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Everything posted by Blackbird

  1. I have a very uneven garage floor which I think might be an issue with this style of switch
  2. Doesnt make sense to buy the lifetime if its not being updated
  3. So what is it about your method that you think this will work?
  4. Ok how about this? Title of this program is "Overhead Garage door notification 1 of 2" and it is enabled If Status 'Overhead garage door-Sensor' is On On means the door is opened Then Run Program 'Overhead Garage door Open Notification 2 of 2' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Title of this program is "Overhead Garage door Open Notification 2 of 2" and it is disabled If From 3:05:00AM To 2:55:00AM (next day) Then Send Notification to 'email' content 'Garage Overhead Door sensor Open' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  5. So instead of selecting "From" I need to select "Time is"?
  6. So the first program will only run my original program is the status of the io link is true? And keep my original program disabled?
  7. Below is my program. I now get an email at 305 am instead of 3 If Status 'Overhead garage door-Sensor' is On And From 3:05:00AM To 2:55:00AM (next day) Then Send Notification to 'email' content 'Garage Overhead Door sensor Open' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ok and how important is that nightly query and am I at risk of anything if I bypass it?
  8. So in other words bypass the 3am querry for the keypad?
  9. I was more wondering if its possible to stop or ignore that 3am notification. Other than that it works well.
  10. Well I spoke too soon. For some reason I received an email notificaton at 3:05am exactly the time I scheduled it for. Why is it doing this and how can I prevent that one notification
  11. Thats not good
  12. I checked the mobilinc forum and there are a lot of old posts and not many new ones. Is there an android update coming soon?
  13. I am using the garage door in a scene with the keypad and reversed the trigger and it works great. I do however receive a 3am notification saying the door is open so I simply scheduled the notifications for every time except a 10 minute window around 3am.
  14. I didnt see a tasker plugin for notify my android
  15. Tutorials only show how to push a message to and from a pc
  16. Then do I direct my isy notification to pushbullet or just to my regular email that I have been doing?
  17. Im trying to figure out pushbullet. In tasker does the profile need to be event then the pushbullet pluggin?
  18. I've been waiting for you to chime in on this. So I get the ISY to email pushover?
  19. Well it did work but I guess it back to the beginning again. Now what?
  20. Does it not get set back at 3am?
  21. I thought you cant do a scene without having the 3 wire magnetic switch? How do I reverse the trigger?
  22. I already get the emails but I just wanted tasker to create a sound for open and a sound for close
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