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Everything posted by jtara92101

  1. Sure. Use the REST API. Create your program, then go to the Summary view (Programs tab, then Summary tab). Look for the ID of your program (right-most column). To run a program with ID 002e, on a controller at IP address, for example: http: //userid:password@ (Remove the space after the colon, I put it there to keep the forum from truncating the URL...) I have a strange application for this. I use the ISY to maintain a variable with the on/off state of my cable box. Because my cable box is a stupid one that only has a "toggle" power function. (You can't command it specifically "on" or "off"...) The cable box is controlled by an IP-connected IR emitter. I use Roomie Remote (iPhone/iPad AV remote app) and it can send HTTP messages. And, so, to have Roomie Remote turn the cable box on or off, it runs a program on the ISY, and the program on the ISY turns the cable box on or off...
  2. I've created a custom notification. The From: part doesn't seem to work. It uses the default even though I filled out "from". e.g. John Doe:jon@doe.com I THINK I did it right, following the format shown on the form. I checked the PDF manual to see if I was doing something wrong, but this field isn't even shown in the manual. Emails arrive with From: ISY Alerts Texts arrive with: From: ISY Alerts
  3. This happens with BOTH Keypads, though. I suppose I could factory-reset them and restore, but to also remove the button grouping - there is that dire warning. So, they would need to be removed from every scene they are a part of (or just where they serve as controller?) and then put back in. It would take a half day. Not worth it. I'll live with 4 LEDs on or only being able to set the scene from one keypad. The biggest problem here is that the ISY hides the real functionality of controllers behind a "scene" abstraction. Insteon has no concept of "scene" at all, the documentation doesn't explain it very well, and the UI seems to try awfully hard not to show the man behind the curtain.
  4. If I turn the scene on manually from the ISY UI, it turns on ALL of the LEDs on BOTH keypads. If I turn the scene off manually from the ISY UI, it turn off ALL of the LEDs on BOTH keypads. It seems it simply ignores the levels. I'm out of ideas.
  5. ^ That only solves the problem for a single keypad, though. As far as I can tell there is NO way to turn of an LED on a different keypad when you activate a scene from different keypad. The level settings for the LEDs on the other keypad (both in the scene and controller) are simply ignored. Actually, worse. I still get the symptom where all 3 of the LEDs on the other keypad light, even if they weren't lit.
  6. Well, I solved part of it. When you use the Copy Scene Attributes From... button, it does NOT copy the attributes for LED buttons! As a previous poster mentioned, you have to set these on the controller. Copy copies everything else. I was aware of not being able to set LEDs directly, but thought that was only to turn them on from a program. I do that successfully, and have a small number of scenes set-up for that. It's for my "Other Areas" buttons. The LED the D button of every keypad shows the status of lights in other areas. That is, if any lights are on in other areas, the LED is lit, otherwise it is unlit. This is controlled by a program, and so I'd had to set-up scenes for this. (Pressing the D button actually turns off the lights in other areas, and then ice they are off the LED will reflect that.)
  7. As opposed to "Copy Scene Attributes From..."? When I change levels in a scene, I then go to every controller of that scene and Copy Scene Attributes From... It's never made sense to me, but, hey, I know it's necessary. Once I've done that, the on levels are set the same as in the scene, so I don't know what more I can do. I've pretty much given up on this. I've accepted that the LEDs are going to take on random states without rhyme or reason. Maybe some day they will come up with some UI that humans can understand. Now I am trying to initiate the same scene from two different keypads, and no way can I get the LEDs to work properly. I add the LEDs for both keypads to the scene, and Copy Scene Attributes From... but the LEDs are only set correctly on for the keypad that you push. That suggests to me that only the mutual-exclusion is working, and that setting the LED level in either the scene or the controller does nothing at all. It's hard to experiment, because the doesn't seem to be any way to remove buttons from groupings other than by doing a Reset which comes with a dire warning about damaging the scene. Once you have dragged a button to a group, all you can do with it after that it to drag it to the other group. There doesn't seem to be a way to "ungroup". Every few months, I decide to struggle with this again and get a little bit more kind-of working. It's not all the ISY's fault - the unreliable Insteon hardware certainly doesn't help a bit. Had I to do it again, I would not have spent the money on this barely-working stuff. When a software engineer Just Doesn't Get It, I can't imagine how others struggle with this. Back into hibernation for a few months. Hats off to those who do this professionally. I used to think they were over-priced. Now I realize they are not over-priced, just beyond my budget for something that is really not worth the cost that it takes to get this incomprehensible and unreliable stuff to work. I'm sure it's mostly an art, and involves selecting those parts that actually work together based on hard-won experience and eating the cost of lots of costly mistakes. Edit: trying to control the same scene from two different keypads, not only does it NOT turn off the LEDs on the other keypad, (which is what I want to do) it actually turns ALL of them On (on the other keypad)! So, i get the correct buttons on the keypad that I press, but completely incorrect LEDs on the other keypad. Yet both the scene and controller have the level set to 0 for the buttons that should be off.
