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Everything posted by Blackbird

  1. I installed a new router and changed the IP address in the "Host" line in ELK PG3 to match the new IP address of the ELK M1XEP. Now the POLISY keeps showing connected/disconnected repeatedly. And in ELKRP I have connection issues when connecting to the panel. If I change the IP number to something different in PG3 then ELKRP connects fine. So it seems PG3 is causing the conflict. I figured this out based on a forum message. "Here's a brief update on my connection problem with the ELKRP software and my M1XEP. After a very short conversation with the folks at SmartHome, My problem is resolved!The fix was to go into the ISY Admin console and remove the ELK Configuration values, then save the changes. That did it! My XEP stopped re-booting and I was able to reconnect through the RP software.Apparently, the ISY kept trying to communicate to the M1XEP and because they were not being nice to each other, the XEP kept re-booting." In ELK PG3 I got this ELK Notices: "Error:07/27/2023 16:47:36 See log for: ELK Controller: Timeout sending message VN!!!" In the log I am seeing this: 2023-07-27 17:17:04,748 ELK-987 elkm1_lib.connection WARNING connection:_disconnected_callback: ElkM1 at elk:// disconnected 2023-07-27 17:17:06,074 Thread-83 udi_interface WARNING Controller:handler_poll: waiting for sync and node initialization to complete 2023-07-27 17:17:07,289 Thread-84 udi_interface INFO Controller:handler_log_level: enter: level={'name': 'INFO', 'level': 20} 2023-07-27 17:17:07,291 Thread-84 udi_interface INFO Controller:handler_log_level: Setting basic config to WARNING... 2023-07-27 17:17:07,291 Thread-84 udi_interface INFO polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30 2023-07-27 17:17:07,292 Thread-84 udi_interface INFO Controller:handler_log_level: exit: level={'name': 'INFO', 'level': 20} 2023-07-27 17:17:09,107 ELK-987 elkm1_lib.connection ERROR connection:connection_lost: [Errno 54] Connection reset by peer NoneType: None 2023-07-27 17:17:09,108 ELK-987 elkm1_lib.connection WARNING connection:_disconnected_callback: ElkM1 at elk:// disconnected 2023-07-27 17:17:09,109 ELK-987 udi_interface INFO Controller:disconnected: ELK Controller: Disconnected!!! 2023-07-27 17:17:09,229 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set controller :: GV1 to 2 UOM 25 2023-07-27 17:17:10,117 ELK-987 udi_interface INFO Controller:connected: ELK Controller: Connected!!! 2023-07-27 17:17:10,229 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set controller :: GV1 to 1 UOM 25 2023-07-27 17:17:13,540 ELK-987 elkm1_lib.connection ERROR connection:connection_lost: [Errno 54] Connection reset by peer NoneType: None 2023-07-27 17:17:13,542 ELK-987 elkm1_lib.connection WARNING connection:_disconnected_callback: ElkM1 at elk:// disconnected 2023-07-27 17:17:13,543 ELK-987 udi_interface INFO Controller:disconnected: ELK Controller: Disconnected!!! 2023-07-27 17:17:13,661 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set controller :: GV1 to 2 UOM 25 2023-07-27 17:17:14,557 ELK-987 udi_interface INFO Controller:connected: ELK Controller: Connected!!! 2023-07-27 17:17:14,678 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set controller :: GV1 to 1 UOM 25 2023-07-27 17:17:18,046 ELK-987 elkm1_lib.connection ERROR connection:connection_lost: [Errno 54] Connection reset by peer NoneType: None 2023-07-27 17:17:18,048 ELK-987 elkm1_lib.connection WARNING connection:_disconnected_callback: ElkM1 at elk:// disconnected 2023-07-27 17:17:18,049 ELK-987 udi_interface INFO Controller:disconnected: ELK Controller: Disconnected!!! 2023-07-27 17:17:18,157 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set controller :: GV1 to 2 UOM 25 2023-07-27 17:17:19,076 ELK-987 udi_interface INFO Controller:connected: ELK Controller: Connected!!! 2023-07-27 17:17:19,190 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set controller :: GV1 to 1 UOM 25 2023-07-27 17:17:22,545 ELK-987 elkm1_lib.connection ERROR connection:connection_lost: [Errno 54] Connection reset by pee What can I do to fix this? Thanks
  2. That's really cool. What hardware is required to get started with home assistant? Also by you moving everything except insteon from isy to HA, are you feeling that HA is more reliable?
