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Everything posted by Blackbird

  1. Tried that a couple times and tried "Upgrade Packages" and still didnt fix it. Any idea what support might suggest? Thanks
  2. Ok ill try thanks
  3. I rebooted my Polisy in hopes to get my Node servers to connect and found that my UUDI number is 00:00:00:00:00:01. I can access the admin console but "request failed" when trying to turn on lights. All PG3 nodes are disconnected and says I have no valid license for all my purchased Nodes. PG3 is 3.1.23. Problems seem to have started after I clicked an update button on my ELK node. PG3 shows connected. Im running ISY 5.8.3. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Happy Father's day
  4. My UUID number shows 00:00:00:00:00:01
  5. My isy doesnt have internet access anymore
  6. I now go into ISY portal and there is no green light next to my Polisy. I can log into my isy but when I try to turn on a light I get "Request Failed". I see in the ISY that Under portals it shows Offline
  7. I rebooted the Polisy and now all my Nodes say no valid license! I look on Purchases and it shows 0. I own all 5
  8. Under the system tab I only have Account management, Notifications, reset portal credentials, backup/restore and restart Polyglot 3
  9. I tried clicking the start button on each node but says disconnected. I have Elk, Kasa, Ecobee, Harmony and Magic home. Thanks
  10. Updated and now it seems to be faster updating the status. Thanks
  11. I will try that. Thank you
  12. On the polisy?
  13. UD mobile is taking a very long time to show updated status for both insteon devices and ELK. Is there a setting im missing? It didn't use to take so long. I did get an new android months ago, not sure if that would have an effect. Thanks
  14. Has anyone used the android app Fully Kiosk Browser for ISY on the android tablet? Or is this even possible? Thanks
  15. I did that and Michel suggested trying a different power supply and that worked. Very thankful for all of your help and his.
  16. so how do they fix the signature failure?
  17. This morning I noticed the Polisy has a flashing green light and I am unable to login to it. ISY cant be found. Thanks
  18. Thanks. For my purposes I just used the widgets for disabling devices or programs but is also quick and easy to turn on lights.
  19. I love UDmobile and use it all the time. I use Mobilinc pro so I can have one touch widgets on my Android homescreen like turning off the water and so on. I just switched phones and now Mobilinc wont let me login to my account. Please create one touch widgets for android phones. Thanks
  20. Thanks guys. Its working after I logged into Portal. dont understand why but it works. Thanks
  21. Ok this is weird. After logging into the portal I went back and can now login to the PG3. I didnt do anything except log in to portal.
  22. I checked the link you sent me and it appears that it is for changing the ISYPORTAL password. I am able to log into the portal.
  23. My username or password does not work anymore for pg3. I havent logged in for a while. I can still log in to the polisy. Im also getting a popup error "Not Found" when opening the launcher but it does show my ISY and I can login. When this popup opens, I click "Ok" then it pops up again the after the second time I can click on my ISY and login. This happens every time.
  24. I think I found my problem. The port on pg3 was set to 2601. I set it to 2101 and everything seems to work now.
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