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Insteon Motion Sensor

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My question is perhaps stupid but I can not find the answer.


I have a 2413S, Isy994I, motion sensor 2842-222.


I would like to have :


From Sunset to Sunrise, when a motion is detected, lights I1, I2 on, during 3 minutes.


If someone can help me to program it in Isy.






Status "Motion Sensor - Sensor" is on

And From Sunset

To Sunrise (next day)




Set "I1" on

Set "I2" on

Wait 3 minutes

Set "I1" off

Set "I2" off



Wait 3 minutes

set "I1" off

Set "I2" off


Comment: If you put both I1 and I2 in a scene you can just turn the scene on / off



I use this program in my system. The "ELSE" statement may seem redundant, but it guarantees that the lights will not be left on. Anytime motion is detected, regardless of the time of day, the lights will turn off. Whatever device you use to control the lights, if you somehow switch it on manually, and the sensor then senses motion the lights will turn off after 3 minutes.


Good luck


There will be a small delay before the lights turn on. To eliminate the delay, make the MS a controller of the scene. Set the MS options to On commands only. Adjust the Darkness sensitivity (low values = darker needed to activate). The MS needs about four minutes to adjust to a new sensitivity (cheat-press the set button seven times).


Then, write a program that turns the scene off after some time after the MS sends an On.


If you choose to try ronvond's approach, I suggest using "control" rather than "status" and eliminating the 3-minute wait from the ELSE statement.


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