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Did they ever make iMeter Solo work with ISY994i software?


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Did they ever make iMeter Solo work with ISY994i software?


The ISY Series Controller supports viewing the current wattage and accumulated KWH in the Admin Console. The only option in the Admin Console is the ability to reset the KWH value.


The KWH value can also be reset via programs . . .


You can use the wattage value either positive vs negative in programs as well to activate / deactivate based on your personal needs and thresholds.


As of this writing this product is not being developed and has been abandoned by Smartlabs / UDI.

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Hi Teken,


Thanks so very much for the correct details. I am not sure what you mean by UDI abandoning it!



With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


In past discussions in this forum it was stated no further development of this product or its sister companion the *Energy Display* would see further development.


The reason(s) given at that time was the lack of user base, resources, and that the product was (EOL) End Of Life. With respect to the product being EOL - I am not sure how anyone would know this since its still being sold by Smarthome.


But certainly, it has not been *further* developed since its initial launch.


The iMeter Solo as of this writing can only be used to monitor the wattage and used in programs. There is no ability to use the accumulated KWH in the very same. Currently this product also indicates negative wattage values in the drop down menu in the Admin Console. I have no clue how anyone could use or cause such condition to exist though.


As you explained to me before features and support are based on ROI and user base demands which make sense in general terms.


I fully understand UDI has been hard at work in many other areas such as 5.XX and moving away from Java in hopes of ushering in the new web browser standard. All of the time and resources spent on the above serves the greater good for all but does not address the fact several Insteon products are not fully supported.


This condition has existed for years - If that isn't a perfect example of being abandoned I don't know what is.


My view has always been that all features in the Insteon products are fully supported. As of this writing there are several hardware devices that have never been further developed to include features which are present in the hardware. Because of this its impossible to use said feature as its intended for those needing them.


1. 2843-222 Open-Close Sensor: The latest hardware revision has removed the jumper pin to allow dual mode. This option is now software based and must be enabled via software from a controller. The ISY Series Controller does not support this requirement and thus users who need to enable it, can not.


This hardware change has existed for more than a year but the ISY firmware has not been updated to support it.


2. 2457D2 Lamp Linc: This device supports beep, programming lock out, blink on traffic, error blink. All of these same features have been present and fully supported in the latest 2635-222 On-Off Relay Module in the ISY since launch. I honestly can't think of a reason why the very same feature sets could not be included for the 2457D2?!?!


These software features have existed since product launch which spans at least 4 years. The ISY has never supported these features in any firmware update and I consider that abandoned.


3. Energy Display: I am not going to hash out what's not included or supported as this has been discussed many times. However I still hold the view this product should be fully supported based on the EDOC's which clearly indicate what capabilities are present and available for use.


In closing, my expectation are / is these features should have been included since product launch. If it couldn't be done due to not knowing the proper API specs etc. One would have expected at some point in time the information and specifications would be obtained and included at a later date.


As of this writing depending upon product(s) whether it be the iMeter, Energy Display, Open-Close, Lamp Linc, etc. This lack of support has spanned 1-4 years which in a laymen's terms would be considered abandoned.  

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Hi Teken,


Thanks for the details. Energy Display is obsolete and we are not going to do anything on that.


With regards to options for different devices, they should show up in 5.0.x.


With regards to iMeter Solo:

1. Negative numbers based on API documentation

2. Not having KWH in programs, I'll add it to our mantis for 5.0.x


With kind regards,


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I'm posting this question here rather than creating a new topic.


Its regarding getting the information from the Query of a iMeter Solo or a Z-Wave Power Switch / Energy Meter.


I looked and I'm not sure its even possible.


I want to grab the value in both the WATTS field and the Kilowatts field and place those value into a Variable (something I never worked with).


It seems the Query can get the information.


I know the iMeter Solo is an abandoned product and no further development will be done with that. But the Z-Wave devices are not abandoned. And actually they just came out with a newer product that has outlet/energy meter functions.


So here is one thing I want to do.


I want to Query a Energy Meter and get the values of the two fields (WATTS and KILOWATTS).  I want to take one of the values KILOWATTS and put it into a variable and them either email me the value or if possible do a calculation to get monthly usage and costs. Kilowatt times energy cost rate equals cost and then email me that information.


I notice than right now there is only a predefined drop-down list of wattage's when doing status. 


