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Everything posted by G W

  1. From some long comments here, I think some did not read the whole article. Best regards, Gary Funk
  2. Did everyone actually READ the article? Best regards, Gary Funk
  3. Dang! That is one expensive valve. Best regards, Gary Funk
  4. And now one can use an Arduino to unlock a car door of any car with remote door locking. Best regards, Gary Funk
  5. Check all the responder levels and make sure A, B, C and D are set to Non-Toggle On. Best regards, Gary Funk
  6. Thank you, Michel. I suspect your want this as much as we all do, and that you will keep us informed. Best regards, Gary Funk
  7. Has Amazon given ANY indication that this issue may be addressed in the future? I think I read that someone suggested that each Echo/Dot/Tap be given am ID that it could use and report. The idea being that each unit is able to respond to "lights on" and turn on predetermined lights in the room. Best regards, Gary Funk
  8. Sometimes my humor is funny. It's rare, like when congress passes a good law; but it happens. Best regards, Gary Funk
  9. Michel, Has Amazon given ANY indication that this issue may be addressed in the future? I think I read that someone suggested that each Echo/Dot/Tap be given am ID that it could use and report. Best regards, Gary Funk
  10. Dad! Scott's making fun of me. Best regards, Gary Funk
  11. I blame the heat and humidity. Seven nights in Saigon and I'm ready to surrender; again. Now I know why I like living in Denver. It's dry and cool most of the time. Best regards, Gary Funk
  12. Can I come out of the corner now? (Smile) Best regards, Gary Funk
  13. Yes, Michel. Best regards, Gary Funk
  14. Second thought, don't. Let the idiots all die out. Best regards, Gary Funk
  15. You're preaching to the choir here. The people on here are smart. You need to go where the idiots are. Best regards, Gary Funk
  16. But does he have to post this on every thread about closing a garage door? I have a door that is UL approved for closing unattended and have taken extra measures to insure it won't cause harm to a human. I guess he forgot the last comment he left: Best regards, Gary Funk
  17. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're a broken record. Best regards, Gary Funk
  18. 17 year old girls seem to be easy to find. At least that's what the big bruise on my rib cage proves to me. My wife has a very sharp elbow. I tried to explain to her that Saigon is just one big outdoor art museum and it's there to look at all the beauty. Best regards, Gary Funk
  19. Yeah, where do you think we are? Thailand? I was shocked to find out my 17 year old niece in Vietnam, is dating a 26 year old combat pilot. Best regards, Gary Funk
  20. They still do. Best regards, Gary Funk
  21. There is your problem. They need to match. Best regards, Gary Funk
  22. G W

    Remote reboot

    Web Power Switch v.7 by Digital Loggers LCD Screen 10 Outlets Surge Protection - NEWEST MODEL https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EZWD146/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_jhyNxbE9WC4NQ I bought one from Amazon. It's cheaper if you have Prime. I set it up to reboot cable modem, router, and switch at 2 am everyday. That has solved many problems. I'll add the ISY next. Best regards, Gary Funk
  23. That's just not true. I'm an end user and have access to all updates and documents. Best regards, Gary Funk
  24. Yes it is. We see this on many sites. We see it so often it doesn't surprise us. Best regards, Gary Funk
  25. Or like the guy that deleted entries one-bt-one instead of clicking on a single link at the bottom of the page. Which he would have seen if I bothered to read through the page. Best regards, Gary Funk
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