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Everything posted by tmorse305

  1. Hi @IndyMike, that is interesting. I double checked and it is definitely going to 100%. The i3 devices are the latest versions coming from Insteon.
  2. @IndyMike, thanks for taking the time to run the experiment. I also don't see it every time either so I think your theory about a second delayed communication is a good one. Also the fast on does yield a 100% result not 20%. The device is programmed to go to 20% with an normal on. I was sending the fast on commands from the AC.
  3. I'm setting up an eisy in a new home. I was looking at the event viewer to get an idea how good the communication was by checking hop counts. See attached, I'm trying to understand the final communication in this sequence. The device is a standalone i3 Paddle. It looks like it turns on correctly with hops left=3. Bu then there is an addition communication and the ack from from the switch is hops left=0. What is that 2nd communication for and is hops left=0 in this case a sign of communication troubles? Thank you
  4. add me to the list, one eisy is connected to the portal, my other eisy is not. Both are connected via eero routers. Tried a reboot but not luck. Went offline at 2:14 AM EST.
  5. I just setup the Rachio NS. I can start up the zones from the AC. I noticed a couple of issues in the log I was looking to understand. See log file, when I start a zone there are multiple entries that the zone has started yet there is only one entry in the log file. There is also a recurring error in the log file. Second question, how do I stop a zone early? I tried setting the zone time to 0.0 minutes but that doesn't seem to do anything. Thank you. debug.log
  6. @Geddy and @bmercier, thank you for responding. Well everything is working fine now. I'm glad I took that screen shot or you would have thought I was nuts. I have tried all combinations of preferred ISY and ISYs for Alexa but it is rock solid. I'll let you know if it returns but it's all good right now.
  7. Hi @bmercier, I setup a second eisy with its own portal account. See other post from yesterday where I initially had a problem finding it but then the problem resolved itself. I don't know if this is related. I set up 2 Alexa definitions last night and they worked fine. Today when I went into the portal they were gone. Curiously they still work. I tried to add another one and this was the result, see screen shot. Something seems to be messed up. Thanks for your help.
  8. I recently brought a second eisy online. I have a 2nd portal license for it. I created a webhook but when I send the web hook(via PostMan) I get a reply that says Requested ISY cannot be found. What am I missing? Related question but not exactly a portal issue, I was going to use network resources to communicate between the 2 eisys. That's why I'm trying to get a web hook setup. Is there a better way to do this? Thank you Update: I just tried it again and it is now working. I made no changes just waited a while and tried it again. A mystery for sure.
  9. I had tried a restart a few times this morning but no luck. When I saw your post I tried it again and it's now running.
  10. Mine is not working either. The error that I think is the issue is: 2023-11-19 10:12:10,140 Thread-2 udi_interface ERROR vue:parameterHandler: Discovery failed: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: https://api.emporiaenergy.com/devices/132567/locationProperties I think something was up with the Emporia api server. I had a similar problem last weekend that resolved itself.
  11. I see a lot of hops left=0 so it might be communication problems. Can you move the 2856D2 close to the PLM and try to restore that one?
  12. What type of devices are they?
  13. On Point#1, I have the exact same problem. Every time I add anything in the portal it is not found after 'discover devices'. It's been this way for as long as I can remember. The fix for me is to unlink/relink the ISY skill, then discover devices. That works every time. Funny I just assumed that happened to everyone. There was a thread about this a long time ago but I doubt I can find it. It's interesting that it works for some people.
  14. BTW, has anyone told you lately how great this NS is? I find new uses for it all the time. My latest was using a plug to monitor my air compressor cycle in conjunction with an eisy program to purge my irrigation system for the winter. Just launch the program and it waits for the compressor to recharge (not a very big compressor) then fires off the next zone. Thanks again!
  15. Thanks Bob, When I went back to check, everything was now working fine. I made no changes. Maybe there was a problem at the Emporia end of things.
