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Everything posted by Blackbird

  1. I have a DS918+ already. Didnt know you could use it for home assistant. How does the hardware such as zwave and zigbee, connect?
  2. Not restricted but usually very expensive shipping from US to Canada
  3. Doesnt look like i can get this bundle in Canada
  4. 1. Is HA already installed on this unit? 2. Do I need anything extra to use an ssd for this? 3. What addons are required for zwave and zigbee? Thanks
  5. Interesting thanks. A follow up question, can HA be installed on an old ISY?
  6. Can home assistant be installed on an Eisy?
  7. So RPI 5 if I want to use the Aqara FP2?
  8. For Home Assistant 1. Which do you recommend, rasberry pi 4 or 5? 2. Is there a recommended case or complete kit? Thanks
  9. Thank you to all, for detailed information. I think I'm sold on giving it a try.
  10. Thanks guys. I'm really interested in the Aqara mmw sensor. It works with Home Assistant. Was wondering if the mmw sensor can turn on insteon lights through the isy using HA? Thanks
  11. When you say your using HA for everything else, can you give me an example? Zwave?
  12. Oh that's awesome. Thanks
  13. 1. Does home assistant control the isy or does the isy control home assistant? 2. Once connected, can both home assistant and isy access everything the other can do? Thanks
  14. My temps are metric but wind speed is MPH. Is there a way to change that? In the Programs its klm Thanks
  15. Oh nice, Ill give that a look. Thanks
  16. Is it possible to get a fountain icon? Also is there ever going to be a way of us adding custom icons? Thanks
  17. Sorry just saw that this was already reported.
  18. The two icons on the top right of each page are expanded upwards. This happens on each page and no matter how I arrange the icons the issue is always on the top right. I have a s24 ultra and this issue just started a couple days ago. I attached a screenshot showing "doors" and "shortcuts" too high on the right side. In edit mode they go back to normal size until I close edit.
  19. Michel had me upgrade to PG3X and now everything works. I am so relieved.
  20. Michel had me upgrade to PG3X and now everything works. I am so relieved.
  21. Well I hope there is a fix for it. Doesn't sound like a coincidence happening to both of us within a day or two.
  22. I did yesterday but was hoping for a solution before Monday. Thank you
  23. Ill try that thanks
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