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Everything posted by JTsao

  1. I am now in the same situation - I updated to 5.5.9 and everything was working except PG3 didn't update - I did a system->restart in PG3 and now I can't access PG3 - I power cycled the Polisy and still can't get to PG3 - may be opening up another ticket soon - I really dread updating my system in recent months as it has caused a lot of problems and multiple tickets...
  2. I just did this on the Polisy and I can't get into PG3 either
  3. I was on IoX 5.5.5 and PG3 3.1.17 - I pushed the update packages button and left the room for a while - not sure about the beeps but it appears IoX is now 5.5.9 and working but PG3 is still at 3.1.17 - do I need to push the button again? Edit: IoX is not telling me that there are any updates available
  4. It was early January of this year when I added the 3rd Ultraloq
  5. Here's some screen shots
  6. No, I am pretty sure that this lock cannot do that with current IoX capabilities - only basic lock/unlock and it does appear to have a way to set and delete user codes (but I haven't used that, I did that with their app) - I switched to this lock because it has multiple ways to enter including fingerprint, code, key or bluetooth (auto-unlock) feature - you might be able to accomplish what you are describing above with geo-fencing to determine who left the house (and who is at home) There is also a minor issue in re-keying this lock as it doesn't accept a typical lock cylinder, but for me that is not a big deal because you can power it via an external USB port if the battery dies - despite the negatives, I am happier with these locks than with the Schlage, but everyone's use case is different...
  7. I just switched from 3 Schlage locks after 8 years of use (both Z-wave 300 and 500 versions) - they are a good company and will stand behind their product, even sending me a replacement well beyond the warranty expiration, but, I always had minor communications issues with their locks, mainly with receiving the status, even with beaming repeaters and a lot of z-wave devices, and limited distances to the Z-wave device (z-wave 300 board and Zooz dongle) - I switched to Ultraloq and communications are good now
  8. Ultraloq Pro Z-Wave
  9. It seems like there are a lot of current problems with IoX, PG3, PG3x or the various packages that they depend on - I have a Polisy that works, that I would like to keep working, and an eisy and Zmatter that I eventually want to move to (currently test units that are not controlling anything) - I am running IoX 5.5.5 on both and PG3 3.1.17 and PG3x at 3.1.22 - it's too time consuming to read all of the forums to figure out what works and what doesn't - I think I need a green, yellow or red light based on user consensus to indicate if I should push the button on either box - so, what does everyone recommend as of today, 2/14/2023? Push, or wait? Can UDI add something to the forums indicating if there are significant problems if I push the button?
  10. I had to do this after migration attempt #1 to go from the Polisy to eisy
  11. I guess that confirms that there was an update earlier this week It might be useful to have a thread where users can update each other on what versions they are running and if there are any issues: I've got eisy: udx 3.3.6, pg3x 3.1.22_3, isy 5.5.5_2 and Polisy: udx 3.3.5_4, pg3 3.1.17, isy 5.5.5_1 My eisy is experimental at this point and my Polisy needs to be working - is anyone running anything newer on their Polisy?
  12. I did get it fixed - I tried a few different things, but I believe this was the key: SSH in and try: sudo service udx restart
  13. I heard via an open ticket, that there was an update a couple of days ago that might fix the node server problem in PG3x, but I can't find anything verifying this - I updated the eISY via the update button but the revisions of IoX (5.5.5) and PG3x (3.1.22) are still the same - logging in to eISY, I see via pkg info -a that the versions are udx 3.3.6, pg3x 3.1.22_3 and isy 5.5.5_2 - can someone explain how to figure out if there was a minor update and where the release notes are?
  14. This morning I tried to upgrade and my eISY has been indicating in IoX that it is upgrading for hours - how do I stop this and re-run the update?
  15. Are you suggesting that it should not have been possible to migrate to ZMatter and then just switch back to the Zooz controller? That's what I did and all my Z-Wave equipment works - I was thinking that this could be a problem as well... I do have the Silicon Labs software and have updated Zooz ZST10 firmware before and performed backups but I will need to re-read the forums to learn exactly how associations work Does this indicate that the "LR Lts ZW034" device is controlled by "LR2 Lts ZW035"?
