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Keypad Dimmer Switch 2334-222 and 2334-232


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  • 2 months later...

I've got the ISY-99i with firmware 3.3.10, which it seems to think is the latest firmware.


I also see from the thread you provided:


Important Notes

- Unfortunately - and due to code space limitations on ISY99 Series - we will no longer have any firmware releases for ISY99i Series


And that's followed by release notes that show the 2334 being supported in 4.0.1.


Is there a way to get the ISY-99i to support the 2334?





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I wanted to chime in on this issue. I have an ISY 994i/IR PRO with UI & firmware 4.0.5. I just got some new KPLs that don't get auto detected. They are Keypad Dimmer Switch (Dual-Band) 8 Button, White Model: 2334-222. I am using the ISY994 Administrative Console on a Windows 7 machine - not the universal-devices/99i to access programming.


A white sticker on the top of the face says:






The sticker on the bottom of the face just has the address.


When adding a device, if I let it auto detect the type, it comes back with the error "Cannot determine Insteon Device Type".


I try to manually select the device type and 2334-222 isn't listed. I take a chance and select [01.41] (2334-2) KeypadLinc Dimmer 8 buttons since it's almost the same model. It seems to work with that - the device is added and I can turn the attached load on & off from the Administrative Console.


Besides the new Rev (all my previous were 6.x), the packaging is different. Both are in a white box with a white sticker affixed.


The old ones said SMARTHOME at the top of the label in blue. Below that it said "KeypadLinc tm 8-Button" on the 2nd line and "Dimmer #2486DWH8" on the 3rd line. Below that, there's the Insteon logo (black circle with blue vertical bar at the top and Insteon Compatible under the circle), the UPC, then a logo that looks like a black circle with the letters ETL in a stylized font inside the circle and the word listed in the bottom of the circle. There's a "c" on the left of the ETL logo and "US" on the right of it. It has a horizontal black line under it with the word "Intertek" below that. Next line has "800-762-7845 www.smarthome.com" and the last line says "U.S. Patent No. 7,345,998 International patents pending".


The new ones do not say Smarthome anywhere on the label or packaging. The new label is all black & white - no blue. The first line is "INSTEON ®" with the O being the Insteon logo (vertical dash at top of O). 2nd line says "Keypad Dimmer Switch (Dual-Band)". 3rd Line says "8 Button, White Model 2334-222". Below that there's a fine horizontal line. Next line says "100-277VAC, 50/60Hz; 600 Watts". Below that is the same ETL as the old ones and the UPC to the right of that. Another fine horizontal line below that. The last line says "INSTEON.COM Protected under U.S. and foreign patents Made in China".


Sorry for the long description, I don't have a scanner attached to this machine to get a good picture for you. I'll try to get one later.

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Update: I see in the 4.0.1 it says:

- Support for KeypadLinc Dimmer 5 buttons 2334-2

- Support for KeypadLinc Dimmer 8 buttons 2334-2


Shouldn't the first one be 6 button, not 5? But any way, the model number isn't quite the same. It supports 2334-2 and the ones I have are 2334-222. Don't know if the extra 22 makes any difference. Maybe it's a color indicator since WH isn't in the model number like it was on the old ones?


Edit: I forgot one more difference. The old ones had a dim light behind all the keys that were "OFF" and a brighter light behind the buttons that were "ON". Out of the box, the new ones have no light at all behind "OFF" buttons and only light behind buttons that are "ON".

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It should say 6 button although the 6 button KPL has 5 nodes. The ON/OFF buttons are represented by a single node as both the ON/OFF buttons use the same Scene (Group) number. The -222 and -232 indicate RF frequency.


2334-222 is 8 button KPL that operates on the US RF frequency.

2334-232 is 6 button KPL that operates on the US RF frequency.

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I would think so. I do not have any of those Dual Band KPLs as they just came off Beta status. The ISY now always looks at the actual device type (cat/subcat) to determine how to process a given device. Many images back the ISY would accept the Device Type entered in New INSTEON Device as the overriding definition. This is no longer true. With the advent of I2CS devices it now is a necessity the ISY discovers from the device itself exactly what type device.

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I would think so. I do not have any of those Dual Band KPLs as they just came off Beta status. The ISY now always looks at the actual device type (cat/subcat) to determine how to process a given device. Many images back the ISY would accept the Device Type entered in New INSTEON Device as the overriding definition. This is no longer true. With the advent of I2CS devices it now is a necessity the ISY discovers from the device itself exactly what type device.


