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Everything posted by tmorse305

  1. I think it's time to open a ticket.
  2. When you said earlier that you could reach the Polisy dashboard did you mean via this url: https://<ip address>:3000/dashboard What are you entering for the credentials when the launcher appears? Have you tried both https and http? The standard ports are 8443 and 8080 respectively unless you changed them.
  3. Eventually, but that's not the problem today. Say more about what is happening. Does the launcher appear? Does it populate with the proper credentials for your polisy? If so what happens when you try to launch the AC?
  4. @Davey, Make sure that the Insteon support check is still there. I had it disappear on a reboot for some reason.
  5. @photogeek54, As you can see from my screen shot I don't use Z-wave so the z-wave gurus are going to need to jump in here to help you.
  6. @photogeek54, if you're not going to use Insteon anymore make sure it's disabled or it will hunt for any Insteon devices that are in your system.
  7. Is this SWL controlling the load directly or is it part of a multiway switch? With the power going out there might have been a surge that damaged the switch. Make sure the light bulb is ok too.
  8. Here's your list extracted from the AC. There may be a few 'S' that came through as '5' but it's close enough I suspect. I looked at the reference that was provided and there were some blanks in the sub categories so that approach may not yield as good a result as this one. Insteon Device List.xlsx
  9. Yes if you use the Start Linking in the pull down menu. See screen shot first line of the instructions. I agree with others, it sounds like a noise issue. Is there anyway to plug the new module in the same outlet as the PLM and see if that makes any difference?
  10. I think it's time to open a support ticket with UD for this problem. They can remote access your PC and hopefully see a problem that has eluded all of the questions we've been throwing your way. Please let us know how it goes, it's definitely an interesting problem.
  11. I just deleted my state files to see what would happen. When I restart to AC via the launcher and check the directory, there are no .state files. They only reappear after I close the AC. The launcher file only appears if I modify the launcher by for example adding another ISY. You said in an earlier post that you verified that ISY was running from your phone app. Is that UD Mobile? Is it still working via the app?
  12. @MrBillhad suggested you try the cloud connection a while back. Have you tried that? If it works, the login credentials are for your Portal account not your ISY.
  13. I had this happen once, and this fixed it for me Here are 2 more troubleshooting ideas from the wiki. In the case of the first one, the AC usually appears so that's probably not it.
  14. So is this your current situation? All programs are working correctly Cannot access the Admin Console Portal says ISY is offline If so that sounds like a network connection problem. Can you ping ISY? Maybe try a different network cable
  15. Yes I included it. per the NS configuration instructions: tokenFilePath - Path and Filename were the tokenFile should be generated ( /var/polyglot/node servers/AugustLock/token.txt ) The directory must exist and the user running polyglot must have read/write access. All is well once I deleted the NS it and reinstalled it.
  16. Thanks @bpwwer, I changed the path to the location of my NS, /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026044_10/token.txt but it still creating errors on restart, different errors this time. I wonder if its a permission issue on that folder, when I used ssh to look for the token.txt file I got permission denied. Log attached. Update: I deleted the NS and reinstalled and this time it started up with no issue, thanks Bob August_1-11-2023_11412-PM.zip
  17. Hi @automationgeek, I just migrated the August NS from PG3 on polisy to PG3x on eisy. I now see this same error as reported above by @someguy. When I check /var/polyglot/node servers/AugustLock/token.txt, from ssh, the path does not exist. Should I create the path and file manually or has it moved to a new location in PG3x?. Thank you.
  18. @MrBill, thanks, I understand the difference between integer and state variables, the learning today for me was that a wait statement without any follow up commands is ignored. Obviously a condition you would never have to worry about in practice, I just created a quick program to confirm the integer behavior and got surprised when it didn't work.
  19. Oh, I see the wait will not execute if there is nothing after it. Got it
  20. @MrBill, I don't usually use integer variables but in this case I see your point. I just set up a simple program to try something base on your comment. 1 Test - [ID 0146][Parent 0001] If $Int_2 > 1 Then $Int_2 += 1 Wait 5 seconds Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I set the int_2 to 2, then Run(If). The integer increments to 3 but the wait never executes. I would think it would if there is no re-trigger.
  21. Thanks for the clarification!
  22. Hi @bpwwer, The status of the NS in the AC is always True even if I stop the Node Server. I've only waited a short time, does it eventually toggle to False? Some NSs toggle immediately (VUE, Notification for example) Others have the same behavior as WeatherFlow (August, MQTT) Why do they act differently? Thank you.
  23. Have you considered getting the PLM repaired? LINK
  24. Fixed with update 0.3.17. Thanks again @Panda88!
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