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Portal/Echo versioning, release notes, and availability status


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I use and enjoy my ISY every day.  Now that UDI has added the portal, echo integration and cloud access, I have even more to enjoy every day.


I'd like to make a suggestion.   Please have a "pinned" message on the forum (or some other constant location) that gives some details about the current portal version, what changes have been made, and if the portal is 'up."


I am careful to choose when to upgrade/update my ISY firmware when I can monitor and potentially detect changes im my ISY system behavior. Michel does a great job of documenting firmware versions, and what has changed.


The other day, my ISY with Echo integration was working, and the next it was not.  It turns out that changes to the portal had broken some things.  While it was easy to fix, and I got great help from the forum and Michel, I had no idea that the portal had changed, Nor did I know in any documented way, what had changed util I asked on the forum.


While the cloud offers the ability to rapidly roll out improvements to end users, without great documentation, challenges can arise.


I really like the echo integration.   Please think about providing version information, release notes and availability status.  This information is a great selling point to end users who depend on ISY 24hr functionality.



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