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Geofence Variable Change Validation


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I have several programs set to run when both my wife and I leave the house, such as making sure the alarm is armed, verifying the garage is shut, and turning off all the lights. This is done via a MobiLinc geofence and MobiLinc Connect. 


This configuration works 99% of the time.


Once in a while, one of our MobiLinc apps won't update the variable on the ISY when we enter/leave the geofence. I know this is most likely due to a cellular issue.This is problematic, as my programs will not run. The 1% of the time when this doesn't work will be the time my house is broken into and the alarm isn't set. (I am a firm believer of murphy's law)


I would like to see the option built into MobiLinc that automatically verifies that the ISY changed the variable upon leaving or entering a geofence. If MobiLinc notices that the variable doesn't change, then I would like to see it attempt to update the variable on its own. If unsuccessful, maybe Mobilinc could notify me so I know to manually execute the programs.


Wes, is this something that could be implemented?


I would love to have this redundancy built in to give me greater peace of mind.


Thanks in advance,





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Hi Jason,


If MobiLinc notices that the variable doesn't change, then I would like to see it attempt to update the variable on its own.



MobiLinc is the one that's actually telling the ISY to change the variable to a 1 or 0. iOS only gives MobiLinc less than 2 minutes to run in the background on geofence boundary crossing. If in a decent cell area, this works almost all of the time as you've experienced. But if MobiLinc can't reach the ISY, then the variable won't get updated.


MobiLinc won't be able to monitor the variable change like you suggest, however, it may be possible to issue a failed notification if MobiLinc thinks it won't be able to connect to the ISY in under the 2 minute window. 


This is a good idea and one I'll add to the list to dig into and consider.



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Hi Jason,


One workaround is to have ISY send you a notification after the away programs have been run.  Not ideal, you'll have to watch for it but maybe better than nothing for now.


I experienced the same problem that you described.  I'm now using the Locative app on my iphone in conjunction with the ISY portal and if the communication fails Locative send a notification.



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Thanks for the replies Wes and Tim. 


Wes, I am confused as to why MobiLinc can't monitor the variable change on the ISY. I can see the existing state of the variable in Mobilinc under My Programs/State Vars section. Doesn't this section reflect the current state of the variable on the ISY?



If so, couldn't MobiLinc check the State Vars section to verify that it updated on the ISY after my device crosses the geofence? Even if MobiLinc couldn't reissue the command to update the variable on the ISY based on iOS limitations , it could at least send an alert to notify me that the variable didn't update. Then I would know to manually set the alarm, run All Off program, etc. 


I know I am requesting a fix for something that rarely happens. But for me, the geofence programs that I have set up are very important for my peace of mind and security of my residence. These programs make sure that my house is alarmed, garage door shut, and so on.  


I have set up programs on my ISY that verify that vital programs actually run and notify me if they don't. The only one I can't verify is the geofence variable since it is MobiLinc that controls it. I ask that if this verification/alert can be easily added, please do so. Thanks for taking the time to hear me out. 

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Hi Jason,


Wes, I am confused as to why MobiLinc can't monitor the variable change on the ISY. I can see the existing state of the variable in Mobilinc under My Programs/State Vars section. Doesn't this section reflect the current state of the variable on the ISY?


When you are in the app, yes, MobiLinc has a real-time connection to your ISY. When MobiLinc isn't the active app running, it's in a suspended state from iOS. Here we rely on push notifications from our server to notify you of monitored statues.



You can setup a push notification on the variable changing. 

You can setup a push notification on if the program(s) run.

With the Advanced Location plug-in you can setup a notification if a device is supposed to be off (like a closed garage door) and your phone is X meters away from home.



 it could at least send an alert to notify me that the variable didn't update. 


Right, that's what I've added to my list to investigate adding.



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