I just need the value and get it into a variable or simply email me that value at the least.


So is it possible? If so how do you get that value out, its somewhere in the isy since its displaying it!!!??





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If this is possible please show us how to write it (THE CODE) please


I want to Query a Energy Meter and get the values of the two fields (WATTS and KILOWATTS).  I want to take one of the values KILOWATTS and put it into a variable and them either email me the value or if possible do a calculation to get monthly usage and costs. Kilowatt times energy cost rate equals cost and then email me that information.

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The iMeter Solo displays the KWH in the Admin Console but this value is not available for use in programs. The only value that can be used is the watts which simply requires you to define the wattage needed before it fires off an email.

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Hi rlanza1054,


Except for KWH on iMeter Solo, you can do that by using programs. First, test it with a customized email. Once you get that figured out, then you can have ISY save it into a file (if you have network module) and then you can access it:



You can have ISY append to the file.


With 5.0.x, you can assign device values to variables and then sum them up and do math functions on them. This said, 5.0.x is alpha so I do not recommend it.


With kind regards,


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Hi rlanza1054,


Except for KWH on iMeter Solo, you can do that by using programs. First, test it with a customized email. Once you get that figured out, then you can have ISY save it into a file (if you have network module) and then you can access it:



You can have ISY append to the file.


With 5.0.x, you can assign device values to variables and then sum them up and do math functions on them. This said, 5.0.x is alpha so I do not recommend it.


With kind regards,


I need to ask another question. I have not looked at the link you posted for me, just yet.


I do remember that version 5 will have some more functions available so we can do more with these Energy Meters. I am waiting for that.


The question I have is writing a program that test if my air conditioner is turned on or of.


Below is a lot of explanation before I actually get to the actual question, sorry about that in advance.


I have programs written to change the temperature settings working great.


Here is how I do that. Sine my ac has a digital unit. These units can only be set from 60 - 90.


So knowing that to set to any temp, I send a temp DWN command 31 times. So if the unit was set at 90 it would get set to 60 since I sent the DWN command enough times to get it to the lowest point which is 60 degrees. If the unit was set at 70 degrees and I send the 30 DWN commands the AC cannot go lower than 60 so it doesn't hurt anything to have DWN commands sent.


Then I send enough Temp UP commands to get to the temp setting I want.


I wrote programs to set the temp for 68, 70, 72, 74 and 78.


Works perfectly.


I now have the AC raise temp to 78 at 1am and then go back to 72 at 10am. This way I can save so money on electric while I sleep but be comfortable when I wake up.


So now the next step for all of this is to have a method to verify if the air conditioner is actual ON or OFF.


I have figured out how to verify if the air conditioner is ON or Off and even if ONLY the Fan is on or is it actually cooling.


I do that by looking at the WATTS.


If the WATTS is over +10 volts, the AC is ON.


If the WATTS is over +200 but below +1000 only the Fan is running, Anything above that and the compressor is on and the Cooling is on.


I did discover that even when the AC is OFF it is still drawing 1/2 WATT of electric, I assume it has to use some to be able to detect the IR from the remote.


Oh, I should have stated that I did get the Global Cache iTach WIFI2IR working great. I learned all the necessary commands.


I splurged and now have 4 Global Cache units one in each room.


Now to my actual question.


When I the STATUS command to check the WATTS does the ISY do a quick Query first before providing the WATTS?


Or do I have to run a Query first to make sure of the current wattage?


It seems there is no way to have a Query happen in the IF portion of the program.


That is what I'm have a problem with. I need to be sure of the actual current status to be certain before I do a THEN statement in the program.


in the past everyone said the Status might not contain the current status, but that is for Light switchs.


So do see my issue.


If when I look at status to get the current WATTAGE if the ISY is doing a fast Query just before providing the watts, then I do not need to worry and just write my THEN statement.


But if you say it may not be the current status without doing a Query first, then how do I write a program that performs the Query provides me with the watts used currently and then perform whatever based on the watts value?


I hope I made sense and explained clearly.






PS Let me know if you want to see what I've written so far?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Rob,


Which thermostat is it? I know that thermostats that we support do report their state:





So, the question is why would you want to go through all the hassle of profiling energy usage when this might already be available?


With kind regards,


Just to clarify: I do not have a thermostat! I have a standard 'Window' Air Conditioner!


