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Everything posted by oberkc

  1. Ok. For. Upper right button to control anything, there must be an associated scene or program. To identify your problem, you would have to identify which approach you took and double check the settings. Furtermore, something could have changed that would introduce communication problems that would cause key devices o fail to respond. You could certainly try the suggestion of jec6613, but I am not sure that I would be quite as quick to condemn the switch if it does not work.
  2. Seeking clarification here... you press the top-right button and it does not turn on?
  3. Make sure you understand the priorities of the logical conditions "and" and "or". Because of those priorities, the logic would evaluate as (parentheses added for explanation purposes): ('Inside / Stairs / _Sensor_Motion' is switched Off) Or ('Inside / Stairs / Staircase_Sensor_Motion' is switched Off And 'Inside / Stairs / Staircase_Sensor_Motion' Status is Off And 'Inside / Stairs / _Sensor_Motion' Status is Off) It is not unlike a math problem such as 3+2*4*4. Is the answer 96? Is the answer 35? Something else? In logic, like math, some operations occur before others.
  4. No. While "control" conditions will trigger a program, so will most other conditions, including "status" conditions. The real question is WHEN will a condition trigger a program.
  5. Which four? (I don't keep track of such things, sorry.)
  6. Well, other than choose somebody beside the USPS?
  7. Don't disagree with this. I think many of the instructions were written before Polisy (based instead on polyglot or something else) and don't match approach with Polisy. There has been too much assumed, in general, and too little detail provided. While I have been able to get working the few nodeservers that interest me, it took far too many hours to do so, having to spend a lot of time on trial, error, experimentation, and exploration. Don't disagree with this, either.
  8. No, it isn't. It's set so that once one of the motion sensors OR the other sensor AND...AND... Are the two sensors close by? Are they typically triggered within seconds of each other? It seems to me that this set of conditions runs the risk that could run FALSE (else path) pretty regularly, including an interruption of the 5-second wait. My concern is that this is more complicated than it needs to be and introduces unexpected results. For your upstairs motion timer program, why not: if 'Inside / Stairs / _Sensor_Motion' status is Off and 'Inside / Stairs / Staircase_Sensor_Motion' status is Off then same else same
  9. And as soon as I wrote this, I recall a nice little program called "conductor". This was an app that had an associated fee. Unfortunately, the fee did not guarantee the same fate. I had a TV remote control app also that cost about $20. Used it for about a year, then the developer got bored or tired or lost his free time. I guess fees are no more a guarantee of continued support than lack of fees a guarantee of near-term obsolescence.
  10. I agree. I think a bug is highly unlikely. I never had any trouble with this in v4 software. I also thought scene controllers were red in the list, but I may be remembering incorrectly. This is an indication of communication failure, if I recall correctly. Also, this can potentially fail if there are programs that are triggered by any of the devices in this scene. Communication failure can certainly cause the symptoms you describe.
  11. For me, the concern about fees or lack thereof is that I see it as an indicator that this is a hobby and passion for some, rather than a business venture. Don't get me wrong, I very much appreciate all the effort that goes into it, but I cannot help but be concerned about the long-term viability of these node servers. I understand that Homeseer and Hubitat may be examples where the community builds these interfaces to various devices and protocols. I also read stories where some of these interfaces have been abandoned or left unsupported (insteon for homeseer is one example that comes to mind) as the developer gets tired or moves on to other things. I don't want to see these same results for Polisy. Maybe this is just the nature of the business. Maybe there is just not enough demand for this stuff that one can make money supporting it. Having said all that...Thanks to all who have contributed.
  12. That would also be a barrier for me. This makes me suspect that they have access to my ISY. No thanks. Having said that, I have already given all this away to amazon and alexa, as to Google, not counting the portal, itself. What is one more?
  13. Looking a little closer at mine, I am starting to wonder if the antenna connection without a "pin" is also something other than a hole. It looks to me not to be a hole, but a gold contact point. The antenna half of this appears also to be a similar contact point. I don't know why the two antennas would have to be different, but they are in my case, but I don't know that this represents a problem if, in fact, there is connectivity.
  14. In fact, you could do ALL this in a single program: if from time is sunset to 11PM (same day) or from time is 5AM to sunrise + 30min then turn on lights else turn off lights Syntax is from memory and approximate so don't get to concerned if actual program looks a little different,.
