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Everything posted by smokegrub

  1. I have used a 2441zth powered with a dongle at a remote location for several years. My personal experience is that it has problems and requires occasional rebooting and resetting of heat/cool parameters. I have accomplished this remotely using an Insteon device to provide power to the stat and a program executed by the ISY. I have also found the 3 degree change needed for the stat to report a temperature change problematic. I still use that stat and programs to alert me of a system failure, but I have backed that up with a Cao tag and tag manager which, when the tag is properly calibrated, is extremely accurate and is programmed to provide email alerts. I love those tags for monitoring motion and, especially temperature measurement. I use them as backups to my hidden door sensors, replacements for open/close sensors, alerting me to mail deliveries and the like. Finally, I have a thermometer positioned where, if needed, I can remotely reposition an Insteon camera and see the temperature.
  2. Is is possible to get a url for the camera through the ISY portal? If so, how?
  3. Recently, one of my ISYs, the one located remotely, lost its ability to show programs in the program tree of the Admin Console. All devices and programs continued to execute, I just couldn't modify or add any programs. Michel Kohanim worked long and hard to help me, finally connecting my ISY through the ISY portal. Everything is working beautifully, except today I tried logging into a Smarthome Camera at that location using its remote URL and in MobiLinc and it would not connect with either. I assumed at that point that it had failed because of problems with port forwarding so I searched and found the ISY Portal MobiLinc Configuration Wiki. I opened MobiLinc and completed steps 1-6 as directed in the Wiki. I then successfully synced MobiLinc with the ISY. I then returned to MobiLinc to view the camera and that failed. I checked the MobiLinc settings for the camera and they remained the same, using the port forwarding connection method as previously. It was at this point that I had to conclude I was stumped. I am using MobiLinc v4.12 on an iPhone 6s running 10.3.3. Any help will be appreciated.
  4. I have tried to do this by using the KPL button address. I save the spoken and when I later examine the list of spokes this one is not in the list even though I asked Alexa to discover it. When I did that Alexa said there were no new programs. I must be missing something basic here. I am less than 24 hours into this so please bear with me.
  5. Thanks, Michel. Red generally is indicative of something being wrong so I didn't want to proceed further until I understood the meaning. I have a lot to learn, but so far I am very excited with the ISY portal and Amazon Echo.
  6. I have an Amazon Dot set up and have been loading devices. Now, I have noticed red x's adjacent to the UUID's of both ISY's, and I have set up nothing in one of the ISY's. All the devices I have entered are being handled properly by the Dot, that is, devices are turning on and off as verbal commands are given to Alexa.
  7. I have written this program and awaiting it running. Thanks. This will be a very valuable tool.
  8. Thanks for the feedback.
  9. Insteon devices powered by batteries represent a serious problem when you lose connnection to them, and they are located at a distant location. Moreover, they are a real pain even when nearby and you have to remove them from door jambs etc. to restore communications. I understand the primary reason for that is they are battery operated and energy savings is essential. But, is there a way they could be developed that would permit contacting them? For example, programming them with a brief daily (or other) interval where they would come on or a few seconds allowing a user the opportunity to intervene during that interval and perform a restore. If this were possible it would make these devices immensely more user friendly.
  10. Recently, an ISY located about 325 miles from my primary residence ceased showing programs in its device tree. On this forum, Teken did his best to help me, but finally I turned to UD. Michel worked with me for hours, finally remoting into my Mac and resolving the problem which, basically, is that Java "does not play well with the Mac". I ask anyone considering purchase of an ISY to take into account the extraordinary support available at this forum and from UD. Just try to get any substantial support anywhere on practically anything. Taking into account this level of support makes the ISY a no brainer. And that does not take into account all the amazing things you can do with the ISY. I own two and have not had a single moment's regret.
  11. I am going to request that UDI remote into the ISY and see if they can sort out what's up. So far, my programs, though not visible, are still running but all but a couple battery sensors are visible in the device tree and they are showing a heartbeat but otherwise "dead". If I can somehow make it four months I will sort things out onsite. Thanks for all the feedback.
  12. The subject ISY and PLM are 325 miles from my current location and I will not be there for 4 months!
  13. All the tabs properly display except for summary and details. I have no variables. Thus, only those sub tabs associated with the programs tab are dysfunctional.
  14. When I select the Programs Tab there are no programs listed.
  15. - Disable any firewall & anti virus to see if this behavior is still present or fixed - Ensure the Java software is the latest release - Always ensure both UI & Firmware match under the AC Help -> About - Try opening the AC in another computer system to see if the same behavior is seen or not - Can't do - Programs: There are times where *Tight Loop* programs can cause the system to hang and this may cause different tabs to be missing or slow to load - What is the Upload / Download speed of the ISP at the remote site?? If its still using dial up or DSL it may be too low. - >70 mbps A reboot did not bring the programs back. I will know this evening is\f the programs are still running even though they are invisible in the ISY. Looks like I will just have to wait 4 months to get things set straight again. Thanks for all your attempts to help. Do you think UDI could possibly help if I ask them to remote in?
  16. Before I had opportunity to try this program all my programs disappeared again! I saved a backup with the former ISY software prior to the ISY software switch to the Z-wave version when all the programs were visible. Should I restore that backup? Will that resolve the problems with the battery devices? By the way, I tried the program on two separate battery devices and got the message "Bad Request".
  17. Thanks, will try.
  18. I checked and none of the battery devices now show their status. : ( I would appreciate you guiding me in developing the program to try addressing these issues during heartbeat.
  19. Yes, I can still see all the programs plus all the battery devices show their correct status in the device tree. What would a program look like to update these devices during heartbeat? I will wait to see if the battery devices report before doing anything else.
  20. Oops! I did this while away. Darn! Oh, well.
  21. That is something I did not know. I will download and install that firmware and delete the JAVA cache.
  22. I rebooted the ISY from the Configuration Tab in the Admin Console. I then loaded the system from the Admin Console and the programs did not reappear. I waited a couple minutes, reloaded from the Admin console again and the programs were there! Thanks for the help. Now, if the PLM will survive for the next 4 months I will be able to change it. You guys are the best.
  23. Thanks, Paul. Now, let's see what happens.
  24. Pardon me for missing something: Under the File menu in the Admin Console the only options I have are: Backup ISY Restore ISY Restore Devices Restore Modem Delete Modem There is no option to reboot the ISY remotely that I can find. I continued poking around and saw a Reboot button under the Configuration tab. Is that it?
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