I live in a 15 story building that was built in 1957.


It is a 'Coop'!


Until a month ago our electric usage was built into the maintenance, we did not pay for electric usage.


They installed 'sub-meters' in each apartment and we are now charged and paying separately for our electric usage.


Originally we did not even have Air Conditioners.


My father had to run an AC line to the Window so that we had an outlet to plug the Window Air Conditioner in.


The reason I want to be able to access the Kilowatts ans Wattage values is for two reason.


Getting the Kilowatts allows me to calculate the cost of electric for the month.


That is easy, if I can email the kilowatt usage each 30 days I can calculate the usage for the month.


The reason for getting the value of the Wattage is totally different and more complicated.


If I can get the value of the wattage into a variable, then I can look at it and do a IF statement depending on its value.


A Query is required to get the current value.


For example say IF WATTAGE is not 0 ((zero), actually even if the Air Conditioner is OFF it uses a little AC which is required to respond to IR commands.


So if Air Wattage is NOT zero, then its turned ON. I know for a fact it is ON.


I can use that information to properly turn on or off the Air Conditioner. Bear in mind the IR Power Command is only a toggle command.


So I need to verify its true ON/OFF state.


I can even control the Air Conditioner's Temperature accurately. Remember again this is a Window Air Conditioner with a Digital Display and Controls. So you can set the temperature to any value between 60 and 90 degrees.


I have figured out how to set the Air Conditioners Temperature accurately.


I do this by a rather insane way but it works.


Since I know the A/C can only be set between 60 thru 90 degrees, I send 13 temperature down IR commands, the A/C can only go to 60 degrees so sending more IR Temperature commands than 60 does nothing, it doesn't hurt to send the temp dwn ir command at 60, it just gets ignored.


So now I know I'm at 60 degrees, I can then send the appropriate amount of temperature temp UP commands to get the temperature value I want.


So I have a program that at midnight it resets the temperature to 78 degrees and at 10a AM it then reset the temperature back to 72 degrees.


I have this setup and working now.


I need to go back to kilowatts.


In order for the ISY to do most of the work, if I am allowed to pulls the kilowatt value into a varieable, it make life and programming simpler.


I can take the kilowatt value put it into a variable and the do a calculation on  it to figure out the cost pluggimg into another variable the cost of kilowatt per hour value. My coop has provided me with that rate. Its now 21.5 cents per kilowatts.


So each 30 days I can calculate the cost of the Air Conditioners.


To go a step further, if I get the Weather Module, I can read the temperature outside and decide whether or not to turn ON the Air Conditioner or not.


And doing a Query on thw wattage values, turn on or off accurately because if I turn on or off the air conditioner manually with its handheld remote, the ISY won't turn on something that is already on because if it sent a ir power toggle commands it could by mistake turn the a/c off.


So those are the reasons to trying to get these values into a variable.


I guess if I purchased the ELK module I might be able to do some of this, but I have asked and am not allowed to attach a enerage usage meter directly into my circuit breaker box.


So the is the reason for using these Energy Meters.


I can no longer purchase the Insteon iMeter, they are discontinued and not available for purchase, So I am forced to use the Z-Wave plug-in modules.


My ISY has the Z-Wave already and I did purchase one Z-Wave Power On/Off Switch which comes with an Energy Meter. Seems all Z-Wave products come with Energy Meters built-in by default.


So if I can get these values into variables to complete the programming I want to do, I would purchase more of these Power On/Off switchesI(that come with the Energy Meter).


Have I explained all of this in a way that is understandable?



PS I have run into one issue, when trying to setup an IF command, there does not seem to be a way to have a Query done within the IF command to make an accurate IF command.


For example, I need to run a query first then I can do IF wattage is at a certain level, say above zero, I then know the state of the air conitioner to either turn it off or on in a THEN part of the program.


So do you know how to do a query on just one device prior to doing the IF or is there a way to tuck in the query to the IF area of the program?

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Hi Rob,


Which thermostat is it? I know that thermostats that we support do report their state:





So, the question is why would you want to go through all the hassle of profiling energy usage when this might already be available?


With kind regards,


Almost  forgot something important:


I have figured out depending on Wattage value if the Air Conditoner is running the FAN only or if the Compressor is actually ON.


So based on that information I can change settings on the air conditioner.


