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The PBS News Hour had a short subject on hackers yesterday evening. The expert they were interviewing called out Insteon systems (no more specific identification) and Foscams as two of the more easy things for hackers to gain control of. The program is titled “Smart Devices That Make Life Easier May Also Be Easy To Hack, Says FTC†on the http://www.pbs.org web site.

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Hi jrini,


This is the HUB and SmartLinc and not related to ISY at all.


For your ISY, here are the a few steps that go a long way to protect you from hackers:

1. ALWAYS forward ISY's httpS port. Never forward http port

2. Install your own certificate

3. It's always better to use the higher security strength (PRO) but not necessary

4. Change your password every few months and always use at least 6 characters made up of digits, letters, and some special characters such as "^~%!" ... do NOT use

5. If you have WiFi, do make sure that you have it set with a minimum of WPA


With kind regards,


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