  3. Thanks guys. So the aqara fp2 could turn my insteon lights on for example, using the home assistant integration?
  4. Does home assistant work with isy? Is there a poly for it?
  5. Would like to get a mmwave motion sensor but do any work with the Isy? Thanks
  6. I have Insteon and Polisy and want to know what the best option for opening and closing existing venetian blinds with PG3 and Polisy. I would prefer something that uses the existing shaft that rotates the blinds open and closed. Thanks
  7. Now for an unknown reason its working again
  8. shows its running and I get these errors in the log. 023-03-30 00:00:00,117 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:00,223 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:00,350 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:00,602 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:00,617 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:00,808 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:00,893 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:01,428 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:01,587 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:01,726 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:01,898 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:01,967 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:02,051 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:02,119 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:02,152 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:02,369 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:02,537 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:02,916 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:02,988 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:03,659 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:03,711 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:03,824 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:04,146 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:04,254 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:04,408 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:04,762 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:04,827 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:04,977 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:05,063 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:05,351 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:05,382 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:05,821 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:06,269 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>' 2023-03-30 00:00:06,399 read_thread sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream WARNING xmlstream:send_raw: Failed to send b'</stream:stream>'
  9. Thanks guys I will give both methods a try
  10. I am using the node server
  11. Status isnt what i want. I want it so if I come home and disarm the alarm and it is after sunset, the lights will turn on. If I use status and im already home with the system already disarmed, then the lights will just come on after sunset.
  12. Is there a way of having a program trigger when the system becomes armed or disarmed instead of just "is" armed or disarmed?
  13. Ok thanks. I installed it
  14. Ok thanks. Any idea when that update will come out?
  15. I was assuming wifi signal but weird why even the button wont turn them on at those times. I will try to contact them. Thanks
  16. I have 5 Kasa lights and every once in a while they lose connection with the app and Polisy and even the manual button wont turn them on. The only way I can get them to work is by unplugging them and plugging them back in. the only one that has not had this issue is the one closest to the wifi router. Not sure why even the button wont turn them on.
  17. Probably is a coincidence but it did start happening after I moved the folder.
  18. In the Polisy I had all my Kasa lights in a subfolder called LED lights that was within a folder called lights. I moved that folder and ever since I did, the Polisy cant control the Kasa lights. I moved the folder back to where it was and still didnt work. I found that restarting the node server, that it worked but now every day I have to restart it. Any idea how to fix this? Stopping and starting the kasa node server also works
  19. AHHH you just made me think of something. I had all disabled devices hidden on UD Mobile but when I enabled the insteon dimmer, it stayed hidden on UD mobile. I found it and stopped it from hiding. Thanks
  20. I recently enabled my livingroom light but even after a sync, UDMobile wont show that light. I tried removing the light in Polisy and readding it but same problem. I have the light in devices/lights
  21. Polisy. That seemed to work. Thanks
  22. I started linking to add a dimmer but the dimmer was already in the isy I just had to enable it but now it is endlessly Linking. Takes about 5 minutes to get to 100% then starts all over again. Has been doing this for about 20 min now. I tried clicking the x in the top right corner but that did nothing. Any idea?
  23. I see the problem I did they are both in the scene but the keypad light was set to off in the scene. Thanks everyone
  24. I do have both the dimmer switch and the button on the keypad, in a scene as a controller
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