Because I could tell accurately if the air conditioner is:


On or Off


If its only the FAN running or if the compressor is on.


Just by the values of the wattage value that is queried at the time I want to do something.


Remember, I've been using an air conditioner as a example.


I can apply all that learned from these wattage value to other devices such as entertaiment systems which are primarily IR devices. devices that only receive Infrared commands and cannot talk back.


But looking at wattage value you can tell the state of these devices.



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Just to clarify: I do not have a thermostat! I have a standard 'Window' Air Conditioner!


I live in a 15 story building that was built in 1957.


It is a 'Coop'!


Until a month ago our electric usage was built into the maintenance, we did not pay for electric usage.


They installed 'sub-meters' in each apartment and we are now charged and paying separately for our electric usage.


Originally we did not even have Air Conditioners.


My father had to run an AC line to the Window so that we had an outlet to plug the Window Air Conditioner in.


The reason I want to be able to access the Kilowatts ans Wattage values is for two reason.


Getting the Kilowatts allows me to calculate the cost of electric for the month.


That is easy, if I can email the kilowatt usage each 30 days I can calculate the usage for the month.


The reason for getting the value of the Wattage is totally different and more complicated.


If I can get the value of the wattage into a variable, then I can look at it and do a IF statement depending on its value.


A Query is required to get the current value.


For example say IF WATTAGE is not 0 ((zero), actually even if the Air Conditioner is OFF it uses a little AC which is required to respond to IR commands.


So if Air Wattage is NOT zero, then its turned ON. I know for a fact it is ON.


I can use that information to properly turn on or off the Air Conditioner. Bear in mind the IR Power Command is only a toggle command.


So I need to verify its true ON/OFF state.


I can even control the Air Conditioner's Temperature accurately. Remember again this is a Window Air Conditioner with a Digital Display and Controls. So you can set the temperature to any value between 60 and 90 degrees.


I have figured out how to set the Air Conditioners Temperature accurately.


I do this by a rather insane way but it works.


Since I know the A/C can only be set between 60 thru 90 degrees, I send 13 temperature down IR commands, the A/C can only go to 60 degrees so sending more IR Temperature commands than 60 does nothing, it doesn't hurt to send the temp dwn ir command at 60, it just gets ignored.


So now I know I'm at 60 degrees, I can then send the appropriate amount of temperature temp UP commands to get the temperature value I want.


So I have a program that at midnight it resets the temperature to 78 degrees and at 10a AM it then reset the temperature back to 72 degrees.


I have this setup and working now.


I need to go back to kilowatts.


In order for the ISY to do most of the work, if I am allowed to pulls the kilowatt value into a varieable, it make life and programming simpler.


I can take the kilowatt value put it into a variable and the do a calculation on  it to figure out the cost pluggimg into another variable the cost of kilowatt per hour value. My coop has provided me with that rate. Its now 21.5 cents per kilowatts.


So each 30 days I can calculate the cost of the Air Conditioners.


To go a step further, if I get the Weather Module, I can read the temperature outside and decide whether or not to turn ON the Air Conditioner or not.


And doing a Query on thw wattage values, turn on or off accurately because if I turn on or off the air conditioner manually with its handheld remote, the ISY won't turn on something that is already on because if it sent a ir power toggle commands it could by mistake turn the a/c off.


So those are the reasons to trying to get these values into a variable.


I guess if I purchased the ELK module I might be able to do some of this, but I have asked and am not allowed to attach a enerage usage meter directly into my circuit breaker box.


So the is the reason for using these Energy Meters.


I can no longer purchase the Insteon iMeter, they are discontinued and not available for purchase, So I am forced to use the Z-Wave plug-in modules.


My ISY has the Z-Wave already and I did purchase one Z-Wave Power On/Off Switch which comes with an Energy Meter. Seems all Z-Wave products come with Energy Meters built-in by default.


So if I can get these values into variables to complete the programming I want to do, I would purchase more of these Power On/Off switchesI(that come with the Energy Meter).


Have I explained all of this in a way that is understandable?



PS I have run into one issue, when trying to setup an IF command, there does not seem to be a way to have a Query done within the IF command to make an accurate IF command.


For example, I need to run a query first then I can do IF wattage is at a certain level, say above zero, I then know the state of the air conitioner to either turn it off or on in a THEN part of the program.


So do you know how to do a query on just one device prior to doing the IF or is there a way to tuck in the query to the IF area of the program?


