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Everything posted by PhanTomiZ

  1. Just read your response because I forgot to "Follow this Topic". I will try this today. Thanks...
  2. I use a variant of your suggestion with the I/O linc. Instead of using the N/O contacts (these are already in use for my computer reset setup), I use the GND and Sense terminals in which I connect the Open/Close sensor...
  3. Hi, Finally got finished with my Power Loss Detection method...Here it is, but first my findings with the other methods I tried... First and second methods I tried both worked fine and had one common denominator; it relied on the status of my computer (on 24 hours for Blue Iris). Read on as you'll find, for me, this is not to be relied on. First method is to use my IP Cameras. I use Blue Iris and I'm able to send a web command through the Blue Iris Watchdog routine using REST to change an ISY State Watchdog Variable which I created. All I needed to do is monitor the watchdog variable of 3 or 4 of my most reliable IP Cameras and I would know if utility power was lost. Computer is needed to send this REST command to the ISY. Second method is to use my CyberPower UPS. It can also send web commands on certain alerts. One of the alerts is "Utility Power Loss". Great, so I can once again use this to send a REST command to the ISY through my computer. I'm a firm believer of "Use What You Got", so this is my solution: I decided to use my existing I/O linc which I am using for my remote computer reset device. As you can see from the pics, the N.O contacts are used with two wires that parallel up with the power switch of my computer. This was a short term band aid for the "Dreaded Windows 10 Blue Screen of Death". I use the Sense and GND terminals with two more wires that go to an open/close sensor. This did require a little trial and error as when I was testing the use of this device (open/close sensor), it worked perfectly. The wire I was using was the same wire that comes with the Insteon 74551 Garage Door Control & Status Kit. The wire length is approximately 10' long. After doing my testing and being confident this setup was working, I decided to cut the wires to length, about 6", and two way tape the open/close sensor to the I/O linc. Unfortunately, when I tested my final setup it was no longer functioning. At first I thought it to be the close proximity of the I/O linc , so I pulled the Open/Close sensor off the I/O linc and left it hanging down. Still didn't function. I reconnected the 10' wires and voila it worked. So for now, I have 10' of wire connected from the I/O linc to the Open/Close sensor. Can someone chime in for an explanation of short wire vs long wire? Thanks to all for your recommendations PhanTomiZ
  4. Hi, I have a wireless thermostat that I use in my son's basement bedroom to control a small 120 vac oil filled heater in the winter and a dehumidifier in the summer. It is wired to a wall wart, so I get a pretty good response time on status. For the summer months the TStat is off and I monitor the humidity level to control an On/Off module, via program only, which is connected to the dehumidifier. In the winter months, the TStat is on HEAT and I use the HEAT CTRL in a scene with the same On/Off module for the oil filled heater. I use a program to control the HEAT Setpoints for day/night settings. Today, after almost two months of cold weather, I decided to have a look at why the display on the TStat doesn't reflect what the admin console is reporting. Actually up until tonight the "current state" on the admin console was showing blank. I downloaded once again the manual and decided to go through the settings. I found that Sub-mode 05: Chose whether the Internal or External temperature sensor initiates commands (Internal default) was set to "E". I've had this TStat in operation with a wall wart for almost 2 years without ever having any issues. Not sure how it got changed from "I" to "E", but nonetheless, I switched it back to "I" and I now have a reported "current state" in the admin console. As far as operation is concerned, it functions as it should when looking at the information on the display. The same cannot be said about when looking at the admin console. It seems the "current state" is not reflective of what the TStat is reporting. I believe the response time was better in the past, but presently it is very slow to respond. (Actual temperature on the TStat Vs "current state" in admin console. Anyone have any ideas on the slow response time? My wired TStat which is connected to my FAG furnace is very responsive and I even have another wired TStat connected to a 24 Vac wall wart that is also very responsive. PhanTomiZ
  5. I can't create a program where IF - Control is used to check "is not Responding". Only a IF - Status program will do that. Unless you can tell me something I don't know yet? Also, this program would have to be re-evaluated every minute or so to check for a or many devices not responding . PhanTomiZ
  6. I use these sensors... 1 in my bathroom to keep track of humidity by turning on and off the exhaust fan and turning off the lights with motion sensor. One in bedroom to regulate heat by controlling my floor vent. I also have one outside to tell me the outside temp,humidity, UV and motion. Aeon multisensor 6. Can get them on ebay for about $35 to $45 each. Simple enough? Cheap enough? PhanTomiZ
  7. Too many separate responses, so I'll respond to all.... My main computer, DSL modem(Dry Loop), ISY, monitors and 1 camera are all on UPS. Good for about 35 minutes of run time. I didn't even realize the power went out until my wife came running upstairs to ask me what was wrong with the power. Threat of an ice storm today, but didn't materialize; only lots of rain. I did notice that my cameras went dead, so I'm thinking of possibly sending information from them to the ISY as some sort of a heartbeat. If more than 3 go dead then the power must be out. When they come back on, then I could send my Query. When the power was out, I was able to use the "udAjax" interface in Windows to lock and unlock my door. Also sent commands to my EcoVents to open/close. Both battery operated devices. So the commands for Z-Wave from my ISY on UPS made it to my Z-Wave lock and EcoVents. A great idea is using the UPS when it goes into discharge vs charging. Setting up a State Variable with this device may work also. Thanks danbutter. Another great idea is using a micro module sense wire to line. This would require the purchase of such device, but nonetheless another solution. Thanks stusviews. Finally, the I/O Linc and an open/close sensor. Thanks Teken... I'm sorta old school and like the "KISS" approach to things. It's even better if I can use what I've got, to come up with solutions. Thanks to all for the responses and I will get back to you when I've completed my task. It's great to have access to such a keen community. PhanTomiZ
  8. Just thought it would be a good idea to have control of my Z-Wave door locks. Using RF ID tags through Tasker/ISY to unlock my side door. The PLM isn't on the UPS only the ISY. I'd like to do a "Query All" when power is restored to make sure all devices have the correct status.
