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My DSC panel was supplied with resistors as zone bypass devices, not EOL resistors. These were so that the correct state of each zone could be reflected in the software before connecting anything to the panel and for all unused zones.


When connecting a remore sensing device the resistor was discarded and the built-in eol resistor in the MS was connected through the N.C. contact, to maintain the secure sensing zone standby level.


The termination resistor value was not up to the installer and permanently installed in the MS. Mixing systems with complete incompatibilties not included.


Thanks for posting with actual information. I do see track homes almost weekly that have a central enclosure with all wires tossed in it, audio, coax, security, phone, etc. So it's not abnormal by any means. At the end of the day things went off the rails as it seems to be on almost every post. I think Teken is trying to up his post count to match Stus. The thing is Stus are shorter and most of the time on topic.

In laws just did a track-house and they had that panel, except it was for everything except alarm.  Alarm was installed per routine.  But I don't doubt you.  Surprisingly, my inlaws builder didn't try to lock them into a contract.  The alarm was open for any CS of choice.


Thanks for posting with actual information. I do see track homes almost weekly that have a central enclosure with all wires tossed in it, audio, coax, security, phone, etc. So it's not abnormal by any means. At the end of the day things went off the rails as it seems to be on almost every post. I think Teken is trying to up his post count to match Stus. The thing is Stus are shorter and most of the time on topic.


Let's be clear here, because you simply won't take any ownership. You started on this path by offering bad and incorrect information and I offered the opposite.


Stop stirring the pot  . . .


Take a few moments and read the replies in order - Everyone reading this thread already knows you came into this thread shilling your company and in the same breath offered bad information!! You later came back saying the resistors for other companies were so close in tolerances which at 11:XX PM at night I really didn't want to make you look even foolish.


Because that isn't the way I am . . .


Now you have another long time forum member who has clarified what the DSC panel uses. In this case its 5.6K ohms. My reply to you late last night was that every security alarm company has a different value and the OP or anyone else should not assume an existing sensor(s) using EOL resistors can be reused.


Got that??


Anyone who has ever installed a hidden window / door sensor knows they are one of the most terrible things to remove and service while pulling out the wire bundle with out damaging resistors etc along the way.


Now stop the B.S. and move on because your starting to look stupid . . .


Unlike you I actually installed security alarm system for a living and offer force protection solutions as a career! I don't own a company that simply does it like you . . . I was a grunt doing the job so I think its quite possible what I am saying has some weight besides trying to up my post count?!!?


Like really WTF???


I am going to roll out of this thread because its clear what ever your issues are in real life vs virtual life is translating here in the forums. I don't like being around you when your are completely off the rails and acting like some of the other childish members in this forum . . .


Dial it back because your crossing the breach line with me . . .


End of line . . . 


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