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Insteon New Motion Sensor 2844-222 2nd Gen

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Very new here, just received my first isy and adding my devices now. I have the new motion sensor from insteon 2844-222 (2nd Gen) http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-motion-sensor-ii.html and http://www.insteon.com/new-motion-sensor


But I'm having trouble linking it to my system. It is not in the Device Type list. How do new insteon devices get added to this list?/ How do I add it to my system.


Thanks for your help, the wiki and this forum are a great resource as I learn!



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I get a new device error:


"Cannot determine insteon engine"


The 2844-222 is not supported in the ISY 4.5.x firmware.  However it will be supported in the 5.x  firmware which is still in alpha testing, so it will be sometime before you're able to use the sensor.

Edited by Techman
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Thanks guys,


I will just have to wait, unfortunate because the new sensor is actaully pretty cool!


My workaround for now:


-Manually link the sensor with the light it controls. (It's simple, When motion is true it only turns on 1 device) and I understand we're not supposed to manually like degies together but I can't think of another option.)

-That's it, my isy should be able to know the status of the light fixture and I should be able to run programs based on the lights status..we will see.


Thanks again!

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Unfortunately I am not surprised by your statement on the Motion Sensor II Developers Notes.

I saw a active developer on the Smarthome Forums. Also looking for the Motion Sensor II Developers Notes. Indicating his contact keep promising to sent them. Every week nothing was sent.

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Hi patryk.szady,


Just to be clear, we still do NOT have full documentation for Motion Sensor Gen II (PIRIII) from SmartHome. We spent over a week trying to reverse engineer but since we didn't want to hold off 5.0.9, we had to abandon it.


With kind regards,




This must be very frustrating for UDI.  I would have thought that SH would be begging UDI to include this device so that they sell more.  I guess its possible that there is a legitimate reason they are holding it back.


I am sure that the masses greatly appreciate the release of 5.09. 

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Hi Guys,


SmartHome is truly trying to sync with us. I think the reason is that this sensor is unlike any other INSTEON device and its complexity is the root cause.


We actually implemented about 80% of it using existing documentation and quite responsive help from SmartHome. For the last 20%, we tried reverse engineering (and held off 5.0.9 by 5 days) alas had to abandon due to time constraints and running out of ideas.


With kind regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was about to buy a couple of the new Insteon sensor today until I saw they're not yet compatible with my ISY...


I use my motion sensors with my ISY to adjust variables, which then trigger certain events. 


Would the following work as a workaround?:


1) Set new Insteon Motion Sensor to turn on Button C (currently unused) on an Insteon keypad. 


2) Through ISY:

     -- If Button C is On

     -- Then set Variable to 2


Would my ISY detect that Button C was just turned on?  If not, any suggestions? 









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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi Guys,


SmartHome is truly trying to sync with us. I think the reason is that this sensor is unlike any other INSTEON device and its complexity is the root cause.


We actually implemented about 80% of it using existing documentation and quite responsive help from SmartHome. For the last 20%, we tried reverse engineering (and held off 5.0.9 by 5 days) alas had to abandon due to time constraints and running out of ideas.


With kind regards,


Is this still the case?

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Is this still the case?


The last official 4.6.X firmware is said to support the most basic feature of this sensor. The 5.XX branch also offers basic support but many of the other features are not. One year is fast approaching since this product was launched and this device and others are still poorly implemented.  


How the general public is supposed to have faith and confidence in dipping their toes into the whole home automation space with hardware that is so lack luster in support and developmentation. Having dealt with four Smartlabs, so called developers in the past the phrase useless comes to mind.


If the API documentation does not offer the insight to yield a end result. That is a failure of the company who released said document to the general public. If the hardware does not do as the API states it should ~ Again, that is a failure on the mark of the company who made said hardware.


I'll never understand how it is Insteon / Z-Wave is so hard to implement when the so called API is supposed to be clear, concise, and to the point. The reality is none of this is the case because manufactures can implement some, part, or all of the Z-Wave protocol as has been seen countless times in random products!


With Insteon I am at a loss as to explain why it is basic features can't be provided. Are people reinventing the freaking wheel here?!?!?


Its only been a year since the new motion sensor has been released . . .


Which leads to the final question: This new motion sensor is supposed to support 16 other features. When are these features going to be provided and supported???


1,3, 10 years???


I've posed the same question to the Beta team with the various team leads over the course of a year. There has been zero response to any of these basic queries!!! That makes the entire Alpha / Beta program useless, waste of time, and pointless. This new VC guy who purchased Smartlabs needs to fire the lot of them and start from scratch.

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I wouldn't necessarily blame the workers. With what you describe, that's more of a leadership issue. Whether it's lack of support, direction, or resources, employees can only succeed in their own but so much.


This sell didn't happen overnight. I'm sure something's came from the unknown. Not an excuse but I've seen buyouts where things end up in limbo for some time before and after the sale.