All of what you want can be accomplished using one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Aeon-Labs-Aeotec-Z-Wave-Switch/dp/B00VQISOCG/ref=sr_1_sc_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1471979206&sr=8-2-spell&keywords=aotec+smart+energy+switch


I do this for both my Windows AC and my Pellet Stove to monitor function and disable either when appropriate.



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All of what you want can be accomplished using one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Aeon-Labs-Aeotec-Z-Wave-Switch/dp/B00VQISOCG/ref=sr_1_sc_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1471979206&sr=8-2-spell&keywords=aotec+smart+energy+switch


I do this for both my Windows AC and my Pellet Stove to monitor function and disable either when appropriate.



Thank but I know that is what to purchase since the Insteon iMeter is not available.


I actually have one of the older models of the Aeon Labs Aeotec Z-Wave Smart, I think its only GEN 1.


Before I purchase more of these, the model you are recommending, I still need to grab the wattage and kilowatts to be able to do what I tried to describe in my previous port.


I want to be able to grab the values after a Query and place then into a variable to perform further actions based on the values.


Right now it seems everyone is telling me to email it or grab it from the log fill (which I just diescovered it contained the info.


But I need the value with the ISY to run IF THEN commands based on the value.


It seem too difficult to me to then go outside of the ISY and get those value back into the ISY.


It seems crazy that the ISY can displat the value be we cannot grab those value to work within our programs.


Currently, we can only test if the value is above or below a value. In the programming it just has a drop down listing all the possible values it might have.


I just want the value, then put it into a variable, perform a calculation and from the answer of that calculation perform an action.




If I can do that, then I will invest my money on purchasing these new Z-Wave devices (Aeon Labs Aeotec Z-Wave Smart).

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All of what you want can be accomplished using one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Aeon-Labs-Aeotec-Z-Wave-Switch/dp/B00VQISOCG/ref=sr_1_sc_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1471979206&sr=8-2-spell&keywords=aotec+smart+energy+switch


I do this for both my Windows AC and my Pellet Stove to monitor function and disable either when appropriate.



Just to double check with you:


Are you saying with these AEON LABS AEOTEC GEN 6, we can grab the watt and kilwatt values after a query, within a program?


Because I can't get the value with the GEN 1 version I have?



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Hi Rob


Just to double check with you:


Are you saying with these AEON LABS AEOTEC GEN 6, we can grab the watt and kilwatt values after a query, within a program?

Because I can't get the value with the GEN 1 version I have?



Hi Rob,


I don't think it matters if you have a Gen1 or newer smart energy switch.  As long as you have one and it reports to the ISY then you can do what you are wanting to do as follows:


First, Find out what the node name is and dump the node XML to get the info you need about the location of the data.  Mine is "ZW003_143" as seen below it's title in this screenshot:



Then I used Firefox to get the node dump by entering:

and was prompted for my ISY user/pass then the following was returned:



My Sensor has the current wattage in the Status (.ST) field with the kWh in the TPW field.  I happened to be monitoring voltage in my setup so the following resource is referencing the CV field but you can modify to grab ST or TPW as fits your requirement.


This resource is grabbing the value from the sensor and using the rest interface to place that value into my integer variable #8.  You could just as easily use a state variable instead.


NOTE: the .raw following the field identifier in the substitution variable is important.  Without the .raw, the value returned will be formatted and may include the letters "Volts" or "kWh".  You only want the value for this and the .raw forces it to drop the formatting and return a clean value. 


Next you will need a program to run the resource:

VoltageMonitor - [ID 0014][Parent 0003][Not Enabled][Run At Startup]

        From    12:00:00AM
        To      11:59:50PM (same day)
        Repeat Every  10 seconds
           Set 'ZW 003 Energy Meter' Query
           Wait  5 seconds
           Resource 'OfficeLineVoltageMonitor'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

As Michel pointed out above, you can get direct access to these values in programs in 5.0.4 and later without the need to place into a var first.  And then it is as simple as:

VoltageMonitor Direct - [ID 0025][Parent 0003]

        'ZW 003 Energy Meter' Current Voltage is not '$OfficeLineVoltage Volts'
        $OfficeLineVoltage  = 'ZW 003 Energy Meter' Current Voltage Volts
        Do whatever...
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Hope this helps.


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