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Power Outages


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We have MANY power outages (a big reason why I bought ISY). Insteon switches are not supposed to turn on after outages (if they were off at the time of the outage). But they do. I want ISY to watchdog this for me in my absence. I got to thinking about the KPL and how it may turn on or off as well after and outage. Does anyone have any brainstorms as to a script that I could use to stay one step ahead of that? My intent is to "vacation" a KPL button when I leave that will run one set of commands. But what if the power outage thing turns the KPL button on or off, will ISY now see an off and run an unwanted program? :cry:

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As long as ISY is "part of the outage", then as soon as it boots up it shall a) try to query all your devices for their states B) run any schedules that you might have set (i.e. from sunrise to sunset). So, you could simply have the Away schedule which turns everything off at sunrise and everything on at sunset. In this scenario, then, depending on when the outage took place, your lights are either turned on/off.


I hope this makes sense,

With kind regards,



We have MANY power outages (a big reason why I bought ISY). Insteon switches are not supposed to turn on after outages (if they were off at the time of the outage). But they do. I want ISY to watchdog this for me in my absence. I got to thinking about the KPL and how it may turn on or off as well after and outage. Does anyone have any brainstorms as to a script that I could use to stay one step ahead of that? My intent is to "vacation" a KPL button when I leave that will run one set of commands. But what if the power outage thing turns the KPL button on or off, will ISY now see an off and run an unwanted program? :cry:
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Makes perfect sense, but unfortunately Insteon switches don't always make sense in what they do! They are supposed to "take on their last state". I've had many a KPL that was "ALL BUTTONS OFF" before the outage, then after 110 was restored any and many buttons are "ON" and their respective responders were "OFF". My fear is that the following happens:


I leave KPL, button A, OFF. This signals the system and most importantly ISY that the house is "AWAY". The power goes back on and KPL button A goes on (due to the outage), then will ISY somehow know that it really should be "OFF" and make the status accordingly? If not, will ISY run my "HOME" schedule? You Quoted that ISY will query the schedule, I can see that, but I manually pushed KPL A off before I left. Does ISY know that?

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You are 100% correct. I am sure that there "must" be a solution out there so let me see if we can come up with it.


Thanks and with kind regards,






Makes perfect sense, but unfortunately Insteon switches don't always make sense in what they do! They are supposed to "take on their last state". I've had many a KPL that was "ALL BUTTONS OFF" before the outage, then after 110 was restored any and many buttons are "ON" and their respective responders were "OFF". My fear is that the following happens:


I leave KPL, button A, OFF. This signals the system and most importantly ISY that the house is "AWAY". The power goes back on and KPL button A goes on (due to the outage), then will ISY somehow know that it really should be "OFF" and make the status accordingly? If not, will ISY run my "HOME" schedule? You Quoted that ISY will query the schedule, I can see that, but I manually pushed KPL A off before I left. Does ISY know that?

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