  8. Hmmmm... I've found that simply including the buttons in each scene, and setting the levels to 0 does NOT consistently work. It seems it is necessary to use Buttons Grouping, regardless of advise otherwise. I had a persistent problem with a bathroom keypad controller, where it was always turning on the Shave LED when I hit the main button, even though the scene that the main button activates turns the Shave LED off! Once I checked the C/Shave box in Buttons Grouping for the main button (to the far right) now it shuts off the Shave LED when I tap the main. e.g. what I want (and works now). Hit main button, it activates the "MB Default" scene, and shuts off the A,B,C Leds. (D shows status/shuts off other areas). Hit any of A,B,C, the LED turns on, the other two turn off, and the main button is lit as well.
  9. OK, that's what I've been doing. LR Default (controller is the main button), LR Mood/Dine/TV all set the on-level for the other buttons to off. But I ALSO set the buttons to mutually-exclusive by dragging them into group 1, which doesn't seem to do any harm. Not sure what I was trying to do with the "Mutuals" scenes. Maybe I was trying to simplify. It's an awful lot of setup! Especially when you want a button on a different keypad to alter some of the same lights, and, thus (to avoid confusion) need to turn off the LED. Most of my buttons are activities, and so if you start some activity from a different keypad in the same general area, then you have to think about what LEDs you have to turn off on other keypads. And your "all off" has to do this too. To further complicate things, I have a button on every keypad "other areas" that will turn off the lights in other areas of the house and of course that needs to turn off all of the LEDs in all of the rest of the house...
  10. What the heck does this actually mean? (Buttons Grouping dialog). Then there are more dire warnings, which may or may not have anything to do with this. So, we should drag buttons into "Mutually exclusive Buttons" 1/2 or not? And, if not, do what? Apparently I made some sort of sense of this once, (or at least thought I had) as I see I have set up these scenes for my Living Room Keypad: LR A LED Mood Mutuals LR B LED TV Mutuals LR C LED Dine Mutuals each of these has the other two LEDs in them. But the level was set 100%, and the button lights did work correctly, so I don't think I was actually using this. Actually, I think I probably started to set this up and then encountered the same problem. I don't have a clue what is expected. I have scenes for: LR Default LR Mood LR Dine LR TV and each of these includes the LEDs that I want shut off when the scene is activated. The reason this came up is I ordered custom engraved buttons, and decided to change the button positions. So, I had to do some rearranging on the ISY.
  11. Yes, I am still having the Localhost issue. Not sure what I am supposed to do with my "faulty Java installation on Mac". I have JDK 6.x which I need for some development. I have JRE 7 downloaded from Oracle. It seems to install in a completely different directory, and seems *only* to support the web plugins and WebStart. (Which I thought we were all supposed to stop using due to dire warnings in the press...) I have to admit I'm throughly confused about the Mac Java situatiuon and 6/7. Along with everyone else.
  12. I just did this, and there are a couple of posts here about my experience. You need to make sure your isy99 is updated to 3.3.10 first. Save a backup, then on the isy994, restore from that backup. You don't need to downgrade to 4.0.5 (on the isy994) can read the 3.3.10 backup files. Make sure you unplug your PLM from the power before connecting it to the isy994. Otherwise, it will think it is still talking to the isy99.
  13. Going to just takes me to the standard (non-Java) web interface. It doesn't look anything like the pictures I've seen of the Dashboard.
  14. Is there *any* documentation that explains, in plain English, how to set-up openADR? And how to determine if this is even usable in your area? The main docs refer to the openADR Quick Start Guide. The Open ADR Quick Start Guide only explains the use of the Dashboard (which currently I have no idea how to access, see separate post...) but explains exactly nothing about what to fill-in to the fields or where one might get such information. It's a total dead-end. Is this something mainly for big companies that run an OpenADR sever of their own? (Part of the setup instructions say "issue an alert..."). Or is it something usable with a suitable utility-provided API? In the Electricity tab, I can set a base price, and Enrollment Group (what's that?) and provider. I do find my provide (SDG&E) in the list. But SDG&E residential pricing is complicated. A base price doesn't provide anything useful. We have tiered pricing. There is no place to enter the tiers. Is one of the functions of OpenADR to provide those price points? (I realize much of this is likely non-useful without an electricity meter, e.g. Brultech etc., but something I would consider. Could still use it to shed loads, though, right?) We don't have residental demand-pricing yet, but we do have a simple rebate program. SDG&E issues alerts the day before heavey-use days, and you get a rebate if you reduce your use on those days. Can openADR be used to alert the isy that today is a "reduce your use" day? But I know that a more fine-grained demand billing structure for residential is coming. My building already has the smart meters, but I won't be able to access the meter using RF - I'm in a condo, and the meter is 6 stories below me in the parking garage. I know there are some pretty charts and what-not I can access at an SDG&E website.
