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Everything posted by Blackbird

  1. Thanks, Ill have a look at it.
  2. I think I would want local access to the data. Ill have a look at your recommendation. Thanks
  3. What weather station do you recommend? Primarily want it for wind and to work with polisy. Thanks
  4. I did the restore, deleted the scene, created a new one and made both controllers. So far its good. Thank you.
  5. I have an Insteon outdoor module controlling an outside light. I have a 8 button keypad with button B that also controls the light. I have both in a scene (ive tried the light as a controller and responder). Sometimes when I turn on the light on and off, the outside light blinks on and off repeatedly in an endless loop. I have to go into admin console and disable the keypad to get it to shut off. Sometimes it works fine. Am I doing something wrong with my setup? Thanks
  6. Has anyone replaced the battery on the Remotelinc2?
  7. Ok thank you. Too bad you cant see which programs its connected to.
  8. For example, how can I see every program or scene that is using my kitchen light? Thanks
  9. I saw on there site there is an ac and DC version. Which is better and why?
  10. I'll check it out. Thanks
  11. I meant to post this in the Polisy section. Could you move it there please? And thanks for the recommendation.
  12. What do you guys recommend for underground sprinkler control that works with polisy? Thanks
  13. Im surprised that it isnt in the ISY as an option the same as true or false.
  14. I want to make a program and in the "IF" I want to have if a program is enabled or disabled but all I see for an option is "True" or "False". Thanks
  15. Can the Synology nas connect to the FP2 over wifi?
  16. What i meant by using the Ecobee node server as an example is that the node server doesnt directly connect to the ecobee but connects to the ecobee server then that connects to the thermostat. So i was wondering if HA works the same way with devices such as a blinds controller.
  17. As I mentioned in previous posts, I am interested in getting HA. Two devices come to mind that I want. 1. Aqara fp2 2. A divice that opens and closes my blinds For the blinds, is there a model that HA can run that doesn't require a zigbee or zwave antenna. Just run simular to how my ecobee node server would work on the isy?
  18. Can the zigbee and zwave radios be plugged into the synology nas?
  19. Are you referring to this https://www.amazon.ca/Hubitat-Elevation-Home-Automation-Hub/dp/B07D19VVTX ? If so Im confused, If I need another device to run zigbee and zwave, what is the purpose of the synology NAS. If I used a RP4 or a Odroid, would I still need a hub like this to run zigbee or zwave divices? Thanks
  20. Sounds very complicated. Did it take you long to setup? From what I understand is HA Reads/writes constantly. This wouldnt be good for WD Red's or is there some other way it writes to the NAS?
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