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Odd Communications problem. Wit a strange fix?

Brian H

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System: Isy99i 2.6.12 firmware; PLM FW v72; 9 ApplianceLinc HW 4.1 v.32 I believe I2 enabled; 1 Switchlinc Relay HW 2.1 v.28; 2 Access Points HW 1.0R firmware ?; 2 RemoteLincs; X10 Transceiver RR501 on phase in question and a ACT CR134 X10 repeater.

FilterLinc on the computers APC BX1000 UPS and another on the problem branch lines electronics


Problem: Timed Scenes and commands from My Lighting using All On; All Off and a Query to My Lighting. Result in missed commands to modules; on the phase the PLM is not on. Query takes a long time and frequently hits the 100% mark in the progress bar and then starts again at 0%. A query or on and off commands to parts of the My Lighting or individual devices are fine.

Access Points comm test show steady Bright LEDs as needed. Older ApplianceLincs HW 1.3 v.28 didn't do this; but the problem didn't start right after the new ones where installed.


Tried an older PLM. New set of Access Points. Though the same vintage. Moved one Access Point to the branch with most problems. Turned Off the RR501 and CR134.


OK now the quirk. Add an X10 passive coupler on the dryer outlet [ has a tuned circuit in it consisting of a cap and coil] and everything now works? :roll:

Even a Query to My Lighting rarely goes past 70% before completion. :roll:


Thoughts from anyone?

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Hi Brian,


Would you be kind enough to test 2.6.13, first test with the default behavior and then test with i1 Only. Please let me know if any of them change the behavior. It might very well be the case that the AccessPoints do NOT propagate i2 commands correctly.


With kind regards,



System: Isy99i 2.6.12 firmware; PLM FW v72; 9 ApplianceLinc HW 4.1 v.32 I believe I2 enabled; 1 Switchlinc Relay HW 2.1 v.28; 2 Access Points HW 1.0R firmware ?; 2 RemoteLincs; X10 Transceiver RR501 on phase in question and a ACT CR134 X10 repeater.

FilterLinc on the computers APC BX1000 UPS and another on the problem branch lines electronics


Problem: Timed Scenes and commands from My Lighting using All On; All Off and a Query to My Lighting. Result in missed commands to modules; on the phase the PLM is not on. Query takes a long time and frequently hits the 100% mark in the progress bar and then starts again at 0%. A query or on and off commands to parts of the My Lighting or individual devices are fine.

Access Points comm test show steady Bright LEDs as needed. Older ApplianceLincs HW 1.3 v.28 didn't do this; but the problem didn't start right after the new ones where installed.


Tried an older PLM. New set of Access Points. Though the same vintage. Moved one Access Point to the branch with most problems. Turned Off the RR501 and CR134.


OK now the quirk. Add an X10 passive coupler on the dryer outlet [ has a tuned circuit in it consisting of a cap and coil] and everything now works? :roll:

Even a Query to My Lighting rarely goes past 70% before completion. :roll:


Thoughts from anyone?

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Sure I can do the tests.


I may have spoken too soon on the coupler fixing everything. Tested all day yesterday 100%. Today one module missed the Sunset -20 minutes on thing.


What is worse. They also have an X10 Primary Address in them and the backup 1132CU sunset -15 minutes was 100%. Sad that the old X10 workes better than the Insteon commands.

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I will try and do more detailed tests on my time off for the holidays.

Quick test showed with the coupler out of the circuit. All three options. Automatic; use data module provided and forced I1 all had missed commands and very slow queries.

I will try more detailed tests and a good search for problem makers.

I also may put the old ApplianceLincs back and see what happens.

I have one thought that maybe the new ones don't really like to be stacked on each other. I had one set of them that way in the effected branch circuit and it seemed to be OK. Maybe the new ones really don't like to be stacked. So maybe that could be tested first. Remove one and see if it helps.

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Hi Brian,


Thanks so very much for the update. Please do keep me posted. I am not sure if stacking causes problems but I do have some similar problems with my LampLincs and ApplianceLinc (the newer versions).


With kind regards,



I will try and do more detailed tests on my time off for the holidays.

Quick test showed with the coupler out of the circuit. All three options. Automatic; use data module provided and forced I1 all had missed commands and very slow queries.

I will try more detailed tests and a good search for problem makers.

I also may put the old ApplianceLincs back and see what happens.

I have one thought that maybe the new ones don't really like to be stacked on each other. I had one set of them that way in the effected branch circuit and it seemed to be OK. Maybe the new ones really don't like to be stacked. So maybe that could be tested first. Remove one and see if it helps.

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OK will keep you posted.

I used the Event Viewer and it shows the I2 Engine being used for all of the ApplianceLincs except one I added just to see what an I1 only would report. The only other I1 device showing is my SwitchLinc Relay.