  15. How to access the dashboard using a direct URL? The isy.universal-devices-com... trick doesn't seem to work on my system. I get a window saying ISY Finder: Not Found. I assign my device the address using DHCP. I can telnet/ssh to, and I can access the regular web interface at and the applet at (Actually, once I do that once, it saves a shortcut to my desktop. The shortcut refers to a file in the Java cache.) Is there a similar direct URL for the dashboard? I've tried various obvious URLs.
  16. Restoring my 3.3.10 backup from my isy99 to the isy994 (running 4.0.5) worked. I get one error on startup: Couldn't resolve Localhost. On MAC: fix /private/etc/hosts I have localhost listed there, but not Localhost (capitalization)
  17. It's actually fairly hard to find the previous releases. I don't know of any official page that links to them. I just modified the URL in the browser address bar to back-up to the directory containing all of the releases, and I noticed 3.3.100 and 3.3.101. One is dated about a year ago, and one is recent. Otherwise, you'd have to search the forum to find the link to a specific version. What is a "finger check"? [red face] I had to power cycle my switch. FYI, the isy994 *does* connect to the network even if the PLM is not connected. It will come up in safe mode.
  18. I've come across conflicting advice on this. I have an isy99pro, and have updated it to 3.3.10, which is the latest version supported in isy99. I purchased an isy994pro on the upgrade program. It was pre-loaded with 4.0.5. Can I simply restore by backup from the isy99 to the isy994? That backup, of course, was made with 3.3.10? Or, do I first have to downgrade the isy994 to 3.3.10, restore from the backup, and then update back to 4.0.5? This is not mentioned in the official upgrade instructions: http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... r_ISY-994i But I had seen that advice elsewhere, perhaps on this forum, but can't find it again. p.s. What are 3.3.100 and 3.3.101? Should I care about these?
  19. (I also responded to the ticket) 1. PLM and isy994iPro unpopwered 2. Power PLM. green light on side 3. isy994ipro connected to PLM and network 4. blue power LED solid for several seconds 5. TX solid blue. RX solid blue 6. Memory light blinks blue for a bit 7. blue power solid on, TX, RX not lit, two green LEDs on network port, blue Memory and red Error blinking 8. No evidence that the device has attempted to obtain an address using DHCP (checked router)
  20. Yes. Exactly what I did. To say the least. It skidded across the kitchen floor when I inspected to see if there was a card there. So, it's been re-seated. Yes, I know it could be damaged. Stupid design.
  21. Yes I can't reboot the ISY. I can only power-cycle it. No network. There are no light on on Port A. Don't know if there should be. Two green lights on the network port. RX light is out now. TX light blinking green, Error light blinking red in sync. Factorty reset, same thing. It's dead, Jim. Sigh. Now the 24-hour wait for tech support...
  22. Connected the 994i to the PLM. Same error. Only good new is I plugged the PLM back inthe the isy99i and it still works.
  23. Is there a specific, static address configured in safe mode?
  24. I've got plenty of good reason to run it without the PLM connected. I'm replacing an isy99i. I don't want to mess with the PLM until I've confirmed the new isy994i works and (preferably) restored my configuration to the isy994i. My understanding is that as soon as I plug the 994i into the PLM the PLM connection to the 99i is toast, unless I go through a lengthy restore. Would be great if I had the luxury of a spare PLM...
  25. I purchased an isy994iPro on the upgrade program. I and upgrading from an isy99iPro. It apparently arrived DOA. - Green RX light is solid green. This is OK, since I haven't connected it to the PLM yet. - Green TX light is flashing with Red Error light. This is supposed to mean it is not communicating with the network. Cable is plugged into switch. Green light is on on Etherport port on the back and on my switch. I am able to see a DHCP table on my router, and I do not see the isy994i. (No devices that I do not recognized, which is easy, since I assign fixed addressees to all my local devices, so anything with a pool address is "foreign". Nothing there.) Do I need to connect the PLM? I don't want to do that until I actually make the switch. Just want to make sure it works, right now. Do I need to supply a memory card? Edit: I checked, there is a 1GB card in the slot. The card shot across the room when I popped it out, and then very difficult to see how to reinstall. Stupidest design I've seen for an SD card slot. Sam error after "re-seating". (Though I'd not be surprised it it failed after skidding across the kitchen floor...) There is no default static address, right? I need to use DHCP? The isy99i and my other devices are all using DHCP just fine. The DHCP is part of OpenWRT on my router. There are no instructions in the documentation on using the micro-USB. I would need Windows for that, right? Do I need to configure through USB?
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