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Everything posted by larryllix

  1. You can calibrate the sensor on the main unit only. I found sensors with varying distances to the wall makes a big difference. Don't place sensors above the stat electronics or you'll get about 3-4F higher readings. Careful with the calibration and repeat after sitting for a few hours keeping in mind the math the stat does on the front face. Use the CSV file reports for more accuracy. The sensors in the main stat are placed at the bottom to eliminate heat influences from the electronics. This is a big problem with many stats where WiFi is a big heat source. The user cannot compensate for it as the manufacturers would like you to believe. Trying to compensate makes the stat sensitive to draughts across the sensor and you will get heat waves from your HVAC system. Yeah, I am very sensitive to 0.5c changes. That is why I am stuck on ecobee stats. I don't like the 3-5F temperature swings built into other brands.
  2. IIRC, those "climates" are spare climates/time segments for custom heat schedules that you can name in your schedule tables on the ecobee stat. I have several custom named schedules like Afternoon, Evening, and Wee Hours, that show up as selectable in my ISY. I might mention that these are safer to use than meddling with the setpoints. They can also eliminate the possibility of programs ramping setpoints to the top or to the bottom in the event of an ISY program logic runaway error. Your stat will not show the actual temperature accurately. The displayed reading will be a result of all your remote sensor's average and possibly the result of a advanced setback or setup compensation. For accurate reading see the downloadable spreadsheet information available in the ecobee webpages. It gives 15 minute updates to every sensor including stat readings and averages to 0.1c resolution accuracies. Stat rounds off to 0.3c. This is why the ecobee stats are so accurate and can operate to such tiny differentials to eliminate heat waves better than most other brands.
  3. I had years of minor troubles with my Champain GDO causing Insteon interference. However it was minor and I always thought it would be my PV inverter system. Years later I installed another GDO system with a battery backup inside and my Insteon comms went to about 10% successful, even though it was further away. After unplugging one and then the other I ordered two Insteon FilterLincs and it solved my Insteon noise problems. It wasn't the motors, but rather their cheap power supplies. When the motors ran it didn't bother the Insteon comms, only the power supplies plugged in.
  4. Browsers these days are updated every week or so and have so much power now, it would be nice to rid ourselves of another compiler/interpreter base in our systems. After using TinkerCad, browser based 3D CAD design, for a few months, it is hard to believe all that can be done inside a browser now, and with such little delay anywhere. True cloud power! Let e-ISY be (y)our cloud server, right on your own LAN!
  5. Just wait and see what happens after UDI opens up the iSY to every HTML geek in the world. I suspect ISY will constantly explode, with amazing things, yet to come, everytime some new 10 year old kid learns HTML5 programming,
  6. Awesome! A long awaited opportunity for the HTML5 people to link into ISY with hundreds of different angles. Let the debugging begin to a more exciting future! Will ISY be the official controller to go to Mars? Let's get Elon on the phone.
  7. This is very common practice in some areas with large multi-unit buildings. It saves on some conductor size. However we used to get complaints from electricians about bulbs popping due to the 125vac on them and heats running at 216vac. Utilities tend to attempt a compromise by running voltage at 125/216vac instead of 120/208vac. The voltage levels are within specs and the 216v is not too bad for 220vac appliances. Cheaper incandescent bulbs never liked it though and after being called, many electrician troubleshooters didn't understand why the 120v was so high. However, since Insteon and X10 signals use the zero crossing of the phase voltage, I am not sure how well passing one phase's signals over to another phase, that is 120 degrees out of phase, could possibly work well.
  8. Did you try reloading IoX? I haven't seen it happen in the last few years but occasionally the admin console would do a screwed up load and programs would be missing or elements missing.
  9. If ..... XXX is switched Fast On Then .... do the deed Else -- This is also sent by the non-Dimmer Insteon Wall switches
  10. IIRC, In the end of porting from my ISY994 to my polISY, after attempting to copy it over, I just printed out all my programs and re-entered them manually into my new polISY box. However, I had just moved from a larger home to a smaller apartment and my HA needs were much smaller and quite different. I started from scratch using variables for almost all lighting scenes as the operations are much more debuggable, and simpler, to write more complex deviations to the standard trigger on and time off processes.
  11. I use mostly WiFi bulbs now, a few Insteon plugins with lamps, Insteon door sensors, and a few WiFi Christmas light strings. Matter devices are coming into being everywhere and ISY is working on supporting them big time. My next jump will likely be a WiFi Matter system. I did a short stint with zWave with a half dozen devices but it felt like X10 back in the 80s and now sits in my junk box. Sent from my SM-S711W using Tapatalk
  12. Be sure to save the IoX finder's url results. It makes it much easier to load them back in later when things get finicky again. Sent from my SM-S711W using Tapatalk
  13. Already wired Ethernet extensions are available and may avoid the switched pair confusion that can happen. Sent from my SM-S711W using Tapatalk
  14. Is your ISY IP address dictated in the DHCP IP address reservation table in your router? This sounds a lot like IP address overlap when people attempt to lock down IP addresses other than their router....sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
  15. I just remember getting decimal variables and some network capabilities with v5. Zwave came along much later IIRC about v5.3.x when ISY development stalled.
  16. IIRC this was an old feature that has since been gone for years and many versions. It is not related to this subject matter anyway.
  17. I discovered the ISY mobile app added disables to the Alexa / portal account connection and it defaulted to disabled. Look in the mobile app and see if it needs to be re-enabled. Sent from my SM-S711W using Tapatalk
  18. Therecl are small devices that wire into octagon boxes that provide enough current to accomplish this. AFAICT they are most capacitors inside do there is no heat generated due to their leading power factor not having any Watts. Sent from my SM-S711W using Tapatalk
  19. There is a limit to the version you can use on the ISY but I would advance to v5 for sure. There are way too many features that I couldn't live without now. Sent from my SM-S711W using Tapatalk
  20. You're spoiled by high level language tools. ISY language takes much more creativity to debug complex programming constructs but it can and has been done. Sent from my SM-S711W using Tapatalk
  21. It seems the non-nuetral devices have all disappeared since low current light bulbs have appeared on the market. The low draw and distorted waveforms have made it next to impossible to create enough energy to support a decent rf transmission for most protocols without a neutral wire. Sent from my SM-S711W using Tapatalk
  22. BTW: ISY arithmetic has logical operators in its repertoire. IIRC there is AND, OR, and XOR.
  23. One the techniques I used for a while was to trigger Else, just to make the indicators more useful. If a trigger is switched On Then . . . . do a bunch of stuff ......Wait 2 seconds so I can see the green flash ..... Run 'This Program (Else)' Else ..... must be empty or just turning off the same devices.
  24. I have 11 Wyse cameras. They make lousy doorstops, 9 out of 10 weeks, when the app wasn't working properly. About 7 of them were given to me by my sister-in-law who was tired of rebooting them after each of a few dozen calls to support over three years.
  25. Yeah, and we have reprinted our 2,487 page manual but 287 items have changed and it is out of date now. Its a different world now. Not like the good ol' days.
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