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Everything posted by tmorse305

  1. Thanks @bpwwer, I looked at the PG3 log but I don't see any errors associated with the Status of the '115 Frontier' Vue. I was looking for "ST", is that correct? The is no reference to ST for the 155 Frontier Vue, error or otherwise. I did find the ST entries for my other Vue (9838 Crenshaw) highlighted in blue. I've included the log file in an excel sheet. I highlighted in orange any errors associated with NS 003 (Vue). There is an error associated with each plug I have, but curiously the other errors are related to the 9838 Crenshaw Vue. I highlighted in green any reference to the '115 Frontier' node. Do you see an issue that I'm missing? Thank you very much for your help! PGX Log from boot(1).xlsx
  2. Thanks @Jimbo.Automates, will that fix allow me to create a program similar to the one you listed in your examples?
  3. Hi @bpwwer, I have am running 2 Vues. One of them is not showing the online status, it's blank, see screen shot. The other is fine. Both however are reporting active power values on all channels. Occasionally this Vue(115) seems to go offline. A restart of the NS fixes it but the status is still blank. Log attached from the restart. Thank you. debug.log
  4. My Rainmachine NS is alive and well also. V3.2.1 PGX 3.2.27 eisy 5.8.3
  5. Hi @Jimbo.Automates, In your instructions for this NS you show an example of triggering on a skunk, see attached. I cannot duplicate your program for some reason. If I use STATUS I get this: Squirrel Detect - [ID 0154][Parent 0001] If 'Camect / Feeder Camera / Feeder Camera animal' Squirrel is True Then Resource 'Squirrel Blaster(14)' Set 'Notifications / Notification Controller / UD Mobile' Send Message Content 10 Notification ID (ID=10) If I use CONTROL the closest I can get is this: Squirrel Detect - [ID 0154][Parent 0001] If 'Camect / Feeder Camera / Feeder Camera animal' is switched Squirrel Then Resource 'Squirrel Blaster(14)' Set 'Notifications / Notification Controller / UD Mobile' Send Message Content 10 Notification ID (ID=10) This program triggers twice, False>True and True>False How did you program that? I believe the alerts are received immediately, what does the short/long polls control? Thank you
  6. I use Echo Auto to control home devices while I'm driving. It's also a great way to get updates from your automation system, for example Alexa can say "You left the garage door open"
  7. Thanks @Goose66, sorry I didn't realize there were 2 forums for the Envisalink NS. Yes I have a DSC panel so it's sounds like I'm good to go.
  8. Hi @Goose66 I've been using Nodelink to interface to my alarm panel. I noticed that ioguy's website is gone so I'm thinking it might be time to move on. Does your NS allow for control of the output pins? Based on what I read I don't think so but I wanted to confirm with you. Thank you.
  9. File sent
  10. To enable you need to add a new key. The Key is the name of your network (case sensitive) and the value is ENABLED. I used all caps for the key, it didn't work with upper and lower case.
  11. Thanks @Javi, when I went to run your test, it is now working fine on the favorites page. As far as I know I've made no changes. Thanks, I'll let you know if I see it again.
  12. I’m on 5.8.3 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Yes, it is, but I don't think @Javi solved it for him. From my screen shot you can see I have those enabled already.
  14. Hi @Javi, Lately I noticed that variables do not update in my favorites when the value changes. For example I have a variable for each door sensor that changes from 0 to 1 when the door opens. If I tap on the favorite icon and open the variable information, the value changes. Then when I return to the favorite it is now displayed correctly. Running 1.1.64 Thank you.
  15. I should have mentioned the table I posted is from an i3 KPL. Maybe a bad device? Communication issue? The level 3 view during restore will be interesting to see.
  16. I have i3 devices, here's what I see from my AC.
  17. Thanks Bob, I should have mentioned that I tried restarting it twice in a row. That's why I got the message about too many tries. I have both polls set to an hour. I wonder if there was an issue with Climacell, because overnight it resolved itself.
  18. Maybe the issue is at Climacell
  19. Hi @bpwwer, I don't think the issue is related to version 2.0.3. After I read @rwsani99 message I checked mine and found that the current and forecast data are not updating. I'm still on 2.0.2. You can see in the log that it been failing since the start of 5/10/24. Log attached. Thanks Bob. log.txt
  20. I spoke to Amazon again. When they look at the enabled skills on my account they see isy Optimized V3 enabled but they also see another skill called isy enabled. I can't see the isy skill on my app but she said that's because it's no longer available. Maybe that's part of the problem. I asked her to delete it but she could not. She wondered if maybe you could break the link to my isy account from your end.
  21. I can access the AC via https://my.isy.io/isy/7....
  22. Hi @bmercier, My routines are not triggering, I can see the motion sensor toggle in the Alexa app but the routine will not trigger. Been of the phone with Amazon for over an hour, we've tried everything, delete app, disable skill, delete routine. Nothing seems to help
  23. You can use network resources instead. Once set up then the "Set" line above becomes: Resource <descriptive name>
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