  16. This past weekend I performed a migration from Polisy/Zooz to eISY/ZMatter but ended up going back mainly due problems with Node servers not working - I have some Zooz Zen71 and Zen77 switches in one area of the house and had 3 switches grouped together in a scene - I think that ZMatter does some Z-Wave scene setup because now, after going back, I have one switch still controlling 3 lights and I have since redefined the scenes - Is there any way with the Zooz ZST10 dongle to manually erase the scene setup or adjust it?
  17. That's what I thought too, but from my experience this past weekend and from correspondence with Michel via the ticket that I submitted on this issue, I believe that: 1-Node server licenses can go back and forth, but 2-The ISY Portal license is a one-way/one-time transfer I would prefer that UDI allow all licenses to be more fluid in the case where software issues render the eISY unusable (like in my case) due to user requirements
  18. One question about re-trying this sometime in the future - do I need to factory reset both the eISY and ZMatter (not sure how to do this) before trying again? If not, what is the recommended procedure for cleanup prior to trying migration in the future?
  19. Not sure if this is directly related but I noticed something about the Zooz ZSE40 - I recently took my Insteon MDs out of service and have 5 ZSE40's controlling lights in various locations using the scheme where the MDs do not directly control a scene, they just report motion On and Off to IoX: If 'Motion Detectors / LR ZW037-MD' is switched Off And 'Motion Detectors / LR ZW037-MD' is not switched On Then Wait 5 minutes Set 'LR-Coffee Room / LR Ctr Lts' Off The above program works fine to turn off the lights as discussed - the lights stay on as long as someone triggers motion within the MD timeout + 5 minutes If 'Motion Detectors / MBath ZW050-MD' is switched Off Or 'Motion Detectors / MBath ZW050-MD' Status is Off Then Wait 25 minutes Set 'Master Bath / Master Bath Lt' Off But the above also works - I noticed that the above program becomes false when the MD is switched ON and also refreshes the MD timeout - note no AND clause for not switched On Is this normal behavior or unique for the ZSE40?
  20. FWIW I ended up going back to the Polisy for now - overall I would say that this attempt (#2 for me) came really close for a final eISY migration, but a couple of issues are breaking a lot of functionality that I have come to use on a daily basis- so I will shelve the eISY for now and try again later... EDIT: so DennisC is right that you CAN go back to the Polisy/Zooz dongle after attempting the migration - one thing - ISY Portal is a bit unclear to me about this but it appears that I was able to migrate the node server licenses back from the eISY to the Polisy, but not the ISY portal license
  21. I get the same error when I tried to add geofencing back into the eISY
  22. I'm getting HTTP error 400 or 401 when trying to add devices/locations
  23. After migrating to eISY, I tried to migrate back to Polisy, but ISY Portal said I can't send the licenses back - but now, I am showing 0 purchases on eISY, and this, in combination with the "already started" issue is making most of the node servers non-runnable - do I need to open up a ticket? EDIT: I found out that even though the ISY Portal indicated some kind of error message about migration, the node server licenses did migrate back from the eISY to the Polisy, but the ISY Portal license did not
  24. Well, I have migrated to eISY but there are some issues: 1-Several node servers report as disconnected and are experiencing the "already started" issue, where they can't be re-started - these are all configured correctly and some were actually working prior to a reboot, PG3x restart, or power cycle 2-Zooz ZSE40 motion sensors don't work and won't complete an interview 3-I cannot seem to set up the Occupancy node server that was working fine with the Polisy 4-A couple of z-wave devices won't complete an interview, but others of the same type can... 5-Sometimes, I cannot log into the PG3x web page for the eISY - a power cycle is required to get back in if this happens At this point I would recommend staying put to anyone considering moving from Polisy/Zooz to eISY/ZMatter - I am considering the possibility of moving back - does anyone know if it is possible to transfer Node Server licenses back from the eISY to the Polisy?
  25. I am at the point where all node servers should be working, but I am seeing the node server "already started" issue appearing in slots 1 and 2 consistently and other slots randomly with each reboot - I am starting to regret attempting this today...
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