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Can ISY use Amazon Echo as an Alert Device?


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Yet another outrageous post from huddadudda who is only "testing" the portal and thus I shall not diginify all the factually incorrect assertions with a response.


With kind regards,


Michel nice way to avoid things by not specifically pointing out my "outrageous post" and/or "factually incorrect assertions" making it appear as though I am fabricating this. Even if I was for what benefit?


I also have the emails when I brought up the UBI and IFTTT additions to the ISY back in Aug 2012 - check your emails. I am happy to post them in the forum if you like for transparency. Why did we sign a NDA agreement then? Which I can post too.


As for the portal, I specifically brought up my portal issues with you last Sunday via email and you blew me off telling me my issue was my router setup, which clearly was not the case since others have the same issue.


Michel I support ISY 100%. I am on the RTI and other forums posting how great the product is, my family and friend have purchased the ISY because of my recommendations as well as one of my companies installing them in clients homes via purchasing them from AVAD. However there are things that have been posted you chose to ignore which is frustrating. You have both my personal email and phone number if you like to discuss I am always available to you.

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Can this application run on a RPi?

They do have a version for the Pi. I posted the question on their forum if the pi version supports all the REST commands that the Windows version supports.


This is the response I got so far:





Does JRiver for the Raspberry Pi support all the same MCWS commands that the Windows version supports?




I'm not sure about "all," but the ones that I've tested and script with work the same. Additionally the remote apps (Gizmo, JRemote) rely on MCWS functioning correctly and I've had no issues using the remote apps with a Pi client FWIW. So I'd be willing to wager support is 95%, if not identical.


Link here: http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=102874.0 ' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'> http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=102874.0

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They do have a version for the Pi. I posted the question on their forum if the pi version supports all the REST commands that the Windows version supports.


This is the response I got so far:





Does JRiver for the Raspberry Pi support all the same MCWS commands that the Windows version supports?




I'm not sure about "all," but the ones that I've tested and script with work the same. Additionally the remote apps (Gizmo, JRemote) rely on MCWS functioning correctly and I've had no issues using the remote apps with a Pi client FWIW. So I'd be willing to wager support is 95%, if not identical.


Link here: http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=102874.0 ' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'> http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=102874.0

Your awesome and you know it!



In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

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I use a $50 windows tablet running EventGhost which is connected to a USB-Uirt and with the Audio jack connected to the main receiver.  The USB-Uirt sends the Deseret ON command to the receiver and then switches it to the correct audio inputs and outputs and then says the command via  Microsoft Speech API (eventghost plugin).


ISY>Networking>udp://>Raw>Body = Home Water Leak


(Sent to as these commands will now be pickup by my main PC also)


Received by Broadcaster plugin in EventGhost


I live in an old home and have occasional water backups, the ISY will send text msg to our phones flash the lights in the bathrooms and announce the command over the receiver and my main computer if it is on.  This USB uirt is also connected to a whole home IR system which controls the IR for the entire home...Not bad for $100 (tablet and USB Uirt)


Also have a display emulator connected to the micro HDMI port so the tablet screen remains off

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I really do not think you would want me to post a public response with your factual inaccuracies. I PM'd you my response. All I need is your permission to post it publicly.


With kind regards,


Michel do you think its good business to argue publicly with customers and on your forum? If you give permission to waive our NDA contract then I say sure lets do this. I have all our emails and PMs to prove this. I also have my emails with UBI and the founder. Maybe for your sake we should agree to disagree and let it go. Why do you want to keep this going after you said you didnt especially since I havent posted anything more. You do know that I offered UDI financial backing but at the time you didnt want the ISY to have any cloud dependencies.

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I already responded to your PM. The post you see above is because you explicitly accused me of ignoring things (http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/18000-can-isy-use-amazon-echo-as-an-alert-device/?p=164545).


You are welcome to post anything you wish. I am an extreme proponent of transparency. I will leave this decision up to you.


For me, this discussion is over and I will no longer respond to it.


With kind regards,


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I already responded to your PM. The post you see above is because you explicitly accused me of ignoring things (http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/18000-can-isy-use-amazon-echo-as-an-alert-device/?p=164545).


You are welcome to post anything you wish. I am an extreme proponent of transparency. I will leave this decision up to you.


For me, this discussion is over and I will no longer respond to it.


With kind regards,


You make my point exactly. You totally ignored the question about waiving our NDA.