  16. Hi @bpwwer, I can't control my emporia plugs from the AC. Log attached, there are a bunch of errors recorded. I tried a reinstall but no improvement. Thanks for your help. VUE_11-11-2023_94729_AM.zip
  17. ecobee has a wireless remote sensor that includes a motion sensor. You can include or exclude the remote sensor from the operation of the main thermostat. You can't exclude the main sensor. I used to have Venstars with remote sensors and lots of programs to control them. Then I switched to ecobee and ended up deleting most of my programs and letting the thermostat take control. The thermostat has impressive capabilities and does a great job mostly on it's own. You should check it out and see if it can work for your situation.
  18. Thanks for the replies. Too embarrassed to tell you what I did wrong…. It’s all set now, caulk another one up to my aging brain.
  19. I trying to access the AC remotely and am getting a string of text back instead. Probably some kind of error I suspect. Here's the text slightly redacted when I use the "Admin Console URL": 10https://my.isy.io/isy/725f9b1063114dc02738e**********5456098751617d1ab21cac90ed52curn:udi-com:device:X_IoX_Device:1ISYUniversal Deviceshttps://www.universal-devices.com/X_IoX_Device:1eisy52265.7.0uuid:00:xx:b9:02:60:44uuid:00:xx:b9:02:60:44urn:udi-com:service:X_IoX_Service:1urn:udi-com:serviceId:uuid:00:xx:b9:02:60:44/services.wsdl/services/eventingUDIELKWebServicesuuid:00:xx:b9:02:60:44-UDIELKWebServices/elkServices.wsdl/security/elkUDISEPWebServicesuuid:00:xx:b9:02:60:44-UDISEPWebServices/sepServices.wsdl/sepServicesUDIUYZWebServicesuuid:00:xx:b9:02:60:44-UDIUYZWebServices/zwaveServices.wsdl/uyzServicesUDIZWaveWebServicesuuid:00:xx1:b9:02:60:44-UDIZWaveWebServices/zwaveServices.wsdl/zwaveServices192.168.0.114inactivetrue13020011302000/ When I use the "URL to ISY" url I am prompted for credentials and then it says it's not found. Any suggestions? Thank you.
  20. Hi @Javi, iPhone 12 iOS 16.6.1 set to "Always" location access with Precise Location "enabled" in IOS UD Mobile 1.1.27 Geo fence radius set to 300 I've been having good luck with the geofence performance since I increased the radius to 300. Yesterday I had an unusual thing happen, see attached screen shot. It missed my departure at 13:08 and then upon return it bounced me in and then out. Maybe my initial departure was in the queue because it was not sent initially? Any suggestions? Thank you
  21. I just tried the webhook method and confirm that it does not require a 30 second delay. Good to know. I had one application where I needed Alexa to be more responsive than the 30 seconds would allow. I used the VirtualButtons NS and the corresponding Alexa skill and that also does not require a 30 second delay. But you only get 1 button for free. This looks like a better choice if you need more than one.
  22. I wonder if the webhook method is subject to the 30 second throttling that occurs when the method @bmercier described. I use that method for a lot of things but always have to ensure programmatically that I wait at least 30 seconds before changing the state of the variable.
  23. Thanks Bob, this solved the problem for me. So there is a unique usename/password for each NS? I experienced some other file corruption recently so maybe this was another casualty.
  24. Thanks @bpwwer, I didn't think to look in the PG3 log. At exactly 18:44:00 Using the AC I tried to turn on a Kasa switch which generated the above error. I watched the KASA NS log as I did it and there were no entries (on debug level). I then checked the PG3 log and found this: 9/9/2023, 18:44:00 [pg3] error: IoX Inbound Status: UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized at Object.throw (/var/polyglot/node_modules/koa/lib/context.js:97:11) at checkAuth (/var/polyglot/node_modules/@universaldevices/pg3x/lib/routes/nodeserver.js:30:56) at getNodeserver (/var/polyglot/node_modules/@universaldevices/pg3x/lib/routes/nodeserver.js:40:11) at async /var/polyglot/node_modules/@universaldevices/pg3x/lib/routes/nodeserver.js:166:16 at async /var/polyglot/node_modules/@universaldevices/pg3x/lib/services/https.js:48:9 Hopefully that provides a clue.
  25. Thanks Jim, I'll open a ticket.
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