  9. I quickly scrolled down and looks like your using CTs to determine power. I will study this tonight when I get done with supper. Thanks again
  10. Yes, but the ISY is on a UPS, so it never restarts...
  11. Hi, Today, had a power outage for about 25 minutes. When the power came back up, I had one device that had lost its status. Status was off when it was actually on. A quick "Query All" and the status was refreshed. What I'd like to do is run Query all whenever power has been restored. From the devices I already have in my system, what devices can I use to help me determine when the power has been restored? Any ideas would be appreciated PhanTomiZ P.S. Can't use the ISY as it is on a UPS. Devices: Insteon Dimmers On/Off Modules Keypad Links both Dimmers and On/Off I/O Lincs Thermostats wired and wireless Switchlincs both Dimmer and On/Off Insteon LED Light bulbs
  12. Sure makes sense. I'm glad I haven't had to replace/repair my PLM and I didn't even think of scene membership. Didn't know about the HDS; I don't have any. So, should I be adding Write Device Updates to my LS HB programs? Leak Sensor Base Bath HB - [iD 004D][Parent 0129] If Control 'Furnace RM / Devices / Leak Sensor Base Bath - Dry / Leak Sensor Base Bath-HB' is switched On Or Control 'Furnace RM / Devices / Leak Sensor Base Bath - Dry / Leak Sensor Base Bath-HB' is switched Off Then Wait 25 hours Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Default Subject' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  13. Hi, I too looked for this function, but couldn't find it as I don't have the Pro Version... Glad, I saw this post. It saves me much running up/down ladders and stairs, in and out doors,etc... I understand the reasoning to write updates to the MS as they have options like "Time out" & "LED Brightness" etc., but why would one "Write Updates" to devices that don't have options like leak sensors, open/close sensors, HDS etc.? I currently use the generic HB programs for all my open/close and leak sensors to notify me of a missed heartbeat. Thanks PhanTomiz
  14. These are not switches, but the only Z-Wave device I currently have that responds to "Control" is my Kwikset 910 Deadbolt Locks (Lock, Unlock, Jammed,Tamper and Battery). Battery has Battery Low, Critically Low and Too Low To Operate. For me, with 4 On/Off cycles per day, when it's Critically Low, they will last about 1 month. My other Z-Wave devices are switches and they do not work with Control as you stated. PhanTomiZ
  15. Teken, Can you send me the link too... You wouldn't happen to have links for the leak detector and the dimmer module. I have one of each that are out of order. Thanks in advance PhanTomiZ
  16. Hello, This was happening to me when I would try to get the ISY to send email notifications. I was using Gmail and not just 2 months prior, I changed to the two step verification. With this, you have to sign in to Google and setup a specific "App password" for the ISY. You can find this in Google under the "Sign-in & Securtiy" tab. Copy that password and paste it in the ISY as your email password. Lately, I've been trying to configure my IP Cameras and every once and a while I forget this process. PhanTomiZ
  17. I thought the general rule of thumb was to use Scenes as much as possible and programs secondary. So if the ISY craps out, then your program will no longer have control of this device; therefore, if the MS is "On only" then the device or devices it is controlling will stay in the last state for as long as the ISY is down. That being said, my ISY has been chugging along for 62.5 days since my last update and has not crashed. Come to think of it, it has only crashed once in the last year or since installing ... Of all my MS, only one is setup where it is "On only" in the settings as I wish to adjust the timeout via another program.