Just to follow up: I got 8 of these that, as far as I can tell, other than device ID are identical. I'm having about a 50% success rate with auto detect. The rest, I manually select as above and they seem to function correctly thereafter.


Is there anything I can provide that might be able to help figure out why 4 of them didn't auto detect?

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Could you test one of the four that didn't work in a location where one of the others worked and see if you get different results? It could just be marginal communications to the locations where the four failed.



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There is no doubt in my mind this is a communications problem or the issue with v.41 firmware. There are not 4 defective KPLs. If the event trace can be provided it will show if it is related to extended command execution only or a more general communications problem on the circuit(s) where the four KPLs are located..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for taking so long to follow up. I've actually had some difficulties duplicating this now. The KPLs that didn't auto detect before (manually selected device type from drop down) do auto detect now if I remove them then re-add them.


I've removed them then restarted the ISY then re-added them and auto detect works. I don't think that the remove actually removes all traces from the ISY. I noticed that changes I had made to the ramp rate previously (before removing them) were preserved after re-adding them - even after restarting the ISY & PLM.


Is there some way to completely remove all traces of a device? Would taking a current backup (without the troublesome KPLs added), reflashing the ISY, restore backup work?


BTW one difference I noted above between the new 8 button KPLs & the old is that the old ones came configured out of the box with the LEDs turned on behind the buttons (dim when off, bright when on), but the new ones came configured with all the LEDs turned off (off when switch off, bright when switch on). Is this just Smarthome tinkering with what's not broken or something else?




Edit: Forgot to add that I don't _think_ it's a communication issue. I have over 80 dual band devices installed now including access points on both phases on each floor and SignalLincs in the panel boxes. One of the KPLs is less than 10' from an access point and 4' from another 8 button (older one) KPL.

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A Factory Reset should be done to remove any configuration that was done before. If a Factory Reset is done after adding to the ISY a Restore Device has to be done to rebuild the link database after the reset.


Are you thinking there are four defective devices, they work some of the time, not others. With comm. problems being dismissed there are not too many possibilities left.

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I honestly don't know. I have had 3 defective KPLs exchanged so I guess it's possible although 50% failure for the new version doesn't bode well if that's actually the case.


So, before I jump in, let me run this by you to see if this sounds like the correct procedure.


Delete the devices that didn't auto detect

Make a backup

Do a reset on the KPLs (pull out the tab on the bottom of the face for 10 seconds)

Unplug PLM & ISY wait 30 seconds

Plug in PLM & ISY

Factory reset (hold in the button on the back right? )

Will I have to reinstall the 4.0.5 firmware or will that be preserved?

Restore the backup (all info on the deleted devices should not be in the backup right? )

Start adding devices and see what happens


Does that sound right to you?


BTW I really appreciate your middle of the night assistance :)

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I see no reason to Factory Reset the ISY.


Delete the devices that didn't auto detect

Make a backup

Do a reset on the KPLs (pull out the tab on the bottom of the face for 10 seconds)


Pulling the Air Gap switch is the first step in doing a device Factory Reset. After power has been removed long enough for the power supply to drain off press the Air Gap switch all the way in past the level of the frame and hold it for 5 seconds. This amount of time should be verified in the device User Guide.


Unplug PLM & ISY wait 30 seconds

Plug in PLM & ISY

Factory reset (hold in the button on the back right? )


I see no reason to Factory Reset the ISY



Will I have to reinstall the 4.0.5 firmware or will that be preserved?




Restore the backup (all info on the deleted devices should not be in the backup right? )

Start adding devices and see what happens


I think the approach to identifying the cause is to run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3. Add a device and if it does not add post the trace.


A simple way to determine if a device is functional is to connect it to an Appliance cord (plug on one end, bare wires on the other). Plug the Appliance cord into the PLM plug point. This eliminates any question about device install location and verifies the device is functional.

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I am also having the same problem with a newly purchased 2334-222.

My ISY is a 994/IR Pro at v.4.0.5


After my first attempt to link the KPL, following your suggestions I :


Deleted the unit

Made a Backup

Factory Reset the KPL

Unplugged the ISY and PLM

After 30 sec, plugged the ISY and PLM back in

Tried to link the KPL again, with auto detect


The KPL shows up with all 8 nodes, but the type is "Unsupported Device 1.65"

If I attempt to add a button to a scene, it will only add as a responder (no choice is provided).

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