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Everything posted by Bumbershoot

  1. @Riggins44, with the initial release of IoX 5.5.2, there was an issue with data from Aeotec Multisensors not populating the AC. That was fixed in release 5.5.3 for at least the Multisensor 6. My USB powered Multisensor 6 now provides motion (through the Home Security node) and LUX updates. Other motion sensors still don't populate the AC correctly, so as I understand it, these will be a focus of the next IoX release. EDIT: added screenshots
  2. Prior to the introduction of the ZMatter board, my Polisy Pro seemed to match the stability of the ISY994, though I haven't had it running nearly as long as I had my ISY994. There were certainly bumps in the road getting to that point, but UDI got there. Even Z-Wave on the Zooz dongle ran reliably on that platform. I'll wager that the eisy/ZMatter will stabilize. FreeBSD is a solid host OS, and the eisy hardware looks to be solid as well. There are clearly some issues to be resolved on the OS side, but those can almost always be worked out. With all the interest in Matter, I'd be surprised if the firmware for that causes issues that won't be resolved. Z-Wave seems problematic, but I understand that there's not a lot of close coherence to the Z-Wave standards in the marketplace of available devices. Can't blame UDI for that. I suspect they're not doing anything that will get in the way of Z-Wave certification for ZMatter platform. In any event, my impression, based only on my previous experience with UDI, is that they certainly have the chops to make this work, and I hope the marketplace rewards them appropriately. I'm giving them some time...
  3. Yep. I think it's happened twice with the 5.5.3 release. UDX gets a bump prior to the ISY software, as well.
  4. As an experiment, I performed an exclude/include on my Aeotec Range Extender 7 to see if this firmware would display it in the device tree. The answer is yes, I now have a device ZY 028 Repeater in my device tree.
  5. I share your opinion. I've got several Zen77 dimmers that I put in during a bathroom remodel that was completed during the Insteon "down time". They work in Z-Wave scenes using the "Basic Assoc Only 2" nodes for on/off and "Basic Assoc Only 3" for dimming, but not as elegantly as Insteon hardware in scenes. But, they're okay for now as they work... If the new Insteon i3 dimmers work with UDI software, I'll replace the Zen77's with the new hardware. Otherwise, I'll switch them out to the older paddle Insteon dimmers.
  6. I've got a couple of those switches/motion sensors with the same issue. Here's what it looks like in the Z-Wave log: [2023-01-10 07:17:53.476] [D] [...] SETDATA devices.27.data.lastReceived = 0 (0x00000000) [2023-01-10 07:17:53.476] [W] [...] Node 27:2 CC Alarm: Alarm event but interview is not complete [2023-01-10 07:17:53.476] [E] [...] Error returned from (returnStatus = _zway_cc_call_handler(zway, instance, node_id, data[3], length - 4, &data[4])): Bad arguments (-1) Very glad to hear that the migration went well.
  7. I doubt that scenes will be implemented the same as in Insteon. Thread/Matter does support multicast, however, which might provide an adequate implementation of "scenes" between thread enabled devices. I would imagine that some controller would have to be involved - instead of the devices simply chatting between themselves - but I haven't looked into it
  8. I'm using the Occupancy Node Server built into the UDI Portal, in conjunction with the Locative app on our iPhones to provide this. It's worked for some years very reliably, and it works on my Polisy. The instruction for setting this up are here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Node_Server_Occupancy_%26_Locative_app_Instructions
  9. I'd be making an assumption. Maybe shut down the box, remove the Zooz dongle and restart. That way you won't cause anything unintended to happen.
  10. I mean the ZMatter board. I'd leave the Zooz dongle alone.
  11. I factory reset my ZMatter dongle and started clean. A plus of factory resetting the dongle (for us OCD types) is that the devices you include will start over with device numbering (the first device you include will be ZY 002xxx). For me, item 2 in your list would be to factory reset the ZMatter dongle. You don't have to exclude any devices using the Zooz dongle, as you can exclude them using the ZMatter dongle. You'll have to exclude each device prior to being able to include it. Item 5 would be to start the exclude/include process. I see that UD Mobile now has the ability to Add/Remove Z-Wave devices, so it might be simpler to use that interface instead of having to run back an forth from the device to the computer that has the AC running. I think the best idea is to start the exclude/include process with devices that are physically closer to the ZMatter board.
