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Everything posted by stusviews

  1. Except for generating traffic, the ISY will do nothing whenever any setting on the thermostat is changed unless the ISY programmed to respond. Loss of communication between the ISY and the thermostat will do nothing unless the ISY is programmed or scheduled to do something during the loss period. Neither will automatically "catch-up." If the thermostat loses power, it will remain in the last state until and/or unless there's a new schedule or program command that occurs after power is resumed. All programmable thermostats are programmable locally. Some are programmable remotely, too. As a precaution, all my thermostats have always been programmed locally. Remote control overrides those settings and can be done on-the-go, as required.
  2. Alexa offers options, different wake words, different accounts, and with the smartphone app, different groups, all free. With competition like that, Google surely will respond
  3. Just to be clear, it's the portal that you can't login to, not the Admin Console? How are you trying to login to the portal?
  4. I've taken to use routines for anything that I want to open and/or close. But, for some unknown reason, open and close continue to work with my garage door programs, both individually and for both, as needed.
  5. Any particular reason that the Z-wave device (which one) would withstand the heat better than the Insteon device (I/O Linc)?
  6. I found that "to" is the problem. Although including "to" makes for natural speech, AI as used in the Amazon Echo and Google Home doesn't support that. It would be similar to saying, "turn the light to on." "Set the fan medium," works. I use Amazon's smartphone Alexa app, which allow creating virtually any voice command to control a device. Not all commands are accepted, however. The app won't let use, "let the sun shine in," to open the bedroom window coverings
  7. So, you don't know and you are too embarrassed to so state
  8. kingwr, I'm unsure what "embarrassingly easy," means, that'll take less than an hour to code and troubleshoot, less that a few hours or something else. And what's the necessary code?
  9. Most of ISY access is via the Administrative Console, which is, basically, a toolbox that allows you to add devices and create both scenes and programs. Although everyone has the same tools, each toolbox will appear somewhat different. As a toolbox, it's rarely used for control, rather the scenes and programs created by those tools are what's used (e.,g. tap a button or paddle, get a result). You can search for the ISY Administrative Console to view some typical snippets. The portal is another toolbox that integrates with the ISY to provide voice control (fot both the Amazon Echo and Google Home devices), IFTTT access, a node server and secure off-site access. The portal itself is not the controller. Off-site access is what MobiLinc provides, too. The ISY portal opens the ISY Dashboard which is used for control. What you may want to search is MobiLinc and ISY Dashboad images. Start here. It's much too extensive to list.
  10. Routines allow a program to be turned on, but not off. A program needs to be defined as a Light to enable off (run Else).
  11. After right clicking, did you select, "Copy to Clipboard?"
  12. I don't know which ISY version you are using, but in version 4,a Repeat statement repeats only what follows the statement, not what precedes it.
  13. It's really difficult to spot an unintentional Off. That aside, which device is nearly always affected a 3AM? Are the other affected devices a bit old, one or more years, There's a four digit date code on a white sticker on each Insteon device. They're on the back of plug-in devices and can be seen on the front of wired-in devices after the switch plate is removed. Post a few of those.
  14. Thanks for the update. I'm awaiting a GH and now know what to avoid. Great frustration saver
  15. No device can be discovered unless it's first added to the portal and given a spoken and, after that, having the app (are you using the computer app or the smartphone app?) discover. The procdure for upgrading to ISY v.3 skill from any other ISY skill is to first use the computer app to "Forget All" devices and only after that's complete to use either app to discover devices or scenes. Whichever you choose, device or scenes. both will be updated. If it's a mess now, don't be concerned, just follow the procedure outlined above.
  16. Only a device can be dimmed, unless you categorize a scene as a light in the portal.
  17. Teken is correct. It's already been posted by UDI that 4.6.2 will be the last upgrade to v.4.
  18. And a bargain becomes better. Thanks Michel for your effort and dedication. Have a pleasant, prolific and profitable New Year as well as years to come. Respectfully, Stu
  19. Q1. It's possible to run multiple Insteon managers and many are comfortable with that. The ISY prefers that it be the only controller, so put the Hub in a place where you can find it down the road after deleting all devices and scenes from the Hub. The ISY should be your primary and only Insteon manger*. The ISY does not have smartphone capability. See, also, response to Q3. Q2. There's no free trial period for the portal that I'm aware of nor any discount for long time subscribers. IMO, $49/2 yrs is a low cost investment. You really won't be sorry. You can do much, much more with the ISY than the Hub (which is an entry level device). Q3. You don't need a mobile interface once you have the portal, although the portal interface is crude compared with at-a-cost options, for example MobiLinc for iOS and Agave for Android. * you can run the ISY and Hub concurrently, but it's not recommended unless/until you are very familiar with the Insteon protocol Your questions are not specific, so the responses are generic.
  20. Simple enough scene. If you select the scene from the Admin Console and turn the scene on (and off), does it behave as expected?
  21. Speculation can be fun and fills the topic with guesses, but usually doesn't solve the problem. So, once again asbril, what's the specific goal?
  22. What's the result if you run the program's Then? Why do you have a folder condition? Is it to disable the program in the event the light is already on (e.g., turned on manually). The problem I see is that as soon as the light is turned on, the folder condition becomes false and the program stops at Wait.
  23. I'm still unclear. I don't understand how using a routine to "activate an existing ISY scene" differs from turning a scene all on or off. What specifically do you want to accomplish? Do you want to change the brightness level of specific devices with your voice? Or turn the scene which has devices set to different levels on/off. Or something else? For example, have scenes that set device to various On-levels. There's no difficulty turning the scenes on or off. But I also have scenes in which I want to change the brightness. How I accomplish that depends on whether I want to change the brightness of one device in the scene or all at once.
  24. I'm a little unclear. Are you trying to use a routine to change the On-Level or just to turn the device on and Off? If you want the former, then a computer group, not a smartphone routine, is the better/correct method.
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