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Everything posted by PhanTomiZ

  1. Yep, that does help a little. Once I get rid of the address in my labels, I can cross reference the devices there to get the address. Thanks
  2. What do you use for your KPL labeling?
  3. At the moment, I have the device address in the name along with a few abbreviations. Not enough space to have it all. Still somewhat confusing, but it helps decipher the event viewer as it only reports addresses. I want to move on to your naming scheme soon... Thanks
  4. Ok, How about a couple of examples of how you label your KPL Scene buttons? Do you use both location of the KPL button and name of controlled scene?
  5. Now that I've got some of my KPLs installed, I need some good templates for the clear button replacements. I have the basic ones that can be found on the Smarthome website. Does anyone have any custom labels they would like to share? Do you have better results when printed on photo paper? Thanks again...
  6. Yes, I believe this is my lesson learned. I will do this...
  7. Now that I've got 4 KPLs installed, my node list is getting disorganized and I have 3 more KPLs yet to install... What is the best way to organize the node list with labeling for devices, scenes and programs? Please post examples of how you have setup your node list. Thanks PhanTomiZ
  8. If a device is in a scene with a KPL then I would prefer operating the Scene as opposed to the actual device. I want to be able to see its status on the KPL. When I had no KPLs, I got used to toggling the individual devices and was not concerned with KPL feedback. But now I'm starting to populate my house with more KPLs, I see a need for the use of scenes. The more I play with it and get feedback from this site, the easier it's getting.... Thanks
  9. If I want all my devices to show feedback on KPLs then I would need to create a scene for every device including the device and the appropriate KPL button? That way, when I want to turn on a specific device I would be turning on instead the scene in which the device is in? Before installing my KPLs, all of my device enabling was done to the device. But now that I've started using KPLs, I will need to change my train of thought. Which brings me to the next issue which I believe I have figured, but will ask for good measure. How about Z-Wave devices? My two 3 way switches can be added to scenes, but only as responders. So in this case, in order to get feedback from my KPL, I would have to create a program like the ones above? Thanks again PhanTomiZ
  10. Originally, I had set the program to these two lines. This would work when I locally operated the switches, but when I operated the KPL, it wouldn't work. I needed to add the other two lines with the kpl buttons. I think I understand now. I'm turning on a device from the admin console expecting it to trigger the scene turning on the kpl. So, if I wanted to have the KPL light up when I turn on a device, then I should create a program to do so. I thought that if the device was included in the scene that it would in turn trigger the scene...
  11. 1. Yes, works perfect 2. Don't know where to check to see if the button is on
  12. I have created a scene which includes the device and the button as a controller/responder, but this will not cause the kpl button to come on when I turn on the device using admin console. The kpl button will turn on if I turn on the Scene using admin console. The only way to accomplish this is to have your program setup like below: Admin Con control test - [iD 0010][Parent 000C] If Status 'Basement Bathroom / Base Bath Lgt - 20.85.C8.1' is On Then Set Scene 'Basement Bathroom / Base Bath Light' On Else Set Scene 'Basement Bathroom / Base Bath Light' Off I would much rather have it work using scenes, but it's not working for me....All works as it should if I operate the device locally or using the kpl, but if I turn on the device using admin console, it won't turn on the appropriate kpl button. What am I doing wrong?
  13. Ok, makes sense. I've had these Keypadlincs for a few months and finally got around to installing them. I'm now trying to figure out how to configure them. In the node list, I also noticed if they are red it means it is a controller or both and if it is black it is a responder. I have a few Z-Wave light switches that won't give me the option of adding them to a scene as controllers, only responders and they turn up black in the scene list.
  14. This may sound like a stupid question, but how do you make it both a controller/responder? I only have the option of either/or.