  12. This is just an idea... You might look at the "DH All Devices" selection under the Z-Wave | Z-Wave X-Ray menu to see if the devices that don't appear in the device tree are in that device list. In my case, device 2 appears in this list, but nothing shows up in the device tree. Device 2 is a Aeotec Range Extender 7 (it was the first device I included in the network). This won't fix anything, but you might be able to see if the device is actually included. If a device appears in X-Ray, you can run a REST query against it, such as this: This returns a ton of data for an otherwise invisible device.
  13. I don't know what repeater you're using, but you're not the first to NOT see the device in the device tree. See this post (this is for Aeotec Range Extender 7 devices): I see the device in the Z-Wave | Z-Wave X-Ray tool (see screenshot). The range extender was the first device I included, so it would be device 2. There is no such device in the device tree, however, and I don't see how to discover what the route to the controller is in the latest version of IoX, so I don't know if any devices are actually using the repeater (though I suspect they are due to the distance they are from the Polisy).
  14. You need a node server to do that now. See this:
  15. From the sales page: Zigbee / Matter Support – Requires our ZMatter USB dongle (not included). Zigbee and Matter support will not be available till 03/2023 https://www.universal-devices.com/product/eisy-home/
  16. Yep, thanks. Edited. I'll screw up a few checks before I'm done.
  17. 10:00 am PST. Link to register is here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_E2RuMHrDTn2pXO9YGNmsqg
  18. I have a Polisy and 5.5.2 is running things around here in the usual fashion, which means just fine. There are a couple of Z-Wave issues that UDI says will be addressed in the next build, but that's okay, nothing that can't be dealt with. I'm amazed that UDI released the eisy, ZMatter and a new software stack during the holidays. When I was working, we made sure to never rock the boat just before a holiday, lest we spend the entire holiday period on the phone, in the office, whatever... I feel for these guys. This stuff can be stressful.
  19. There are some Z-Wave issues that need to be resolved, even with a clean install. There are a few devices on my network (I've done both the migration and have factory reset the ZMatter dongle and excluded/included my Z-Wave devices) that don't work as they did under the three previous Z-Wave dongles (300 series, 500 series and Zooz 700 series). Notably, status isn't reported correctly (or at all, in some devices) with the ZMatter dongle. @Chris Jahn indicated that the ZMatter dongle is strict about following the Z-Wave specifications, and some devices vary from the specifications. I have motion sensors and garage door openers that don't report status. In the case of the motion sensors, the dongle receives the notification of motion, but it doesn't process the message and update the status, so it's not actionable in programs. I will say that the range of the ZMatter dongle is much improved, and the speed in which devices react to commands is fast, maybe Insteon fast. I'm running 5.5.2 on a Polisy Pro. I'll get an eisy after the first of the year.
  20. UDI would obviously have to weigh in on this, but I understood that the ZMatter implementation would be as a fully functional citizen of the Matter universe, and not limited to being something akin to a UDI walled garden of Matter devices that only communicate with a Polisy or eisy. I doubt something like that would pass muster with the CSA, as that one of the points of Matter is interoperability. https://csa-iot.org/all-solutions/matter/ One protocol to connect compatible devices and systems with one another. Smart home devices should be secure, reliable, and seamless to use. And with Matter, they are.
  21. I've got one of the same range extenders, and it included into the Z-Wave network, but there aren't any nodes visible in the device tree. See the linked post:
  22. I don't know how else you'd do it. That's the way it's always been done, and given that Polisy and eisy are running the same OS, it probably is a much easier migration than it was from ISY994 to Polisy. As long as you don't move your Zooz dongle to the eisy, I can't imagine that anything would happen. The ZMatter board doesn't know anything about the devices you have installed on your Zooz dongle on your Polisy. Also, you can always factory reset your eisy if you need to.
  23. Looks like it's partially out. I updated from the AC this morning, and got a new Admin Console, but it seems that something is amiss... The firmware won't yet upgrade, so it might pay to wait for an announcement prior to upgrading packages.
  24. I don't have an eisy, but for Polisy the ports are 8080 for http connections and 8443 for https connections (look on your Configuration | System tab in the AC). Lots of people here use the UDI Portal for that purpose so they don't have to open their firewall.
  25. I believe that for every time you include/exclude a device, the next item you include will use an incremented device ID, whether the previous device ID is vacant because of an exclusion or not. It was mentioned somewhere that an update to IoX should be available this week.
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