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Everything posted by PhanTomiZ

  1. Hi, Slightly off topic, but do you have any experience or have you heard of anything about the Zooz Z-Wave Plus S2 Power Strip ZEN20 VER. 2.0 with Energy Monitoring and 2 USB Ports and interfacing with the ISY? Thanks PhanTomiZ
  2. Hi, At the moment if the temperature goes above 40, you get your notification with temperature, but no other notifications will ever happen until the temperature goes back below 40 and then back up above 40, correct? In your case the Multisensor is set to report 30-60 seconds which means the IF statement will re-evaluate in the same time period therefore your notification only gets sent out once if above 40. Easiest way to remedy this is to change your Multisensor Parameter 3 to anything above 5 minutes ( lets say 6 minutes). With that change, the program will re-evaluate every 6 minutes giving your notification with variable temperature information. This will flood your email or text devices with notifications, but this sounds like your goal. Let me know if I got it right PhanTomiZ P.S. I have 6 of these sensors. I've found that if I let the Multisensors report sensor information too frequently, it affects the ISY response time.
  3. BTW...I just noticed that this question should be in the ISY994 Z-Wave forum. How do we get it moved to that forum? Thanks PhanTomiZ
  4. Hi, Hope this can help. I posted this a while ago and spent 15 minutes looking for it and haven't found it. I'll see if I can duplicate from memory. Here is the sample email or text: (This is dependant on which node triggers the event in the program. So if temperature triggers the event then temperature is what you will see in your notification. Only want temperature? Then, remove all the other "OR" lines in the program and have only one line for temperature.) The body will give you an example of all the other options you have for each alert or system variables... Examples of email notifications for some triggers: ZW Send Mstr Bed Temp Hum LUX Mstr Bed RM MSS ZW 17 Status is Off @ 12:49:12 PM On 2020/08/28 ZW Send Mstr Bed Temp Hum LUX Mstr Bed RM Multilevel ZW 17 LUMIN is 38.00 lux @ 12:46:01 PM On 2020/08/28 ZW Send Mstr Bed Temp Hum LUX Mstr Bed RM Multilevel ZW 17 CLITEMP is 78.10° F @ 12:40:25 PM On 2020/08/28 Program: ZW Send Mstr Bed Temp Hum LUX - If Status 'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed RM Multilevel ZW 17' <= 120° F Or Status 'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed RM Multilevel ZW 17' <= 100% (Humidity) Or Status 'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed RM Multilevel ZW 17' <= 2000 lux (Luminance) Or Status 'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed RM MSS ZW 17' <= On Or Status 'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed RM Bin Sensor ZW 17' <= On Or Status 'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed RM Tamper AlarmZW 17' <= On Then Wait 1 second Send Notification to 'Default' content 'ZW Multi Generic' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Notification Called: ZWave Multi Generic Subject: ${sys.program.#.name} ${sys.node.#.name} ${alert.control} is ${alert.action} @ ${alert.time} On ${alert.date} Body: *****Used for Humidity, Temperature and LUX (Or all ZW Multi Nodes)******* ALERTS *****Defautl Subject***** ${alert.subject} *****Defautl Subject without Program Name***** ${alert.subject.nopgm} *****Default Body***** ${alert.body} *****Default Compact Subject***** ${alert.compactsubject} *****Default Compact Body***** ${alert.compactbody} *****Program Name***** ${sys.program.#.name} *****Program Status***** ${sys.program.#.status} *****Details***** ${alert.details} *****Event***** ${alert.event} *****Node Name***** ${sys.node.#.name} *****Node Address***** ${sys.node.#.addr} *****Scene Name***** ${sys.group.#.name} *****Scene Address***** ${sys.group.#.addr} *****Category***** ${alert.category} *****Type***** ${alert.type} *****Action***** ${alert.action} *****Control***** ${alert.control} *****SMTP***** ${smtp.from} ${smtp.from.email} ${smtp.from.name} ****Open ADR**** ${mod.adr.mode} ${mod.adr.price} ${mod.adr.status} *******ZWave Generic******** ${sys.program.#.name} ${alert.event} @ ${alert.time} On ${alert.date} *******Zwave Multi Temperature******* ${sys.program.#.name} ${sys.node.#.name} Temperature is ${alert.action} Humididty is ${alert.action} @ ${alert.time} On ${alert.date} PhanTomiZ
  5. What was your old method? I use Blue Iris to set a variable in ISY. This method worked for me in BI 4 as it does for BI 5. PhanTomiZ