  15. My program has done this...Good... On another note, how do I get the keypalinc buttons in my example to respond to on/off command of a device from the admin console? Thanks
  16. Hi, I have 2 Switchlinc switches. One connected to a bathroom fan and the other a light. I also have an 8 button Keypadlinc dimmer in which button C operates the fan and button E operates the light. I created 2 scenes so I have feedback to the keypanlinc so that when the switches are operated locally, both button C and E come on and off. When creating the scene I made the keypadlinc buttons, the fan and the light all controllers. So, now I want to create a program to turn the fan off after 5 minutes if the light is switched off or if the fan is turned on either locally or through the keypadlinc. What I'd like to do is use a condition of the Scenes to control a scene to turn off my fan. Under the condition tab, Scene is not an option, only Status, Control, Program etc...This is what I'd like to do: If Scene Base bath light is OFF and Scene Base bath fan is On Then Wait 5 minutes Set Scene Base Bath Fan OFF This is what I've done to get it to work: Base Fan Off Delay Working - [iD 0023][Parent 0001] If ( Status 'Mstr Bed Lights - 2A.08.89.1 / 2A.08.89.C' is 100% And Status 'Mstr Bed Lights - 2A.08.89.1 / 2A.08.89.E' is Off ) Or ( Status 'Basement Bathroom / Base Bath Fan -' is On And Control 'Basement Bathroom / Base Bath Lgt - 20.85.C8.1' is switched Off ) Then Wait 5 minutes and 5 seconds Set Scene 'Basement Bathroom / Base Bath Fan' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Is there an easier or better way to set this up? Thanks PhanTomiz
  17. In a previous iteration, I had the MS and the LED light in a program. Now it is in a scene with much faster response time. The other program is my all lights on program. I just noticed a problem with my programming. I thought I disabled my old program, but for some reason it was continuing to run causing this LED light to turn off when I wasn't expecting it to. I checked the enabled box, but forgot to save the program. Problem fixed... Sorry and thanks...
  18. Hello, I have a scene setup for an LED light above my range that is triggered by a motion sensor. I have an "all lights on" program that runs between 12am and 5am that will turn on all lights on the main level dependant on the status of a separate motion sensor. I want to include this scene in this program, but I only want the scene to run true depending on the status of the motion sensor (included in the scene). How would I add this to my "all lights on" program and what would the line look like? Thanks in advance PhanTomiZ
  19. This has happened to me when I used HL. I believe it is caused by half links, as Stusviews has said. Putting the the MS in linking mode, searching for half links, deleting half links, deleting scenes associated with the MS and then finally factory resetting the MS, brought my MS back to normal operating. Again, this is when I used HL. Haven't had any problems with ISY...Yet...
  20. Today I decided to try this again. Remotely, using the HAD.htm screen and adjusting the temperature of my Insteon Wireless TStat. Increment or decrement preset 1 degree at a time does function. Doing the same using the UDAJAX.htm page results in an error... Just thought you would like to know PhanTomiZ
  21. Your explanation proves very useful. The program will take a little while to decipher, but nonetheless much easier and faster than the other options. I don't mind doing the homework, but this solution will take me there for the time being. When I have time, I will try the other options. Many thanks to you for this solution... I will let you know when I've entered the program and is fully functional... PhanTomiZ
  22. Have you done this yet? I could use some direction...Thanks
  23. This would work great for two people, but I really don't want that heater on unless the son is in that room...
  24. I'm using a 2wire DSL/Router that is rented from my provider. I also have two wireless routers sitting on my computer desk shelf, one of which has DD-WRT installed. About a year or so ago, I wanted to use this as a remote client-bridge for my wired media player in order to rid myself of the wired portion. I didn't have the time to play with it, so I instead ran a dedicated CAT 5 cable to my media player. Its is a D-Link Dir-615. I'm certain the router is still functional. To be honest, I'm slightly intimidated about trying to get this setup as I had very little luck setting it up as a client-bridge. I think the real problem is that I didn't have the time (how can you have the time if you don't make the time???) to figure it out even with the help of multiple Youtube videos and How To links. So I see this project as a time consuming one and will probably get put on the back burner for a while, even if the interest is very very very strong. When I do get time, I will dust it off and wire it up to the router and try re configuring it as a router again...I just thought that their may be an easier, less time consuming way of doing this.
  25. He has Android phone. I will give Xathros' link a read...
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