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Everything posted by G W

  1. G W


    I've never had a delay of more that 9 seconds. Best regards, Gary Funk
  2. An Iinteresting idea, Barry. For those that use Auto, that may be the answer. Best regards, Gary Funk
  3. One thing I regret was never getting my own ticket. I bet I've logged over 5000 hours by the time I was 23. And I messed up by not getting my father's handle. Now I feel bad. Darn. Best regards, Gary Funk
  4. I had the same thing. I just put keypads in that case so I can monitor and control other switches. Best regards, Gary Funk
  5. Agreed. But should some be stupid enough to persist, I will retaliate. Best regards, Gary Funk
  6. Armament isn't protection, it's retaliation. I have good security which alerts to a potential threat. I still open and close my overhear garage door remotely. Best regards, Gary Funk
  7. Yes, in case anyone wonders, I have a lot of sidearms and a 1973 M-16 and a 2016 AR-15. Best regards, Gary Funk
  8. I see now where you got lost. In Colorado we don't give intruders rights. If they get hurt while on our property, we put down like a horse with a broken leg. Best regards, Gary Funk
  9. Okay, I think I have it figured out.
  10. What's that have to do with shutting a garage door via remote? Best regards, Gary Funk
  11. Colorado is a little bit different. We still six-shooters on our hip. And frankly, I really don't care what happens to an intruder. I have no assets for anyone to go after. Best regards, Gary Funk
  12. Yes, and that is not going to work because a device can be in more than one scene. So can it know which scene to set the status on? Also, you keep saying "web interface" like its the controlling object. What if it's changed through the Android application? Best regards, Gary Funk
  13. You're repeating the same thing over and over. If we don't understand it the first time, repeating the same is not going help. Best regards, Gary Funk
  14. I need to do more testing before I state anything as a fact. Best regards, Gary Funk
  15. If I understand this correctly, the "web interface" as you call it, is using REST commands to control the ISY. If a device is turned on through the ISY are you wanting it to show that any scene the device belongs to is turned on? Best regards, Gary Funk
  16. The documents came with the system at no extra charge. Best regards, Gary Funk
  17. There is unexplainable behavior in that pressing one button will cause all buttons to light up. I'm going to continue work in this until I can document and prove a successful procedure to clear the problem. One would think there would be more information posted other than just, "don't do that." Best regards, Gary Funk
  18. That's why I installed a LiftMaster MyQ system. It's all built in. Best regards, Gary Funk
  19. I have created two sets of scenes. One has a single KLP and FanLinc. Two has three KPLs and a FanLinc. I can confirm that deleting the "Button Groupings" does NOT clean up the problem. Best regards, Gary Funk
  20. I've been looking for and reading everthing I can find on "Button Grouping" and the adverse consequences. I see a lot of warnings and some hints at what problems it might cause. 1. Exactly what problem does this cause and where is it located? 2. How does one clean up the problem? Best regards, Gary Funk
  21. I've seen that warning forever. I've grouped all 11 of my FanLink KPLs and I've never seen a problem. Best regards, Gary Funk
  22. It does if you group the buttons. Best regards, Gary Funk
  23. I've never heard anyone say the love the SmartHome thermostats. Best regards, Gary Funk
  24. I've been following these discussions for as long as I have owned an ISY. I've debated both sides and I've tried to find a method that will give an accurate status. It just can't be done to satisfy everyone under ever circumstance. However, if you could assign a status of ON or OFF to show that the scene was told to turn On/Fast On or Off/Fast Off and only those four actions could set the status, that might satisfy most users. There is still the situation where a scene can be On or Off but a member of the scene is chanced to a different state afterwards. At least this will give the last full state of the scene and an indication of its state. Best regards, Gary Funk
  25. I took Michel's recommendation and bought RCS TZ45R. It works great. Best regards, Gary Funk
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