  6. For Windows mine is in ? in The Users folder. It is a zip file. Not smiley face but rather the C drive!
  7. Sorry, but when I read this last I missed your last sentence. I use this below to help avoid having to run around and manually set my battery operated wireless sensors. Seems to work for me. Mind you I really only have four or five that I really count on to keep the house at the right temperature and the entrance doors closed. I guess the key here is, if the ISY is out of service while booting and as long as the battery powered wireless devices haven't changed state while the booting is ongoing, then this will set programs to see the "last state" of the device and until there is a manual triggering of that device. Mstr Bed Window (Variable Setup) If Status 'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed Window - Opened' is On Or Control 'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed Window - Opened' is switched On Then $sO.C._Mstr_Bed_Window_Opened = 1 (Open/Close Sensor) $sO.C._Mstr_Bed_Window_Opened Init To 1 Else $sO.C._Mstr_Bed_Window_Opened = 0 $sO.C._Mstr_Bed_Window_Opened Init To 0 When any programs need reference to a wireless device, the if statement would look like this: ! If Side Door and Mstr Bed Window Closed then Normal Cooling Mode If ( Status 'Kitchen / Devices / Side Door Sensor-Opened' is Off Or $sO.C._Door_Side_Door_Opened is 0 ) And ( Status 'Master Bedroom / Devices / Mstr Bed Window - Opened' is Off Or $sO.C._Mstr_Bed_Window_Opened is 0 ) Then Run Program '! If Side Door or Mstr Bed Window Open Set Temp to 90° Or Mode Off' (Else Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') June 28/17 - Added OR to all battery powered Open/Close sensors and setup global variables for each. This will cause the variable to be last state when ISY is rebooted until a full on/off cycle of the O/C Sensor is established June 20/16 - Removed If Status 'TStat Main / TStat-Main 29.25.2C' is Mode Cool ( Caused too many other programs to re-evaluate when querying the TSTat main) Hope this is a new idea for you and if not, maybe for somebody else who happens to read this PhanTomiZ
  8. That will work for me and simplify things. Maybe now my ISY texts will not bury my personal texts... Glad I keep up with most of the forum emails. Always good ideas to investigate. PhanTomiZ
  9. I'm not on AT&T, but my mobile carrier's format is the same as your first example: 10digitnumber@txt.att.net The CloudHQ website makes it seem that the texts are not configurable, but rather a general text referring the receiver of the text to click a link to read the text contents Thanks for the explanation, I will be hard at work changing things and now should be able to set up notifications based on 1 phone number. PhanTomiZ
  10. I like this idea, but how much information is sent in the text? Enough to get an idea of what the text mean or is it like the website shows, just a link to your received text? Can you post a sample text? Thanks in advance PhanTomiZ P.S. I have my notifications sent through email to mobile provider text using short codes. The senders number is between 4000001 to 4000999. Works great, but I can't filter notifications from ISY and personal ones. Because of numerous texts from my ISY, I sometimes miss texts from friends and family.
  11. Add me to the list of ISY Non-Booters.... I do have to boot my Windows Machine on a regular basis (twice a month) and also my DSL modem (Once a month). When the Windows Machine hangs up, I use the combination of an IOLinc hardwired to the On/Off Button of my Tower running Windows...I have a running program on the Windows machine that sets a variable in the ISY that lets me know if the machine has hung up. (Heartbeat program). When I need a reboot of my DSL Modem, I use a combination Insteon 2444-222 Open/Close Micro module and the Normally Closed contacts of a 120 VAC Ice cube relay. More than likely this could be a hardware solution for your problem. These measures of reboots, which don't happen very often, are needed when I'm away from home and need a simple restart/reboot. PhanTomiZ
  12. Can you point me in a direction on how to integrate these tags into the ISY? Thanks PhanTomiZ
  13. This is an easy way to change the setting of all battery operated device that is not easily accessible. I have a separate program for each device. They are all disabled until I need to update that device. When an update is needed, I will enable the specific program for that device. When it is updated, I disable that program once again. This program (below) will change the setting of a battery operated device without having to physically access the device and put it in linking mode. All that is needed is to activate the device. (open/close a door or when a leak sensor is involved, use the heartbeat. Of course you'll have to wait 24 hours for the HB, but it beats having to crawl under appliances and such). Depending on network traffic, you may have to adjust the wait time up or down. I took this simple idea a step further and use a program to force that program to disable after a 25 hour period so it's not constantly writing device updates. The 25 hour period will catch the leak sensors. Open/Close Sensor Garage Door Write Updates - [ID 01F9][Parent 01D1] If Control 'Garage / Garage Door Lock / Devices / Garage Side Door-Opened' is switched On Or Control 'Garage / Garage Door Lock / Devices / Garage Side Door-Opened' is switched Off Or Control 'Garage / Garage Door Lock / Devices / Garage Side Door-Opened / Garage Side Door-Closed' is switched On Or Control 'Garage / Garage Door Lock / Devices / Garage Side Door-Opened / Garage Side Door-Closed' is switched Off Then Wait 3 seconds Set 'Garage / Garage Door Lock / Devices / Garage Side Door-Opened' Write Device Updates Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Default Subject' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') PhanTomiZ
  14. My train of thought for Fast ON/OFF was a little off. I use Fast ON/OFF for a few of my switchlincs to operate devices other than the load it's attached to, so my train of thought was if I were to invoked a Fast ON/OFF using this switchlinc to turn the on/off outlet Bot portion that it would actually turn on the Top portion of the receptacle. It won't. So using that same train of thought, I just tried Fast ON/OFF on the Outlet and it works as it should. Thanks for the replies PhanTomiZ
  15. Hello, Picked up these Outlets during the Black Friday sale and have finally found time to get them ready for installation. This outlet has two controllable outlets. XX.XX.XX.1 Top and XX.XX.XX.2 Bot. Performed factory reset out of the box on both. I've wired a couple of them up so far and have found something strange with the Fast On command. Using the Admin console : Invoking ON or FAST ON command on the Top XX.XX.XX.1 turns on the top portion of the receptacle Invoking OFF or FAST OFF command on the Top XX.XX.XX.1 turns off the top portion of the receptacle. Invoking ON command on the Bot XX.XX.XX.2 turns on the bottom portion of the receptacle. Invoking OFF command the Bot XX.XX.XX.2 turns off the bottom portion of the receptacle. ****Here is the kicker**** Invoking FAST ON command on the Bot XX.XX.XX.2 turns on the TOP portion of the receptacle Invoking FAST OFF command on the Bot XX.XX.XX.2 turns off the TOP portion of the receptacle. I noticed this with the first outlet I wired up, so in order to verify the outlet was not defective, I wired up a second and have gotten the same results. Anyone else who uses these outlets notice this behaviour?? Normal??? Thanks PhanTomiZ
  16. Zwave multi sensor 6 is very reliable. Might be more than $50 but can be had for cheaper if you shop around. I use two of these for both my freezers. One freezer I shut off during peak usage and monitor temps. The other is just for temperature monitoring.