My X10 is also taking a dive so I may have a house related problem.

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Yesterday I changed all of the ApplianceLinc modules; except the one with the load the old ones didn't like; back to the old I1 units.

So far all of them are reacting correctly from scene timing and my manual queries; All On and All Off tests.

Will keep an eye on the situation and report any updates.


I am going to try a set of new; just ordered; Access Points. When they get here. Along with the new I2 ApplianceLincs again.

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Thanks so very much Brian. Please do continue keeping us posted!


With kind regards,



Yesterday I changed all of the ApplianceLinc modules; except the one with the load the old ones didn't like; back to the old I1 units.

So far all of them are reacting correctly from scene timing and my manual queries; All On and All Off tests.

Will keep an eye on the situation and report any updates.


I am going to try a set of new; just ordered; Access Points. When they get here. Along with the new I2 ApplianceLincs again.

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From what I have seen. My I1 only ApplianceLincs do respond better than the I2 units to both X10 and Insteon signals.

My home must still have a problem on the one branch line. Today two of the older ones did not go on at the AM ON scene. This is still much better than the I2 ones did in the same setup. A query to the old ones finishes at about 60% to 80% of the progress bar. The I2 units frequently went to 100% and then maybe another 50% on the second try.

I am going to have two brand new Access Points to try by next Saturday. So more tests will be in progress. I may also try more isolation of signal problem units.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Changed both Access Points for two just received new ones.

So far things are better. It maybe a combination of the I2 ApplianceLincs and an Access Point that didn't like to get warm. It is in an outlet over the base board heat; but even then it was not really hot just mildly warm.


I will forward you the codes you had asked for in the SwitchLinc Thread.

That is if I ever figure out how to do that. :oops:

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Put all the I2 ApplianceLincs back. Even with the new from the factory Access Points. Nothing changed. Still misses All Lights On and Off commands to My Lighting. Query just crawls along and many time the progress bar goes to 100% and starts again. Adding a simple X10 passive coupler to the dryer outlet; seems to make things much better. I think maybe the I2 devices have too much traffic between modules and maybe the Access Points wig out.

Anyway the I2s are going back in their boxes and the old I1s will be back in service. :(

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Thanks for the update. I do have another thought to throw out to the community - If the I2 appliancelincs have problems bridging the phases with I2 commands, what are the I1 devices doing with the communications?


Said a little differently, do the I1 devices repeat I2 commands? If not, this would be a huge hole in the Insteon network. It should be detectable with a ELK ESM1 (I'd expect a much lower transmission level for I2 commands). As far as I can tell, I don't have any I2 devices installed or I would check it myself.


Put all the I2 ApplianceLincs back. Even with the new from the factory Access Points. Nothing changed. Still misses All Lights On and Off commands to My Lighting. Query just crawls along and many time the progress bar goes to 100% and starts again. Adding a simple X10 passive coupler to the dryer outlet; seems to make things much better. I think maybe the I2 devices have too much traffic between modules and maybe the Access Points wig out.

Anyway the I2s are going back in their boxes and the old I1s will be back in service. :(

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Hi Brian H,


SH has agreed to investigate i2 related issues. The missed group/scene commands are one of the main bugs.




That's a very good question. From what I see, i2 commands require much more resources and I am not sure how they are being propagated by i1 devices. A simple test:

Try programming your RemoteLinc using i2 vs. i1 and you'll note a few things:

1. Your battery is going to be eaten up quickly

2. As Brian H has experienced, EVERYTHING is much slower


With kind regards,


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Ouch! Now that is something I need to remember not to try. Unfortunately, I'm approaching the wiring phase of my basement finishing project and will need new Insteon units in the not too distant future. Slower and less reliable was not what I had in mind. Glad to hear that you've been able to convince SmartHome that all is not as it should be.






That's a very good question. From what I see, i2 commands require much more resources and I am not sure how they are being propagated by i1 devices. A simple test:

Try programming your RemoteLinc using i2 vs. i1 and you'll note a few things:

1. Your battery is going to be eaten up quickly

2. As Brian H has experienced, EVERYTHING is much slower


With kind regards,


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Sticker Information if it helps.


Nine where in use all nine have the same 2456S3 0806 on one of the stickers.


All nine are v4.1 with a four digit ending number: 0039;0040;0037;0959;0038;0035;0953;0958 and 0471.


I have one more in storage but didn't look at it for data.

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Thanks so very much Brian H,


I have forwarded these numbers to SH which I am sure is going to help them with their troubleshooting.


With kind regards,


Sticker Information if it helps.


Nine where in use all nine have the same 2456S3 0806 on one of the stickers.


All nine are v4.1 with a four digit ending number: 0039;0040;0037;0959;0038;0035;0953;0958 and 0471.


I have one more in storage but didn't look at it for data.

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