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Everything posted by trevorst

  1. That does seem to be normal with the latest Zwave release. I have three different mfgs Zwave devices and all three do the same thing. Only turns the controlled devices via scene call but also turns light when using switch. I think you may be able to have the light turn on via scene control by including the Zwave switch in the scene also. I remember seeing a post on this but have never tried it as I have the opposite issue, would like the light not to turn on from the switch.
  2. @Geddy The Quotes worked I must have been using them before I changed the IP Address back nto my old reserved address. Thanks so much for your help. Trevor
  3. Thanks Geddy, I have tried deleting and reloading multiple times and pressing the button. Have done this with both ip address added and leaving it out. The issue right now appears to be the formatting of the ip address. Searching I found one post that said to use the [: xxx.xxx.x.xxx:] format but the error messages in my last post shows that does not work either. Thanks for trying to help maybe someone that knows the required format will see this post Just noticed your ref to quotes I did try that early on, will give that another shot.
  4. Hi Geddy thanks for the reply I had already tried that many times with no success . I reserved the old IP address of 114 on the router successfully and it failed. Added the address in config and they connected using the following formats of inputting the IP address but all failed to load any lights. [:] received the following error ERROR hue:connect: Failed to read bridges variable [:] Expecting value: line 1 column 2 (char 1) ERROR hue:connect: Failed to read bridges variable [:] Expecting value: line 1 column 2 (char 1) received the following error [] received the following error ERROR hue:connect: Failed to read bridges variable [] Expecting ',' delimiter: line 1 column 9 (char Appreciate any help/ideas you you can give. Trevor
  5. I had failure of my router and had to reconfigure as a Access Point. After reloading the Hue app the hue controller is found but does not load any of the lights. Not sure if there is any config I need to do, I don't remember needing any before, I have attached the log. Any adviceHue_11-8-2023_72151-PM.zip ?
  6. I worked with Chris after writing a ticket but still could not solve the issue. Like you controlling from the Admin Console and all scenes and programs work fine , but the switch is not reporting correctly (or at all). I did get my switch to send DON/DOF messages from the Basic Scene node and can use that to control a basic program, but no status is ever received from the main switch node. I think it could be something to do with the 800 series specs. Just a thought.
  7. I was forced to change my router to AP with Internet modem because of malfunctioning port on modem now after deleting and reloading the Hue app it only finds the modem and no lights. Not sure if I need to configure anything as I it was several years ago when I first loaded the app and it has be working great (thank you for your work). Would appreciate any advise on solving the issue. Trevor Attached is the log file. Hue_11-8-2023_72151-PM.zip
  8. Problem solved by Chris Jahn when he replied to my ticket the solution from Chris is: Its possible the associations from the device to IoX weren't successfully written, try this: - right+click | Z-Wave | Rewrite All Device Links - right+click | Write Changes Did as Chris suggested and all communication is now working....
  9. @TechmanThanks I already submitted one this morning.
  10. @Paulywog57 Loaded the latest firmware. Unfortunately the problem still exists no feedback from switch. Thanks for the idea.
  11. @Paulywog57Thanks I’ll give that a try.
  12. @TechmanCould not find how to do S0, so I turned security off Still no luck on status.
  13. @TechmanThanks I’ll give that a try.
  14. I have been trying to get Zen72 to work with my Polisy/Zmatter for the last couple of days. There is no communication from the switch to the ISY no matter what parameters I change. All the nodes show up in the admin console just fine. Thought the Zen72 maybe faulty so I exchanged it, same results with the new one, no status updates. Everything works fine from the Admin Console, programs work, scenes work and updates are shown, but nothing when using the switch. Anyone have ant ideas. I will also post the above in a ticket.
  15. @sjenkins Thanks for the feedback. One issue I have is that the main dimmer node (ZY 019 Dimmer Switch in your screen shot) does not receive any reporting of status. To see any status I have to use SC Basic Control in programs to see any feedback and then it is only DON always at 100 and DOF. If you are receiving feedback on your main switch including light level as your screen shot shows then I have an issue. Have tried re-interviewing without any luck. Will try removing and reinstalling see if that changes things. On the programming I have a scene working but I have no way of telling the Zen72 that it should respond to double tap. The scene works if I single tap or double tap. Do you see feedback that states double tap, single tap etc.
  16. I can get a single scene working with double tap (which for some reason also triggers with single press). Below is an excerpt from the Zooz web site on programming in Home Assistant. How does this translate to Polisy. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ” node_id: X [where X is the node ID of your Zooz switch, which can be found under Configuration > Devices > Zooz Switch] label: Scene 001 [use 001 for top paddle and 002 for bottom paddle] value: KeyPressed [KeyPressed = 1 x tap, KeyReleased = released, KeyHeldDown = held, KeyPressed2x = 2 x tap, KeyPressed3x = 3 x tap, KeyPressed4x = 4 x tap, KeyPressed5x = 5 x tap]”
  17. Just installed a new ZEN72 switch to replace a GE switch that had quit sending status but still worked from and responded to Polisy control. The new Zooz switch is exhibiting the exact same behavior, will not send any reporting from switch but is totally controllable from Polisy. Have re-interviewed the switch several times, also deleted and reinstalled the GE switch before I replaced it all to no avail. Has anyone any thoughts on this. Update: I have made some progress, there is a parameter that allows programming the scene capability, turning this on started don/dof commands being reported. Issue is they are not being sent in the main light but on the basic control. So status is not being shown on isy main switch screen. I can use the basic control don/dof to launch macros but nothing else.
  18. Ticket opened… I will try another power supply if I have a suitable one around. Thanks both for your replies. Changed power supply now Polisy boots fine Thanks for input.
  19. Ticket opened… I will try another power supply if I have a suitable one around. Thanks both for your replies.
  20. After a power outage my Polisy with matter board won’t boot. It is just flashing it’s third light and emitting a quiet ticking sound. Tried removing power to no avail. Any thoughts ?
  21. Thanks that gives me the options I need, don’t know why I didn’t see them 😱
  22. Thanks for the reply @Javi. No the shortest ramp does not work as I use a lot of Hue lights and they hate ramps of any kind. By custom toggle do you mean writing a program for each switch I have.? That is doable. A toggle type for programs that would automatically do a then for on and an else for off would streamline the process for us. Appreciate your input. Trevor
  23. Would it be possible to have an option for on/off toggle to have the commands sent as fast off/Fast on. Many Led lights have an issue with ramping and using the Fast commands eliminates the problem. Also is there plans to have zwave switches status added so they can be used in widgets. Thanks
  24. Solved loaded 5.5.6 of iox and power cycled after that cleared up the problem.
  25. Thanks good to know on zooz I may replace the couple I need to run scene/programs on. i came to the same conclusion on running a program on the GE switches without using the scene controllers, works great.
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