With that said, I'd like to see the new company take a moment to regroup, truly learn the business. Whatever path they decide to choose, I'd like to see them focused on that as Insteon hasn't had direction in quite sometime. Things felt more like they threw ideas against the wall to see what sticks. I'd like their developers get the support and resources they need to succeed. Only then can we get a true understanding of their capabilities and skills.


Personally I think Insteon has good people. They simply lack direction and support. To me, it feels like great ideas that always stop short of being phenomenal. Take the siren for example. For a few cents more, they could have included many more features such as custom tones, volume, etc. Yet settled on a piece of tape to lower the volume. That's just 1 case but there are a multitude of others. Using that as my example, that's not weak employees but employees given little resources

Edited by lilyoyo1
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I wouldn't necessarily blame the workers. With what you describe, that's more of a leadership issue. Whether it's lack of support, direction, or resources, employees can only succeed in their own but so much.


This sell didn't happen overnight. I'm sure something's came from the unknown. Not an excuse but I've seen buyouts where things end up in limbo for some time before and after the sale.


With that said, I'd like to see the new company take a moment to regroup, truly learn the business. Whatever path they decide to choose, I'd like to see them focused on that as Insteon hasn't had direction in quite sometime. Things felt more like they threw ideas against the wall to see what sticks. I'd like their developers get the support and resources they need to succeed. Only then can we get a true understanding of their capabilities and skills.


Personally I think Insteon has good people. They simply lack direction and support. To me, it feels like great ideas that always stop short of being phenomenal. Take the siren for example. For a few cents more, they could have included many more features such as custom tones, volume, etc. Yet settled on a piece of tape to lower the volume. That's just 1 case but there are a multitude of others. Using that as my example, that's not weak employees but employees given little resources


LOL . . .


I through a rant out and you come back with calm, cool, and collected!!! Great steal my fire and roll with it ~ I love it. Regardless, on many points I do agree and not to broad brush everyone who does work in Smartlabs. There were a few really great folks who offered great insight, help, and follow up support.


What I can say is the 3rd party *Off Shore* technical support is a utter fail. Dealing with East Indians for more than 35 years in the tech support role from Dell, Microsoft, Cisco, the list is endless. Has always be a disaster and this falls squarely on Managements insistence of pushing down costs.


3rd world nations that have a feeble grasp of the English language is a fail. Their technical prowess is even less than fail but results in endless call backs, poor customer satisfaction, and loss of future sales for the parent company. Having personally worked, trained, and forced to coach these $0.05 employee's is waste of oxygen.


Anyways, back on point: I would very much like to see the latest motion sensor have 100% support in all aspects which includes the 16 options stated in the API!!!

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I do agree with the tech support (thank God I don't have to call them. Personally you shouldn't either, you're too advanced). I get saving money but tech support shouldn't be offshored. Basic things such as simple orders, rma's stock questions can be done, but troubleshooting the intricate details of insteon are far to complex even for the avg person to add language barrier to the equation

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Having dealt with two of their *latest* Developers who just so happens to be off shore.


They / He is a fail!!! If I ever hear another soul utter the words: Do the needful! I'll crawl through that telephone line and crush them! ☝️



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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It's the new industry standard. "Dreamware"


You put out a product telling the potential buyer hows wonderful it is but don't actually state any actual features.

The customer has to look at the box or advertising and dream what the brag means, conjuring up all kinds of features in their heads.


How does this help the manufacturer?

- Features are not nailed down. They can put a product on the shelves, years before the firmware is stable. After all, they didn't actually state  that feature was there...they implied it and the customer dreamed it.

- customers always dream higher features and quality than exists.

- The box can be created for the product without Engineering people having any limitations

- Hopefully the product will have better or different features than expected,  until the firmware writing company was decided upon and contracted  to do it. Just look at the manual in the box....

......"For more information than connecting to a 120vac source properly , see www.dreamware.com"

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  • 2 months later...

I've added several 2844-222 Motion Sensors to an ISY 994i running firmware and UI 4.6.2. However, the ISY doesn't allow setting the various parameters, only the default is possible--unless you have access to an Insteon Hub. Duration, sensitivity, etc. can be set using the Hub and remain in place after adding the MS to the ISY

Edited by stusviews
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  • 1 month later...

All I need at this point is basic motion detection so I can control lights and send notifications.  Based on what I have read it sounds like I should be able to link my 2844-222 to ISY with 4.6.2.  I have a R3.1 3017 version of the sensor.  I have tried both start linking and New Insteon Device.  The start linking writes to the various devices but no new device shows up.  The new device where I enter the address, fails with unable to determine the engine with Auto Discover.  There is no 2844-222 device in the drop down, but there is a 2842-222. 


How are people getting the isy to link with the 2844-222?

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