  18. I have many motion sensors. I use both "on" and "Off" commands. If you have your sensors set to ON only then how do you use these sensors in "scenes"? For every scene, you would need a resulting program to turn devices off?
  19. Thanks for sending your version.
  20. Sounds somewhat like my setup. Let's see what you have. VBS script, Task Scheduler and ISY program. Thanks PhanTomiZ
  21. Update.... No computer lockups since last post. I've had false notifications. I clued into this only after the 3rd time it happened. Time was 4:00 am. The same time as my Query all. Seems it takes approximately 4 minutes for the Query all command to finish. My "Wait 40 seconds" statement wasn't long enough. I have since changed this to 5 minutes to give me a little wiggle room for the Query all statement... PhanTomiZ
  22. Not smart enough to figure that one out. I guess you could say I'm old school. I remembered what batch files were from my old DOS/Deskview/Windows 3.0 days and I figured, I could do that...
  23. So far so good with my $0 approach. I had an I/O linc from a garage kit I wasn't using and ran two wires from it to the computer power switch. I have had 1 computer lockup, which emailed me correctly. I then ran my ISY program and it reset the computer. Here it is: 1 Computer Has Been Reset Now Live - [iD 002E][Parent 0001] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'Computer RM / Devices / Computer (Sense) RESET / Computer (Relay) RESET' On Wait 7 seconds Set 'Computer RM / Devices / Computer (Sense) RESET / Computer (Relay) RESET' Fast Off Wait 15 seconds Set 'Computer RM / Devices / Computer (Sense) RESET / Computer (Relay) RESET' On Wait 1 second Set 'Computer RM / Devices / Computer (Sense) RESET / Computer (Relay) RESET' Fast Off Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Default Subject' Send Notification to 'Text Message' content 'Default Text Message' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This program my be crude, but it restarts my computer: In order to reset my machine, I need to push the power button for 7 seconds. Then I wait 15 seconds to let the hard drive come to a stop Then I hit the button to start the computer. I have also had 1 false computer lockup alarm. I have since adjusted my ISY "computer heartbeat" program to give it a little more time to acknowledge the fault.(changed the else statement from 25 seconds to 40 seconds). Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress Computer HB If $Computer_Heartbeat is 1 Then Wait 1 second $Computer_Heartbeat = 0 Else Wait 40 seconds Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Default Subject' Send Notification to 'Text Message' content 'Default Text Message' This ISY program above will be true if the Computer is alive and able to set the HB Variable Wait 1 seconds so I can see it working or see the variable change states Set Computer Heartbeat variable to 0 Else statement becomes true and we wait 40 seconds for the computer to set the HB Variable back to 1 (The computer has 10 seconds to accomplish this or else Notification is sent after 40 seconds proving the computer has locked up and is non responsive... Windows Computer Heartbeat Program: Windows Task Scheduler is "Triggered" "Running at Startup" and repeats every 5 minutes, the Batch File C:\Users\Paul\ComputerHB.bat; it is comprised of the following 2 lines choice /T 10 /D y (This line creates a 10 Second Delay) c:\users\paul\http-ping.exe -n 1 http://User:password@IPAddress/rest/vars/set/2/20/1 (Sets State Computer Heartbeat Variable to 1) Choice command (Batch file query that acknowledges itself after 10 seconds thus creating a 10 second delay) and a Rest command including http-ping.exe which sends the rest command from a Windows batch file or from the dos command line prompt. Hope you can follow this. I don't always get things in the right order, but they seem to be in the right order in my head..... PhanTomiZ P.S. Credit to ih574 for getting my idea started. Here is the old post: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/9033-rest-command-from-a-dos-batch-file/ Next big headache it to find out why my machine is locking up in the process. This just buys me a little time to research things.......
  24. Thanks for the info. I wasn't planning on making any more purchases, but rather use the hardware I currently own being the ISY, I/O Linc and my computer. Teken, I believe you are correct in that I need to correct the problem with my computer locking up. My cameras are not mission critical and are not used for security purposes.(mostly it's to catch my neighbors who don't pick up after their pets!!!!!). This would be a "band aid" in the mean time. So far, this is what I have come up with: Create a Windows Task Scheduler. Run a batch file every 5 minutes (Probably set this to 30 minutes) that sets a Computer HB Variable in my ISY to 1 In this batch file I run a program called "http-ping.exe" using Rest command which sets the Computer HB state variable to 1 Create a program in ISY that will monitor this variable and change it to 0 if it is 1 If this program doesn't see a change from 0 to 1 then restart my computer and send me a text. What I'm foggy on is whether the "http-ping.exe" program will continue to send the rest command if my computer is locked up. PhanTomiZ
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