example, my lousy zth only updates, if I recall correctly, when the temp changes by 2 degrees! I use Honeywell stats at home and the zth at a vacation home. I only use the zth to notify me if the heating system has failed. I have to reboot it about every 30 or so days for it to perform at all. I am going to supplement it with a Cao tag in the next couple of weeks. I have tested these tags here at home and found them to be accurate (once calibrated) and dependable. I can have them send notifications when the temp does not meet predefined criteria plus I can see the temp immediately by accessing them on my iPhone. I also use them to determine when my postal mail has been delivered here and at the vacation home. IMO Smarthome needs to do some major rework on their stats in the area of performance, reliability and appearance.
  16. Have you tried factory resetting it?
  17. I have researched this application several times and I have found no way it can be done, at least not with my unit. Any time the power to the unit is interrupted it must be restored manually. In my situation by pressing a button on the unit. I have a propane furnace that is started electronically and it requires the same.
  18. At the risk of suffering unnecessarily, I must report on experimention with the Cao tags and a tag manager for a few weeks. I am impressed with these tiny devices. They are inexpensive and they do some amazing (for me) things. They have given me an easy way to be notified of postal mail delivery, humidity under my home and a backup device to report temperature from a remote location where I currently use a wireless Inseon thermostat (unreliable) for that task. I plan to use one in my attic this summer. I currently use an Insteon water sensor in an AC drip pan located in the attic and it has performed flawlessly in those temperatures. The setup of the tags is astoundingly simple. Are there more robust long-term solutions? Sure, but not everyone has the technological expertise nor the physical ability to install or manage those alternatives. For me the tags appear to be an ideal solution. I say go with whatever floats your boat.
  19. More tests today. I discovered that I could increase the signal strength from the tag. I did that and placed the tag inside the mailbox. That test failed. I then taped the tag over a piece of cardboard and placed it on the inside of the mailbox door. The tag armed but performance was very unreliable. I then taped the tag to the front of the mailbox and over the cardboard. Seems to be performing well. Setup is ugly and will probably frighten the carrier! Will report as tests continue. Do you know of anyone who has painted a tag successfully. The tag is white and the box black.
  20. I went to the thread and read it in its entirety. For the most part, it is as you would say "above my pay grade"! The programming necessary to facilitate communication with the ISY exceeds my abilities. I will continue to monitor the thread because I am very impressed with the tags. Their range, their amazing ease of setup and their ability to address some thermal monitoring issues I have make them something I must thoroughly investigate. Obviously, the technology is there so I can only wonder at Smarthome's failure to create a line of products to fill this niche.
  21. Simulated a power failure by disconnecting the tag manager from the router and disconnecting the power to the tag manager. Waited a couple of minutes and reconnected and everything appears to be working correctly. That makes it a solid candidate for my remote location where I plan to use it to monitor temperature inside the house and supplement the Insteon stat which has been problematic since I installed it a couple of years ago. I will also use it to monitor temperature in the freezer. Finally, I will try it with the mailbox there since it is not enclosed with brickwork. I am thus far very pleased with the Tag Manager. Extremely easy to set up, including email notifications. Range is astounding. Unless I encounter something that has not yet feared its head these are going to become a serious part of my home automation system.
  22. Yes. I tried taping it on the outside of the door near its top and bottom and with the tag facing inside and out. Didn't work. I can lay it on top of the brick mailbox enclosure and it works fine so distance is not the limiting variable.
  23. Placed the tag on a folded newspaper inside the box; didn't work.
  24. Pardon my ignorance but what are "direct actions"?
  25. I have tried a rainproof pro tag inside the mailbox and it fails to connect. Just for grins I tried it sitting atop the brick enclosure for the mailbox; works fine. I then tried on the outside of the mailbox door; failed. The brick structure sits between the mailbox door and the location of the tag manager. Tomorrow I am going to try maxing the signal strength and see what happens. Meanwhile, I have the tag set up to monitor temperature/humidity at a location inside the house. It is working beautifully. Setup of the tag manager was a snap, including email notifications. Following the mailbox test, I will test the tag in a chest freezer. If it works there I will be testing its ability to successfully operate following a power failure/power restoration. That will be the critical test it must pass in order to be added to a remote location. Thus far I am impressed with this technology.
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