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Question about the repeat command


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Can you use the "Repeat" command in a program, to only repeat the line above it or does it repeat all lines within the "then" group?  For example when I close my back door I want a few lights to go out but sometimes they don't always go out so I wanted to only repeat the porch light turning off.



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Since the topic is about the command itself, I'll add the placing one or more statements between Repeat 0 times and Repeat 1 time has the same effect as REMing those statements. The ISY does not provide a REM command. Great for troubleshooting a program.

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The Repeat range is to the end of the clause (Then or Else), or to the next Repeat.  In this example the Set, and all statements after that are repeated


        Repeat 3 times
           Set 'ICON Relay 2' Off
            statement 1
            statement 2
In this example the Set is the only statement that is repeated
        Repeat 3 times
           Set 'ICON Relay 2' Off
        Repeat 1 time
           statement 1
           statement 2
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Perhaps that was not the question.


I thought I made it clear that I was referring to the topic, specifically, Question about the repeat command


Since the topic is about the command itself ...


I guess I wasn't specific enough.


Lee, you are correct. I should not be so terse B)

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  • 1 year later...

Perhaps.  But if you want to truly dishearten a customer, you develop tools that frustrate them for hours because of something that isn't consistent with almost every programming language out there.  The syntax looks more like a workaround.

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Just your old fashioned "repeat until" loop that's been around for many years. Fairly standard, only with a few different words.


The until is just repeat 1 (once).

Totally intuitive, but intuitive is only relative to your experience. We weren't born programming via a keyboard. QWERTY? Really? I have used many different styles of languages. There is no "intuitive". There is no standard style of repeat.


The admin console even indents the contents for you so you now where it begins and ends (even without those words Mr. Pascal). That is way past where I started programming.


Now for the syntax quirk. You should love this one.


..."Repeat 1 times"

doesn't repeat the loop at all. It only executes it once. :)


Have a good one!

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If UD just put a note there that said "to end repeat, select repeat 1 times" that would take care of it.  

Add an "end" to the pulldown menu list of times was suggested before.


Repeat X times

...do something

Repeat End


Like any other language you have to learn the syntax and then use it.

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Add an "end" to the pulldown menu list of times was suggested before.


Repeat X times

...do something

Repeat End


Like any other language you have to learn the syntax and then use it.

If you are going to do that, I would put it in the pull down column that includes the "for/while/etc".  

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Sure, but I am waiting for logic line enable trigger options first, well at least for a repeating while  :)

I'm not sure what you mean.  But "repeat while" is an option, I believe this is a new option in the 5.x


It includes integer variables as options for repeat while, so I guess it actively checks with each cycle?

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I'm not sure what you mean.  But "repeat while" is an option, I believe this is a new option in the 5.x


It includes integer variables as options for repeat while, so I guess it actively checks with each cycle?

It was an attempt at a pundle.

I thought you would be right on top of V5.


Have  a look as this usage for the repeat while....


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Glad to add a little humor into a thread. Still stay not intuitive even compared to assembly language on a Pdp-11. Plenty of experience here.



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5x is not an option until it is released.



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Glad to add a little humor into a thread. Still stay not intuitive even compared to assembly language on a Pdp-11. Plenty of experience here.



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5x is not an option until it is released.



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PDP-11?  No PDP-8? Just a newbie! :)

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Okay, this thread has me a little confused.  I wrote this little program to demonstrate my question. 


I want to water in some grass seed on the back lawn that suffered some winter/dog damage.  Is there a way, within this program, to have the repeat clause reevaluate the conditions in the "if" statement prior to each repeat cycle (the climate module stuff is dynamic and would optimally be reevaluated each time the program repeats)?  I was fairly certain that the "if" clause isn't reevaluated with each repeat cycle, but suddenly I'm unsure about that.  Normally, I'd use one program to call other programs based on values from the climate module to accomplish this.  Is that correct?

BackLawnReSeed - [ID 008A][Parent 0089]

        From     7:00:00AM on 2017/05/05
        To      10:00:00PM on 2017/05/20
    And (
             From    Sunrise +  4 hours 
             To      Sunset  -  1 hour  (same day)
         And (
                  Module 'Climate' Temperature > 50 °F
              And Module 'Climate' Total Rain Today < 0.2 "
              And Module 'Climate' Wind Speed < 15 mph
        Repeat Every  2 hours 
           Set 'Devices / dirNodeServers / RainMachine / RainMachine / Rear Lawn' Start
           Wait  10 minutes 
           Set 'Devices / dirNodeServers / RainMachine / RainMachine / Rear Lawn' Stop
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Thanks in advance.  This forum is invaluable!

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