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New PLM's (2) not communicating with Devices

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Good morning,


We had a client who recently told me that their 'Sunset' program stopped working and their lights weren't coming on at night. I did a site visit to see what could be causing it. I found that the light on the PLM was out. I opened the Administrative Console and it wouldn't find the network. I assumed that this was the issue so I ordered a new PLM. While ordering the PLM I decided to order two just to have a backup. When I received the new PLM's I went back to install them. I followed the 'Replace PLM' instructions to make sure the ISY-99i was able to find the new PLM. When I opened the Administrative Console it said system busy so I let it run as I thought it was configuring the new PLM. I let it sit for 6 hours. When I returned it still said the system was busy. During that time it kept popping up the error that it can't communicate with every device it tried to reach. I emailed technical support and they attempted to have me run a couple of reports. I was able to run an Event Log but I can't run the PLM Status, etc. the Console just sits idly working (I'm assuming). But it can't communicate with any devices. To ensure that it wasn't a faulty PLM I unplugged both the ISY and PLM and installed the other new PLM but that same occurrence is happening. Is there any way to diagnose the system if the console isn't responding. I'm running the latest firmware for the ISY-99i. I believe it is 3.3.10. Any help with this is appreciated as the clients would like to get this resolved ASAP. Thanks in advance!

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Hi jfteague,


It's really best to work with our tech support. ISY maintains a history of all old PLMs and all these PLM replacements and disconnecting power in the middle has probably left the system in an inconsistent state.


If you still cannot communicate with some of the devices, then I would move on from the PLM to other issues. Things that would cause interference with INSTEON.


With kind regards,


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