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Works with Nest?

Kevin Connolly

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I thought I read previously that Google essentially said NO to UDI because of the ISY demand/response power integration, which prohibited UDIs participation. There may be more to it though.




Can you expand on that statement a little?

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Thanks for the reply.

Nest is just a momentary popular device. I agree that it's not something that should abruptly change UDI's design direction. It's readily apparent, at least to me, that you guys put a lot of hard work into bringing a really great device to market.

I'm not particularly worried about it. I have the Nest plugin for Tasker (which just got updated btw so that the variables actually work). Sure, it's rudimentary at best, but it works better than Google's own implementation through "Okay Google" so I guess for the time being I'm ahead of the game...and, since I have an ISY with a Zwave expansion board, I also have the best of all worlds  8)

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Hi all,


No unfortunately it does not. As Michael mentioned to be eligible as a nest partner we have to abandon everything we have done in the field of demand response.


With kind regards,


Users tell me Google recently released the Nest SDK and interface  to the public.

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Users tell me Google recently released the Nest SDK and interface to the public.

To use it, you have to agree to terms, that apparently includes a commitment to not include demand/response power features in your derivative product.....
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To use it, you have to agree to terms, that apparently includes a commitment to not include demand/response power features in your derivative product.....


That says Insteon has no ADR aspirations for the Hub. The more I learn about the HA market, the less I understand  :shock:



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Sounds like Google has plans in the DR market, too. I'm assuming it's not long before california gets voluntary residential DR programs in place, so I'm guessing Google wants in on that. If they can get subsidized Nests into houses through utility companies, there's a lot of money to be made (not to mention data to be gathered).


As a pre-Google Nest owner, I've been watching with suspicion since Nest was bought up. It still does what I bought it for, and does that well. It was also a gateway drug into the HA world for me, so I can't be too sad about its lack of what seemed like promising interoperability at the time.


My Nest plugin on Indigo is still chugging along though, so I haven't sold it off quite yet.

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We got a 'free' Nest with out new house - I sold it after I installed my Trane zwave stat. Nest is neat - I just didn't want to deal with the lack of openness and lack of spirit of competition that Google is displaying around the product.

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We got a 'free' Nest with out new house - I sold it after I installed my Trane zwave stat. Nest is neat - I just didn't want to deal with the lack of openness and lack of spirit of competition that Google is displaying around the product.

You know what is funny about this whole thing. Google always screamed loud to the world how they wanted to be so open source, adaptive, privacy for all, blah blah.


They are just as evil as any other money grubbing company I have seen or worked for. Their only goal is to collect, aggregate as much of your data and resell it for profit.


Evil Google will someday become SkyNET.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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This surprises me that the US government doesn't take on Google the way they broke up IBM and other companies years ago.


They are out of control. (but we should be getting some back in stock next week :) )

They are participants in the prism program. Which makes them valuable to the Feds. You don't break up anything that serves a purpose in the most spied on county in the world.


In 2020 people better get ready when America starts to melt down. This is when they will not be able to service the national debt. Which will make them default on their payments. This will cause a massive run on the stocks, banks, economy.


Which if it causes concern to the Chinese who own the largest portion of the debt. Can use this to either shut the USA down and put them into recession or cause a major change of hands of assets to the Chinese government.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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This surprises me that the US government doesn't take on  Google the way they broke up IBM and other companies years ago.


They are out of control. (but we should be getting some back in stock next week :) )


Europe thinks google in general has too much power and a combination of the EU and EU countries have bee trying to essentially bust google up.


The pinnacle of this drama was last week when Spain tried to strong arm linking fees out of google news referrals, and google news shut down its bureau in Spain and dropped all Spanish publishers. 

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Europe thinks google in general has too much power and a combination of the EU and EU countries have bee trying to essentially bust google up.


The pinnacle of this drama was last week when Spain tried to strong arm linking fees out of google news referrals, and google news shut down its bureau in Spain and dropped all Spanish publishers. 


Yeah I saw that and laughed.


This happen in Russia too, they started to remove all mission critical personal besides the sales team from Russia because of the new laws past this year. If Google believes it can do that in the real UK they are going to be getting a real wake up call!


They have not been able to make in roads into China and know they wish they could. The reality is Googles presence is mostly limited to North America. All I know is the company is split down the middle, one run by a guy who loves to dream and spend gobs of money on silly shit.


While the other side just wants to dominate every facet of your life and aggregate that information to make more money. The simple fact they are expanding their presence in network infrastructure like Kansas, Texas, CA, etc should really make you all take pause.


There balloon *all the time Internet* with geo tracking was the first iteration of the all seeing eye of Evil Google. Anyone who believes a company would offer free WiFi with no rewards are simply too stupid to understand the goal. 

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We (including me) all have to share in the responsibility in this... Google is this big because we allowed it to be. 


We use google, but do not always have to. We just do.


This is a very accurate statement and I am part of the problem for sure. I guess when they first came to be XX years ago I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they would be a world leader. As time progressed it was apparent (Eric Schmidt) was a complete *** hat and just another business man wanting to suck out every dollar he could using what ever method that was available.


The writing was soon on the wall when I tracked what projects they were getting into. The most famous was buying that military robot company WTF??


But, when I stood back and considered all the patents, company buy outs, etc. Again, people will laugh but they have completed the the all sensing eco system.


They are in telecommunications (listens) computers (data aggregation / tracking) view-able products (Google glass) networking infrastructure (offers high speed Internet) face, voice, object detection.


