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Everything posted by smokegrub

  1. Jon: I am obviously missing something. I thought that I downloaded the Firmware and UI to my Mac and that same Firmware and UI controlled both ISYs. That is the way I have done that repeatedly in the past and this is the first time a different Firmware has seemingly appeared on its on.
  2. Remote ISY Firmware Insteon_UD994 v.4.2.30 (2015-04-02-09:09:20) UI Insteon_UD994 v.4.3.26 (2015-04-02-09:09:20) Home ISY Firmware Insteon_UD994 v.4.3.26 (2015-10-13-11:35:11) UI IInsteon_UD994 v.4.3.26 (2015-10-13-11:35:11)
  3. I just noted something particularly interesting. I was doing some work on Programs at the remote ISY and I noted at the top of that page, in red, 4.3.26 is now available. A quick check under Help says the firmware is 4.2.30 and the UI is 4.3.26.
  4. I emptied the JAVA Cache and things remind the same. Yes, I am using UI 4.3.26 to access the remote ISY. Since the same computer is used to access both ISYs how can one ISY have a different firmware????
  5. I agree, that seems to be the only plausible conclusion, yet it does not explain why each ISY is showing different firmware. All firmware and UI updates are done on the same MacBook Pro.
  6. I have two ISYs. One is located at my primary residence; the other about 325 miles away. I have not yet updated to Firmware 4.2.30. The local ISY correctly shows both the Firmware and UI as 4.3.26. However, the remote ISY shows the Firmware as 4.2.30 and a UI of 4.3.26! How can I fix this? How did it happen?
  7. You are correct, Lee. A check today shows that the sensor did, in fact, report a heartbeat 24 hours later.
  8. I purchased a couple of these from Dell. Apparently they are an older technology since the Heartbeat does not display as ON in the heartbeat node. Am I correct? If so, I will design the program to notify me when the Heartbeat reports its status as ON (which I assume will only occur when the battery is low). Good price on these but I didn't ask for their REV number. Oh, well.
  9. I have a second home that is located 325 miles from my primary residence. The thermostat is used solely for the purpose of monitoring the temperature since the heating units' settings are manually controlled. That makes my situation less critical than yours since one of my heating systems is fired by a continuous burning pilot light. The pilot light has failed in the past due to extremely high winds. That is very rare but it is why I monitor so closely. The location is rural and experiences frequent short-term power outages. I have the thermostat plugged into a Lamplinc. When the power is restored, the program detects that the Heat Mode is OFF and runs the following program which resets the Mode and the setpoint. I also have a program to alert me of the temperature measured by the thermostat at 0700, 1200, 1600 and 2100 hours. I can, of course, get the status of the thermostat at any time using MobiLinc. Finally, my emergency fail-safe is an Insteon camera that I can pan to see a thermometer. This works for me but I now consider the thermostat the worst performing of all my Insteon products and I own a lot. I now have Honeywell RTH9580 Wi-Fi Series thermostats in my primary residence. The only thing I am not 100% satisfied with is the fact that they are Cloud based. UDI has indicated that work is underway for users of the thermostats to do so with their ISY. I look forward to that because these thermostats are the "cat's meow". Thermostat Setpoint Reset (Power Outage) Copy - [iD 001B][Parent 0001] If Status 'Thermostat / Thermostat (Main)' is Mode Off Then Wait 2 minutes Set 'Thermostat / Thermostat (Main)' Mode Heat Set 'Thermostat / Thermostat (Main)' 60° (Heat Setpoint) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Automatically resets the thermostat mode to heat and the heat setpoint to that contained in this program following a power failure. The program should be disabled at the end of the heating season and enabled at its start. Otherwise, if the temperature falls below the setpoint and the program has not been disabled, a notification will be sent. If the setpoint is changed in the device tree, it must be changed in this program as well. Otherwise, the program will change the setpoint in the device tree to conform to the temperature specified in the program.
  10. Awesome!
  11. Awesome, Michel. This will definitely make me a portal user!
  12. I have a Sears chest freezer and Frigidaire refrigerator that are both more than 25 years old and going strong. The "more technologically advanced" features being built into contemporary devices are inversely proportional to their life expectancy!
  13. As a side note, I own two Whirlpool uprights and both have the same problem, icing up. The problem is clearly a manufacturing defect but Whirlpool offers no relief unless the refrigerator is under warranty or has a service contract. I purchased a service agreement, waited the required timeframe, and had one of the units serviced (Whirlpool recommended this course of action). The problem was a defective mother board. The unit has had no problems since service. I will do the same for the second this summer. Thanks for the feedback.
  14. The current temperature was not displaying either in the ISY or in MobiLinc. I had determined previously that power outages (frequent at this location) cause the thermostat to lose its settings for the heat/cool mode and the temperature setting so, a year or so ago, I wrote a program: If thermostat is off then wait two minutes and reset the mode to heat and the temperature to 50. I set the temperature at 50 and use that to trigger a notification alerting me that the heat has failed. That way, I can contact someone to restart the heating system. I also have an alert sent to me each morning at 0700 providing the current temperature. My corrective steps were: I wrote updates to the thermostat and restored it from the ISY. The problem has repeated itself 3 times over the past week--the most recent was yesterday. In my opinion, the Insteon thermostat is the least reliable piece of Insteon hardware I own.
  15. Ignore the above post. I got it back but it has been failing repeatedly so I will likely return with a request for help.
  16. The subject thermostat is located remotely. It is used solely as a monitoring device of the temperature in the house. It is no longer reporting its status. I have tried updating it and restoring it. I have also cut the power to it, waited a few minutes and repowered it. Nothing has worked. Suggestions?
  17. I replaced my PLM a couple of months ago and the process went very quickly.
  18. Thanks for the feedback. I have emailed Honeywell with the recommendation that they provide the ability for the ISY to integrate with the subject thermostat. It will be interesting to see if I get a response. If I do, I will post it.
  19. I read the entire thread regarding the prospects for integration of the RTH9580WF into the ISY and can't discern what the status of this is. I have two of these thermostats and, for the most part, they do what I need them to do using my Mac and iPhone. However, management my ISY would further enhance their ease of use and power. Could someone fill me in on where things stand?
  20. Ignore the above post, I was able to get the update done with the most recent version of JAVA.
  21. My Admin Console has been opening slowly so I decided to update to 4.3.26. I deleted the JAVA cache and, of course the desktop Admin Console icon disappeared. I then went to the instructions to download 4.3.26. There. I saw the Mac instructions with reference to an older JAVA version (I have 1.8.0_66 running on 10.10.5)). That raises the question, what are the download instructions for the version of JAVA that I have? I am currently stranded so any help will be appreciated,
  22. These look promising and within the range of my abilities. Thanks.
  23. After doing a bit of research this appears to be "out of my league". I will wait until, hopefully, something comes along that does not require such a learning curve.
  24. Thanks. I copied your instructions. I will have to do some research since I am unfamiliar with "network resource", "rest" and the ISY portal.
  25. I don't have that module but would be willing to invest in it. Procedurally, how complex would it be to send a command from the secondary residence to a BuzzLinc or 2867-222 at the primary residence when an event (door open, etc) occurs at the secondary residence?
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