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Everything posted by Moshe

  1. Michel - By using your program, once one of the bedroom lights is on the KPL (controller) will turn on causing the other bedrooms to turn on, correct. If I do not set the KPL as a controller will I still be able to turn off/on the bedroom lights from the KPL button. Thanks
  2. Hi Michel - If I make a scene and make all devices controllers then all of the bedrooms contol each other. I do not want the bedroom switchlinks to contol each other, just the KPL button. I will try your program. Could I just use the else statment in the first program to set KPL Button (F) to off. Thanks
  3. I have created a program that the status KPL button (F) will turn on if a bedroom1 light is on and off if bedroom1 light is is off. If status of bedroom1 light is on then set KPL button (F) to on else set KPL button (F) to off. The problem is when I add the second bedroom (bedroom2) with the or statement bedroom1 will turn on as well, because KPL button (F) is a controller. I want KPL button (F) to be a controller so I can turn off/on the bedrooms.
  4. Installed. No problems at all.
  5. Hi Michel - I have figured out the problem I was having. 1. The Action Tec router from Verizon needed a firmware upgrade. 2. The firewall at my place of work had my new ISY port number shutdown. Thanks for all your help.
  6. Michel - HTTPS://my.isy.ip.address:new_isy_port works on my local network. The other does not resolve.
  7. Michel - I did have port 443 forwarded to the ISY, but I thought when I changed the port # in the ISY for HTTPS to different port that rule (443 rule) would no longer work, but it still does. I am trying to get it to work for a differnet port number (not port 443). Do I need to port forward TCP and UDP? Thanks
  8. Michel - I forgot to say that my ISY was not in the DMZ. I doubled checked to make sure. Any other ideas. Thanks
  9. Hi Michel - Question 1: I am not using HTTPS locally. I have checked my ISY and the port that was changed is the HTTPS port. When I use my dyndns address off site (not locally) without any any port definition the ISY home page is resolved. Question 2: I need to check my fios router to make sure my port number is the same for the private as well as the public. However, I did not see this the first time I setup the forwarding. I still don't not understand why I am able to resolve my ISY's home page if I changed the HTTPS port number. Thanks
  10. Mark - When I access the ISY locally via IP address it works just fine. I thought if the router is forwarding to 443 it should not see my ISY, because the ISY's port number is not 443 any longer. Thanks
  11. I am using port forwarding with my ISY 99. I have changed the default port number from 443 to a different port. The ISY rebooted and new port is shown. However, when I use my dyndns account without any port number in the address my ISY page comes up just fine. It seems like it is still using the default port number 443. Thanks
  12. Michel - The port forwarding worked great. Thanks
  13. Thanks Michel. I will give it a try.
  14. I have enabled internet access for my ISY. I did not receive any errors messages but the IP returned is I am using version 2.7.13. Any suggestions. Thanks
  15. Installed 2.7.13. No problems or issues.
  16. Michel - If I understand correctly, you are saying you can upgrade the firmaware of SWL with version 2.7.12. Thanks
  17. I have upgraded from 2.7.11 to 2.7.12 - no problems at all. Everything went smoothly. Thanks
  18. oberkc - Thanks for you help. In regards to the "living room" switch: I added this switch to my Movie scene for testing purposes. When I did this the original movie program worked perfectly. The only time it does not work is when I add the "family room main". Both the famliy room and living room have the same version. I can't figure out why my program would not work with the "Family Room Main" switch added to the program. I wonder if there is a hardware problem with the family room switch. However, the simplier program works perfectly with the "Family room Main". Thanks
  19. oberkc I tried your more simple program and it works. However, I vaguely remember something like this before and someone told me that now the program will continuously run therefore creating traffic on the network. Is this the case? I tested my program with a my living room switch and it worked fine. Again, when I add the family room main, it fails. Is it possible that the actual switch is bad? Thanks.
  20. Oberkc - Thanks for the reponse. I added the parentheses, but still have the same problem. If I remove the statement "Family room Main" it seems to work fine. The ramp rate is set to 0. Any other ideas? Thanks
  21. I have created a "movie" scene that controls 2 lights. The "Family Room Main" light dims to 40% and "Family Room Recessed" dims to 30% controlled by a secondary KPL called 06.6E.FB.D KPL Movie which is the controller. I have also created a scene called 'MovieStatus' This scene has KPL 06.6E.FB.D KPL Movie set as a responder. When I push the KPL button it all works perfectly. I am trying to create a program that when the brightness of one of the lights using the switch to either of the lights, the KPL button will turn off. I have created this program If Status '06.6E.FB.D KPL Movie' is not off AND 'Family Room Main' is not 40% OR 'Family Room Recessed' is not 30% Then Set scene 'MovieStatus' off With this program, when I press the KPL button to run the movie scene, the KPL button light comes on for a second and turns off. However, if I remove the 'Family Room Main' from the program, it works perfectly. I am using version 2.7.7 alpha. The Family Room Main switch is a 2476D v.35. The Family Room Recessed switch is a 2476DH v.28. Thanks.
  22. Oberkc - Thanks. I will checkout the X-10 forum.
  23. Oberkc - Thanks for your response. I thought that the x-10 module was already in version 2.7.7. Thanks
  24. What are the steps for adding X-10 switches to the tree of version 2.7.7? Thanks
  25. Michel - MikeB - The only fix is to upgrade to the 2.7.7. Thanks
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