  15. Never looked at mine, either. I checked them and found the same. Starting to see a trend?
  16. So...given this...it seems to me that this is a pretty good option (even if viewed as a workaround) for control of the newer devices from polisy using mobilinc. I assume agave would work the same way.
  17. I recall that mine came in a simple cardboard box, less than a foot on each side and around 4 inches tall.
  18. I have not tried yet, but does putting the new devices from policy into scenes not work? Would not mobilinc see/control the scenes?
  19. It sounds to me that the success you have had with Alexa is based, in part, on your willingness to memorize the correct verbiage for each action you desire to implement. I reject that I should have to do this, and certainly would not convince others living in the house the value in doing so. Certainly, one can get consistent results with this approach, but I would rather press a light switch than having to memorize exact syntax of commands, many of which I might only use a few times a year. Until I can cease to worry about whether I say "shut" versus "close", or "turn on the lights" versus "turn the lights on", or "turn up the volume" versus "tell harmony to turn up the volume" I will continue to view alexa as little more than an interesting hobby. In my alexa, I cannot even say "alexa, turn the lights on" without getting an error response...or telling alexa to "turn on the office lights" and having the TV come on. This is despite the fact that the alexa is assigned to a room (or group) and certain devices (called lights) are assigned to that same group and that the TV is not a light in that group. Don't even get me started on the fact that I can only have a single harmony hub assigned to the alexa and that telling alexa to turn on the TV in one room will often result in the TV of another room turning on. Yes, you might be able to get it to work with enough effort, workarounds, crazy naming sequences, and patience, but I suspect you are a small minority that find the effort worth the reward. Hopefully, it will get better over time.
  20. I am certainly no expert here, but if you have the skills to identify the network command issued by your app associated with the “play” command, perhaps a network resource could be used to trigger a program in the ISY. A harmony hub, along with the harmony nodeserver, would certainly work to trigger an ISY program based upon the harmony movie activity. I recall that there are apps (simple remote, formerly roomie is one that I recall) on tablets/phones that can communicate with AV gear and the ISY. Perhaps something like that could be programmed to trigger lighting along with a movie. There also used to be a device called IRLinc that was pretty handy for this, but it would not be much good if you are using the network to control your AV devices.
  21. Well, you could certainly trigger lights based upon motion. Given the relative static nature of watching movies, I doubt that you would want a short time-out period. I would also be hard to determine when the movie was over or when everyone had left the room. In my mind, it would be difficult to do much interesting if all you have is a motion sensor (or two). Also, if turning on the "av gear" and screen was so onerous as to discourage its use, I think I would be first looking to simplify this process. Do you not have this function automated via a single remote or control system? Like some of the others, I am a fan of the harmony hubs, but I am sure there are other options. Furthermore, if you were to do this in a way that would integrate with you home automation system, this could solve your lighting task. While not "automation", I still find uses for light switches and don't find them offensive to use from time-to-time. Keypad buttons for different lighting scenes are not something that should be quickly dismissed. While complete automation might be nice, there are practical limitations. (Even in Star Trek they had to ask the computer to adjust the lights on occasion.) It sounds as if your theater is in the basement, right? One of my most-used switches is one at the top of the basement stairs that, in addition to turning on/off stair lights, is programmed to turn off all lights in the basement. That could include the theater room, gym, workshop, whatever. Maybe a nice compromise for your theater room would be something like this?
  22. This may take more than a single program. And there are always multiple ways of doing things. A simple approach could be something like: First program: if control "another MS" is on then wait two minutes run this program (else path) Second program: if control "one MS" is on and "first program" is true then do what you want when one MS was on within the previous two minutes of another MS else nothing
  23. That is my recollection, as well. If the program was added to alexa, and then asked to be turned on, I would assume the THEN path would run but, apparently, it is not. Perhaps alexa misunderstands and tries to turn on the switch, rather than the program. Or, follow lilyoyo1 suggestion and change the condition to "status" rather than "control".
  24. ??? I see that your program DOES have a control condition. My initial concern is that turning on the switch via alexa would not trigger such a program. But you stated that you added the program directly to alexa, so I cannot say why this would not work.
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