For the benefit of the forum, members, and not to continue to waste each others time, I agree to end the discussion as well.

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To bring this back on topic, I was looking to do something like this with an mp3 board and some IOLincs. After looking at the costs I think I am going to go with a Pi with wifi, a small (possibly powered) speaker and something like eventghost. Throw everything into a small custom enclosure and you could drop it anywhere that you have a receptacle to plug into. Cost would likely be less than $75 per unit, you could have unlimited mp3 notifications stored and each unit could be addressed individually or all together. I think you could even sense ambient noise at each speaker and adjust the volume accordingly.


I plan to get a Pi soon to start playing around and learning with.

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To bring this back on topic, I was looking to do something like this with an mp3 board and some IOLincs. After looking at the costs I think I am going to go with a Pi with wifi, a small (possibly powered) speaker and something like eventghost. Throw everything into a small custom enclosure and you could drop it anywhere that you have a receptacle to plug into. Cost would likely be less than $75 per unit, you could have unlimited mp3 notifications stored and each unit could be addressed individually or all together. I think you could even sense ambient noise at each speaker and adjust the volume accordingly.


I plan to get a Pi soon to start playing around and learning with.

A couple people mentioned the sparkplug mp3 boards. Have you looked at those? Might be cheaper, easier and more features.


I think this is it https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11029

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I'm using an RPI2 loaded with OpenELEC. It has a JSON api. I put all my alert sounds in the music folder and use a network resource to call them. The RPI2 and a set of powered speakers sit hidden under my couch. Works instantly when called.
The path is:     /jsonrpc?request=%22jsonrpc%22:%222.0%22,%22id%22:%221%22,%22method%22:%22Player.Open%22,%22params%22:{%22item%22:{%22file%22:%22storage/music/GoodNight.mp3%22}}}        


This loads my GoodNight audio. Just replace it with the name of your audio file.


New Bitmap Image.bmp

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On first glance this would also require an Arduino board right??? So $35 for the mp3 board and $25 for the Arduino. And then likely some type of wifi adapter? How would this connect with the ISY?


I'm thinking I could go with a Pi for much cheaper.

Well as I understand it, there is a chip on board with sd card access. I didnt look into this deeply but on another forum they hooked it up to the distributed audio system and doorbell. So thought maybe you could trigger the sound via the IOLinc somehow with audio out to the speakers. I dont think it needs anything else besides power, sd card to hold the mp3s, and connection to audio out. Just a suggestion to try and help.


Newest version https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13720


Oh and there is serial control if you want.

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If you want to learn rPi and maintain a little Linux box, then there is certainly more flexibility with the Pi solution than with a dedicated MP3 board, see my post above about text-to-speech. 

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Well as I understand it, there is a chip on board with sd card access. I didnt look into this deeply but on another forum they hooked it up to the distributed audio system and doorbell. So thought maybe you could trigger the sound via the IOLinc somehow with audio out to the speakers. I dont think it needs anything else besides power, sd card to hold the mp3s, and connection to audio out. Just a suggestion to try and help.


Newest version https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13720


Oh and there is serial control if you want.

I had looked at this before but it would require an IOLinc to trigger each different sound which would get expensive. It is also limited to 18 different sounds.

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I'm using an RPI2 loaded with OpenELEC. It has a JSON api. I put all my alert sounds in the music folder and use a network resource to call them. The RPI2 and a set of powered speakers sit hidden under my couch. Works instantly when called.


The path is:     /jsonrpc?request=%22jsonrpc%22:%222.0%22,%22id%22:%221%22,%22method%22:%22Player.Open%22,%22params%22:{%22item%22:{%22file%22:%22storage/music/GoodNight.mp3%22}}}        


This loads my GoodNight audio. Just replace it with the name of your audio file.

Thank you! Exactly what I'm thinking of.

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  • 1 year later...

Any updates to this? I just got on the scene of HA last 6 months or so and was curious if I can use ISY, echo,network module, nest- to make an announcement like tornado warnings using either echo or nest. I did see that Amazon made an announcement that they will allow notifications soon, but just curious if there are other ways?

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Any updates to this? I just got on the scene of HA last 6 months or so and was curious if I can use ISY, echo,network module, nest- to make an announcement like tornado warnings using either echo or nest. I did see that Amazon made an announcement that they will allow notifications soon, but just curious if there are other ways?

I wrote up a guide a while back to use a pi to do my alerts. You can find it here

Hopefully it helps.

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