Predictive search and answers, is integrated with many android appliances from A/V products and smart cars. Global satellite tracking of movement and mapping. Has the ability to present the dumb managed content and results.


Not even addressing their ability to acquire a wireless signal even locked down and capture this information for later review (google street car)  

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I can agree. Google is just about everywhere, but than so was Microsoft not so long ago. 

The interesting thing about Google products, at least for the the ones I use, is that they are never quite complete, but they offer more openness than either Apple or Microsoft. (It wasn't so long ago that Apple shutdown the Siri proxy hack whereas AutoVoice is offered on the Play store)

Google's "Works with Nest" deployment is a good example. I mean really. What can you really do with the thing? I get the warm your home prior to arrival part (although I have yet to see it actually work with my stats), but the set temperature to a specific degree part? That part I don't get at all. I'm a "it could be a little warmer (or a little cooler)" kind of guy. I could care less what specific temperature it is. My guess is that they just threw something into the market ahead of CES.

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I can agree. Google is just about everywhere, but than so was Microsoft not so long ago. 

The interesting thing about Google products, at least for the the ones I use, is that they are never quite complete, but they offer more openness than either Apple or Microsoft. (It wasn't so long ago that Apple shutdown the Siri proxy hack whereas AutoVoice is offered on the Play store)

Google's "Works with Nest" deployment is a good example. I mean really. What can you really do with the thing? I get the warm your home prior to arrival part (although I have yet to see it actually work with my stats), but the set temperature to a specific degree part? That part I don't get at all. I'm a "it could be a little warmer (or a little cooler)" kind of guy. I could care less what specific temperature it is. My guess is that they just threw something into the market ahead of CES.


Yes, agreed most of the companies you named are EVIL too! Microsoft way back in the day stole the whole GUI from Apple when they were small. They went to court but of course MSFT was much bigger than they beat them in court and got the GUI thrown out.


Then the famous MSFT got too big because these *** hats pretty much greased every company, government, lobbyist known to man to rule the Enterprise and desktop but finally got broken into four parts. This doesn't even tough how they killed off Netscape browser LOL.


Apple is the same vs Samsung . . .


Every company at some point becomes a monster because the whole *Profit before people* comes in. When Crapple won the patent war against Samsung over the rectangle shape of the iPhone I almost fell out of my freaking chair!


This doesn't excuse the lazy *** copy cats at Samsung who literally copied every feature from Crapple like the swipe etc. Microshaft could have continued to be the biggest player in the world but was led by a complete moron, imbecile, and no vision CEO (Steve Balmer)


Its going to take that poor [censored] Satya the next 10 years to turn the ship around assuming he can. There is a famous video where it has every launch fail Microshaft has ever had in one single video.


The two most famous is one with Bill Gates and the guy who left the company who actually over saw the Windows OS. He was the poor [censored] who demoed live to the audience that piece of crap Surface!!!


They tried in every way to mimic the Apple event and everyone around me just screamed and laughed watching this stupid fool fumble and break down.


Truly an epic fail on Microshafts part never learning to lead the charge but has to  put down others, all the while strong arming other companies. Its ironic because all of these fools all work together via their patent troll sub company which sues other companies for a living.


MSFT makes more money on the Android royalty than they do on three of their departments. The only operations that makes money and continues to lead the charge is the Exchange Group and this is where Satya came from. 


At the end of the day use their products and enjoy them to the fullest. But, know in the back of your head they have only one goal and that is to bleed you dry well after the product has died.

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I'm with ya. I built my first Linux box back when Fedora was Redhat V6. Can't stand Windoze. I was a little disappointed when Ubuntu didn't come to market with their phone and OS in any real way. In fact, I bought a Nexus 7 v2 with the intent to put Ubuntu on it, but that didn't really pan out. Now I use the device, mounted to the kitchen wall, as a home message board.

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I'm with ya. I built my first Linux box back when Fedora was Redhat V6. Can't stand Windoze. I was a little disappointed when Ubuntu didn't come to market with their phone and OS in any real way. In fact, I bought a Nexus 7 v2 with the intent to put Ubuntu on it, but that didn't really pan out. Now I use the device, mounted to the kitchen wall, as a home message board.


Yes, I too was sadden Ubuntu failed to make in roads to the market. The reality is during the last four years there have just been too many companies coming to market with similar gear and with so many competing OS platforms. Linux really didn't have a chance on their own.


Even though iOS / Andriod are based loosely on Linux its too much for the market. We are seeing the exact same thing with HA gear where everyone and their dog wants a piece of the action. I have taken the approach to wait and see and monitor what products have a real shelf life in the long run.


Back in the day if you saw a big company making a product you could (reasonably) expect at least a four year life cycle out of it. Now, you're lucky it makes one year from design to retail.


As much as I dislike the whole locked down Apple eco system its much better than what I have seen in the Android camp. Yes, it gives you lots of potential choices to use custom software etc etc. But, never in the history of phones has there ever been so many virus's for a freaking phone???


If someone told me 20 years ago a phone could be corrupted by a virus I would have laughed at them. Now, no one is laughing and this is the problem of making everything we own too smart. I was probably the epitome of a gadget freak in all product categories and still am for a few.


But, there are just some things in your home, life, that simply needs to be dumb and just work. It should not require pairing, setting SSL/ TLS, using port forwarding, firmware upgrade, hard reset??


When you lead your entire life around gizmos that are half baked, poorly supported, and designed by week end warrior. There are going to be issues down the line that is just a given.

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