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Everything posted by Moshe

  1. Michel - I disabled the programs that you suggested, and you are correct. Two of my programs were conflicting with my scene. When I disable the programs the scene test works perfectly 100% of the time. I have been using these programs for over 6 months. Why do you think the problem showed up now? Thanks again
  2. Michel - I will disable the programs and see what happens. Thanks
  3. Brian - The switches are on different circuits. This problem started when I upgraded to 2.8.10. After I turn off the current breaker one at a time to each of the three switches the problem still exists. ( The scene intermittently does not work on one of the switches.)
  4. Rand - Thanks.
  5. Brian H - So in the above scene test that shows that most things failed, how is it a help to me to pinpoint the real problem. Thanks
  6. I have asked this question before but I am unable to find the answer. What is the easiset method for copying and program to the forum. Thanks
  7. Michel - Why would the scene test show failed on some of the devices even though they worked correctly.
  8. Michel - I checked all of my Insteon devices and none of them are v 35.
  9. Michel - This problem started when I upgraded to 2.8.10. I think I replaced all of my version 35 switches but I will have to check. Thanks
  10. Michel - I did the scene test but results are in-accurate. It claims that certain devices failed but they worked fine. However after doing the test a couple of times the switchlinks did not behave as expected. One of the devices did not turn on or off as expected. See below: Tue 01/11/2011 07:01:13 PM : [GRP-RX ] 02 61 16 13 00 06 Tue 01/11/2011 07:01:14 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.28.4C 0F.45.24 62 13 16 LTOFFRR(16) Tue 01/11/2011 07:01:14 PM : [standard-Cleanup Ack][16.28.4C-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=2, Hops Left=0 Tue 01/11/2011 07:01:14 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.28.4C 0F.45.24 62 13 16 LTOFFRR(16): Process Message: failed Tue 01/11/2011 07:01:14 PM : [standard-Cleanup Ack][16.28.4C-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=2, Hops Left=0 ----- Kids Bedroom Test Results ----- [Failed] KPL HallBedRooms0A.E5.3A.F (A E5 3A 6) [Failed] Yehudah/Herschel Bedroom (16 39 3C 1) [Failed] Yehoshua Bedroom (6 59 3A 1) [succeeded] Tova Bedroom (16 28 4C 1) ----- Kids Bedroom Test Results -----
  11. Michel - Thanks for getting back. Where would I find the scene test.
  12. This weekend some of my devices did not respond to programs as expected. I up graded to version 2.8.10 and everything seem to be fine. However this weekend some of my switchlinks did not funtion as expected. I have a program that contols a scence. The devices in the scene are switchlinks and the program tuns the lights off and on at certain times. This weekend some of the dievcies in the scene worked and others did not. The devices that did not functiuon seemed to be random. One time it was one switchlink and other times it was differnet switchlink. Any ideas? Thanks
  13. I upgraded last night from 2.8.9 to 2.8.10. First time help about showed 2.8.9. The second time I installed help about showed 2.8.10. Thanks
  14. I had same problem. Help about showed 2.8.8. Re-installed now shows 2.8.9. It also turned of internet access.
  15. Upgraded from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9. First time it did not install but the second time around it installed fine. Thanks
  16. Michel - Thanks
  17. How do you stay notified of new beta releases without having to check the fourm daily? In the past I was emailed when there was a new beta relase. Thanks
  18. Installed yesterday and works fine.
  19. Thanks
  20. How do you copy a program into the forum using the Code command?
  21. Rand - Thanks. The link was very helpful.
  22. LeeG and Michel - Thanks for your help. Michael - Can you explain how the Grace Period option works? How does the "reboot" and "save" options of the Grace Period come into play? Thanks.
  23. I have a program that turns off an on my fishtank lights. In the program I set the lights to go on at a certain time and then wait 6 hours and then turn off. Periodically the lights have not turned off after the allotted wait period. My question is - if I had a power failure for just a few seconds would that cause the program not work. I checked the log and I did not see the command to turn off the lights. Thanks
  24. Smooth sailing with 2.7.15.
  25. Michel - The program worked great. Thanks
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