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Everything posted by larryllix

  1. I do think Matter is a good thing but most of the excitement is based on lack of knowledge about what it is. I already have Ethernet, WiFi, Zwave, Insteon, X10 and a few hidden amazon protocols on 400 MHz and 900 MHz that most don't know they are broadcasting so I am really hoping my lightswitches can start my car and pick me up on the 26th floor in the future. Time will tell. Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk
  2. Finally, when I turn on my white bulbs, my speakers can respond with white noise to match and only certain TV programs will appear on the guide. I wonder what red noise sounds like? Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk
  3. Most just need to have their link button tapped once the sensing pads have been dried off. Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk
  4. The EIA232 spec defines the 8 pin RJ45 connector as an RS232D standard hardware since 1990? http://www.interfacebus.com/Design_Connector_RS232.html The RJ45 connector is very commonly used in serial ports for larger data equipment where space is a premium. This makes the Ethetnet cables useful for both applications. Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk
  5. PLM uses an RJ45 plug but it was always only serial port using TTL logic signal levels. Polisy's serial port is not using that hardware configuration. You will need the serial cable that come with the PLM.
  6. 75% of my Ethernet devices do not support manual IP address selection now. I guess those devices could never be used on a complex commercial LAN. These day we have computers and programs to do the tasks humans do not want to do. There are also courses on how to set up DHCP servers properly. On a small system with less than 2-4 devices I could understand not wanting to bother with the complexity of setting up a DHCP server properly. There will always be situations that bypassing current technology could apply but there is usually somebody working on power steering and rustproofing iron. OTH: Insteon addressing is static and permanently assigned without only the factory as a manager, but it is not a publicly accessible system....yet.
  7. With all that experience it should be simple for you to understand how to make use of a DHCP server IP reservation table to meet your needs. Not many want to keep track and manage IP address tables and risk the confusion that usually follows, trying to swim upstream against the crowd. We have seen too many cases of IP entanglement from users here.
  8. There is no blocking of SSH on my two polisies using v5.5.0. I don't know where somebody would have imagined that idea.
  9. Configure all IP address control in your router where it should have always been done. ISY doesn't need a static IP address capability, in this decade.
  10. Did you do the patch to the update script before running the Update? I don't know why UDI keeps letting users fall into this trap and hasn't fixed it for future update paople. It is a cloud based update.
  11. Sounds like you still have the old IoX launcher. Did you delete all traces of the IoX launcher and then clear your java? I have found the new version shows up in various places on Win 10 and Win 11. Sometimes it shows up in your Downloads folder. Sometimes only on your Start menu lists. Sometimes I could never find it. It is very inconsistent with different installations of Windows.
  12. Try finding your noise makers that may be interfering with your Insteon signals. Garage door openers were my problem and became very obvious when I installed a second unit containing battery backup. In fact that one crippled all my Insteon signals until I unplugged it. A FilterLinc on each GDO resolved that problem with my KPL.
  13. Do you know how to use SSH on a PC to connect with your polisy? Do you know your polisy's IP and port address?
  14. The "pkg" updater that should have been included to update at the beginning of the script was forgotten. I guess they haven't fixed the script yet. Run the updater and update pkg first then try your updater click option in admin console again
  15. I always seem to prefer to do these things last thing at nights so I can be up all night trying to recover. When it finally works about 10 AM the next day the sleep quality is the best you will ever get!!
  16. Maybe he prefers kermit to faxes?
  17. Sounds like time to open a ticket with UDI. They are fast and very helpful. Don't expect Saturday responses, usually though. Sometimes the UUID database may get messed up.
  18. Have you checked your subscription timing to make sure it hasn't expired. IIRC you would get a notification about that but accounts can change and things get messed up, warning can be incorrect or forgotten about. IIRC those stats are found at the top right corner menu of the ISY Portal. Recently updated your java version? Going to ping @bmercier, our ISY Portal creator and resident expert. Maybe he can shed some light on this.
  19. Were you attempting to update something when this happened?
  20. That always worked for me but it appears some of those commands have been erasedfrpm the freeBSD os to force users to use the provided tools. That update command has never functioned properly for me since polisy came out. The ssh method always worked though and was used to recover each time. We will get there to a user level system eventually. Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk
  21. If that was a State variable your program would run wild and lock up your ISY somewhat. You have no instruction line after the Wait 5 seconds line. It doesn't serve any function.
  22. Perhaps we need an individual "Do not query" selection for each device instead of a group select/deselect. I have three MS II on AC and several MS 1's on battery power but some were planed to be on AC originally, also. I find the battery device query hasn't stayed turned off since IoP was released, anyway. UPDATE: Just checked on v5.5.0 and it kept it's Off setting with A/C reload, finally. Now to see if I can get Insteon to fix the MS II timer bug before re-releasing it.
  23. I used the laughing emoticon 'cause there was no finger bird.
  24. Yeah @Michel Kohanim reported they found the initial update process was flawed and was fixing it. Sure caused some commotion here for me for a night though.
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