  17. Yes. You specify a range of wattages. With a little experimenting you'll get the exact power consumption. Have the program start and stop the fan when its in the range. I use this sensing of ranges to notify me when my dehumidifier needs emptying. A range for off, a range for fan only and a range for compressor.
  18. PhanTomiZ

    No Common

    Another option is the Insteon micro dimmer.
  19. If memory serves me well, you can use a 5vdc usb type wall wart. Cut the end off and check polarity with a meter. I've done this with mine. Updates using the admin console are slow but actual temperature control is instant and works as it should. As far as using master with the zth, I wouldn't configure it that way. I would use a program based on the temperature with the zth or zw100 to control the temperature preset of your wired tstat. I hope I understood your original question. PhanTomiZ
  20. Sorry. I must not be asking this question properly. Let me rephrase it.... I'm looking to "Reset" the low battery node automatically once my battery has been changed, using a program. Below is what I use to keep track of battery changes in motion sensors. I started doing this because some battery operated devices were depleting batteries too fast. MSS Front Porch Outside Batteries Changed On This Day - [ID 02E2][Parent 028A] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Send Notification to 'Default' content 'MSS Battery Changed' Wait 10 seconds $MSS_Front_Porch_Outside_Low_Bat = 0 $MSS_Front_Porch_Outside_Low_Bat Init To 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I run this program after I change a battery in a motion sensor to send me an email recording the date and time. I save this in my email for future reference. That way I know how often I'm changing out the battery. (BTW, I do this for all battery operated devices). For some that I feel are killing batteries, I set up a cycle counter to see how many cycles I get for the lifetime of the battery. I would like to add another line to this program to query the motion sensor's low battery node to reset it. (I do forget to Query this node manually) Is this possible using Firmware\UI v4.7.3 or do I need to upgrade to a newer Beta Firmware??? Thanks again, PhanTomiZ
  21. I have the notification for low battery. I sometimes forget to query the low battery node after changing the battery. Looking for an automated way of doing this.
  22. Hello, Is it possible to automated the querying of the low battery node for an old version of Insteon Motion Sensor? I sometimes forget to query the low battery node after changing the battery and could use an automated way of doing this. Thanks PhanTomiZ
  23. Just to add a little off topic. If you want a complete list of your programs? Click "Programs" Click "Details" Right Click "My Programs" Copy Folder to Clipboard Then Paste this into any of your favourite text editors or Word PhanTomiZ
  24. Hello, Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used with the Admin Console? I'd like to be able to open the Programs Tab without using the mouse. Thanks PhanTomiZ
  25. Hi, A little late to the party but..... I just bit the bullet and installed one for my front door. Open/Close sensor just didn't want to work right considering the sizing of door frames and such. Not to mention I didn't want to drill the hole. I had to trim the plunger inside the device for it to work just right for my door. I don't have much of a gap between the door and the sensor. This sensor is used to make sure the door is completely closed before trying to lock the door using an Auto door lock program. To the chase....I've been using mine now for a month and have found some strange things with the Heartbeat node. First the HB node is selectable between 5 minutes and 21 hours and 15 minutes. I've selected 21 hours to try and keep it close to other devices that use HB. I can get a HB signal anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours after the 21 hours. So, if I set my heartbeat program to notify 1 hour after not receiving a HB (my standard time for devices with HB), I will get a HB notification. Not what I want. Questions: 1) Because the HB signal is not being send out consistently, would it not be better to use the Low Bat node instead? 2) Does the Low Bat node work? Have people used this with success? 3) Why have both Low Bat and Hearbeat nodes? Maybe one works better than the other, like in my case? 4) Would battery longevity be greater if only 1 node is selected (Open or Close) in the options of the device? Just trying to see what other have experienced with this device. Thanks PhanTomiZ P.S. closest dual band devices are 3', 5' and 6' away.
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