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Purchasing a new PLM


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Nope, you're good. I waited for one of these specials to purchase my backup PLM a few years ago.



Are these the PLM's that supposedly have had the under-powered caps fixed on or are they clearing out the old inventory?


Anyone know the exact version number that supposedly is fixed?

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Are these the PLM's that supposedly have had the under-powered caps fixed on or are they clearing out the old inventory?


Anyone know the exact version number that supposedly is fixed?

Wish I knew this might be old inventory. I went ahead and purchased the $199 zwave isy & plm from smarthome. Still cheaper even though I will have to pay to return the other items.

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When I bought my backup on 5/16/16, it was a current manufacturing run, only a few weeks old. The sticker indicates that it was manufactured in the 17th Week of 2016. (April 25th - May 1st)




The low price is more of a "keep your eyeballs on amazon" tactic, and not pushing old product. I guess the learning is wait for May to buy a backup PLM.


"Should it be a fixed version?" Yes. My understanding is that it was 2.2

"Is it fixed?".. great question and depends on when the first 2.2 versions were installed and the 2 year failure clock is started.


My current PLM (not the backup mentioned above), which was a 'refurb', is about on its 3rd birthday.



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It may depend on if it is an Amazon sold and fulfilled or an Amazon Marketplace Store.

I got mine from Amazon sold and fulfilled. It was a hardware 2.3 with a very recent Date Code. I believe it was a few dollars more than the one in your link. Though the Amazon prices seem to side up and down on a daily basis.

I can't say if the Marketplace has the latest hardware revisions.


I know in the Smarthome reviews of the PLM. They indicated 2.3 had a fix for a component they found was a problem.

I know my 2.3 has a ESD rated RS232 IC on the Daughter Board while my 2.1 has an ST232 on it.

Caps where the same brand but C7 and C13 are now 100uF 50 volt laying flat on the board with component glue holding them from moving. As they where large to go vertical. While my 2.1 where 100uF 35 volt.


Depending on the age of your old one. It may have the original C7 and C13 of 10uF/35 Volt. They later went to 100Uf/35 volt. Now 100uF/ 50 volt. Yes there have been incremental changes as the revisions where made.


I believe it ends tonight at 11:59 PM PDT.

There is a 20% off sale on Insteon modules new and refurbished. I did see the 2413S PLM on the sales page for the 20% sale.

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The first two digits represent the year of the firmware, the second pair is the week. And yes, 2 years is the predicted lifespan, more or less. Keep in mind that this is only the reported failure. No one posts about older PLMs that haven't failed B)

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OP here. I just received my $40 PLM. V2.2


What does 1629 mean? Is this a "good" PLM? Worthy keeping for a backup?


BTW, what is the 2 year "failure clock"? Is that just how long you expect these to last plugged in 247/?


Week 29 of 2016

The failure clock is while powered. Reports usually show anytime after two years and a few months. Some users have had over three years it varies.

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Week 29 of 2016

The failure clock is while powered. Reports usually show anytime after two years and a few months. Some users have had over three years it varies.

That is just shy of 1 year ago.  The question is . . . when did they make the fixes that supposedly take care of the power supply issue?

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I don't remember seeing any official statement from Smarthome or Smartlabs on the power supply issue corrections.

I know V2.1 had C7 and C13 changed to 100uF/35V.

My V2.3 Date Code 4216 changed C7 and C13 to 100uF/50 volts and they are horizontal stuck to the PCB with some component glue. Due to size maybe.


I did see in the Reviews section for the 2413S. Smarthome said they had found a problem component and it was changed in V2.3.

I also vaguely remember when the 2413S was back ordered and the serial chip on the daughter board was mentioned.

The V2.3 no longer has the ST232 RS232 interface chip. It is now a TI MAX232E. With IEC61000-4-2 Protection.

Could be just a prats availability thing or was an issue.

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