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Notify if ISY cannot communicate with a device (ie. EZFlora)


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I searched with a fine tooth comb...on this forum and internet-wide, but could not find even a question about this...let alone an answer.


I would like ISY to notify me if it loses communication with a device. Specifically EZFlora in my case. It happened a few times already and my lawn turned brownish. The first few times EZFlora came back to life after unplugging it, but this last time it finally died (waiting for replacement to arrive).


Any way to accomplish this?


I tried: If EZFlora Zone XX  Status IS Not Responding...but it does not seem to work. When I turn the zone XX On, I do not get notified, even though it is not responding...




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This is a tough one, and I would be interested in this too.  The EZFlora is not a traditional Insteon link controlled device. The ISY contains special programming to control the EZFlora and other EZxxx devices, and they don't follow the same exact rules that a switchlinc or keypad would.


I have an idea that needs to be tested on your existing 'bad' controller to see if its viable, if you are game. Have 2 programs, 'A' and 'B'.  'A' turns zone 1 on, queries it, and calls 'B'.  'B' looks to see if Zone 1 is really on. If not, send a notification


Program A


time (is when you want to verify)


Turn a Zone 1 on (Insteon Zone 1 on)

wait 5 seconds

Query Zone 1 (Insteon Zone 1 Query)

Run If Program B

Turn Zone 1 Off



Program B


status Zone 1 is off


Notify (whatever notification you want, text, email)



Edit: Use the admin console to 'right click' on program B and disable it. We don't want an alert after that Zone is turned off, if its a zone that waters and is part of an irrigation program.



The assumption I am making is if you turn a zone on, and query the status, you get an "on" back. If the unit is damaged, you'll get "off" back. This needs to be tested on your bad controller


I'm not sure this will always find a problem. It also will turn a zone on an sprinkle for 5 seconds every time you run it if the controller is good and responding.


But it shouldn't take long to see if it really works or not.


Probably we need to turn in an enhancement request for better status response from Ezfloras.



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I'm not sure this will always find a problem. It also will turn a zone on an sprinkle for 5 seconds every time you run it if the controller is good and responding.



I don't have an EzFlora, so I can't test. But, if all 8 zones are not in use, would the program work on an unused zone?

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"not responding" depends on the device not ACKing a command.  If the EZFlora ACKs the command but has a problem with the 24v supply to drive the valves that would not show as a "not responding"


Suggest running Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3.  Turn On a Zone and post the event trace.

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Thanks a million PaulBates! it works perfect...


Program A tries to turn a zone On to no avail...program B notifies me that the zone is OFF.


Before this, I would get a notification that the irrigation cycle was completed...even though the actual sprinklers never turned ON...the irrigation program ran fine :).


My grass thanks you too!

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  • 4 months later...

I had this on my list to go back and implement checks for ezflora HW failure, here are some notes on how it really worked for me:


This is my mainline sprinkling program

        $Spinklers_Sprinkling_Now  = 1
        Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Sprinkler Cycle run'
        Set 'Yard / Sprinklers / Zone 01' On
        Set 'Yard / Sprinklers / Zone 01' Query
        Wait  5 seconds
        Run Program 'Sprinkler - 8 - Ezflora 1 Malfunction Check' (If)

        Wait  22 minutes 
        Set 'Yard / Sprinklers / Zone 02' On


  • When the Ezflora is working, 5 seconds is needed between the query and running the checking program (Program B ) to get a good confirmation back. Less than that, and the query isn't complete and it executes the 'then' in Program B falsely. No wait was needed between turning the zone on and querying. 
  • I was able to add the checks inline with my programs that do the sprinkling. If it finds a problem, it shuts down the sprinkling programs at the first use of that Exflora, turns off the valves and sends an alert.
  • I have 2 Ezfloras, so I repeated this process and have a similar program to check at Zone 8, the first zone of controller 2.
  • I use all of my zones, so it makes sense to test inline with sprinkling, its going to open a valve anyway. An alternative, As Stu pointed out above, if you have a zone you don't use, you could do this with a separate time of day program, turning on and checking a valve that isn't in use. 
  • Remember to disable your program B that takes action on failure
  • As pointed out, there are other possible failure modes this might not catch, but its fairly fast and easy to do
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  • 10 months later...

I have a GFI breaker that keeps tripping that shuts off my Sprinkler system and I don't know about it until the grass is brown and I have no idea how long the system has been off.

This article was exactly what I needed to monitor the Ezflora to be sure it is responding.


PS I am going to replace that flaky GFI soon as well.


THANK YOU!!!! :-)



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Hi Bryan,


You need two programs:

1. A program that queries the EZFlora either regularly OR during some certain times that you think it should be on

2. Another program as follows:


Control "EZFlora" is not Responding


Send an email


When you query a device - and if ISY cannot communicate with it - the Responding condition turns false and the 2nd program will run.


With kind regards,


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